Help choosing TT

Posts: 5,423
edited April 2012 in Electronics
I bought a used Sony PS-LX410 a couple years ago when I started getting into vinyl. Didn't want to make too big an investment on a new hobby. Two years later, 250+ albums and a nitty gritty...I figure its time to upgrade.

My budget is about $700 including cart (I know that limits my options)

Local dealer has the Rega RP1 with performance pack (better cart, drive belt and mat) for $650.

Would I be better off going with the RP1 new or something used?

P.S. I would prefer to buy new, but am flexible if a much better sound can be had in the same price range.

Thanks all,
2 ChannelTurntable - VPI Classic 2/Ortofon 2M BlueAmplification - Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II, Parks Audio Budgie PhonoSpeakers - GoldenEar Triton 17.2 Home TheaterDenon AVR-X3300W; Rotel RMB-1066; Klipsch RP-280F's, Klipsch RP-450C, Polk FXi3's, Polk RC60i; Dual SVS PB 2000's; BenQ HT2050; Elite Screens 120"Man CaveTurntable - Pro-Ject 2.9 Wood/Grado GoldAmplification - Dared SL2000a, McCormack DNA 0.5 DeluxeCD: Cambridge AudioSpeakers - Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary; LSiM 703; SDA 2A
Post edited by hochpt21 on


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  • Posts: 34,193
    edited March 2012
    The nice thing about buying new is that you get a deck with fresh, unused (i.e., unabused) bearings.
    The Rega is a decent deck (albeit not without its detractors) with a good arm.

    You could get a much better tt for that kind of money used... but you also have to be very careful - or very lucky - to get one that is in really good working order given the high-tolerance/high precision moving parts.

    Safest course of action is buying new with tts, I'd opine.

    That said, I found my daily driver on the "swap pile" at our town dump....
  • Posts: 13,098
    edited March 2012
    It depends....I mean, I probably wouldn't hesitate to get a used (later model) VPI, Rega etc, presuming you could pick it up it person or they have seriously good feedback and the original boxes/packing. I would stay away from really vintage (ie more than a decade) gear.

    Personally, I'd save your pennies and try to get a little farther up the food chain.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • Posts: 34,193
    edited March 2012
    TroyD wrote: »

    Personally, I'd save your pennies and try to get a little farther up the food chain.

    Indeed. I'd concur (in fact, I meant to mention that)... unfortunately, for under $1k spent on a new production tt, what you'll get is kind of nominal. I guess this could be taken as an argument to go used in the interim.

    FWIW, I don't categorically agree with the admonition to "stay away from really vintage (i.e., more than a decade [old]) gear"... but one certainly has to be very careful of "wear and tear" issues on truly vintage turntables when selecting a used one. And here's a piece of free advice - DON'T EVER buy a used turntable under circumstances that will require its being shipped! Yes, there are some folks who understand how to properly pack one - but the odds are so not in one's favor that the safest course of action is just don't even THINK about doing it. Support the local economy! :-)

    Oh, and this an attempted artsy shot of my dump-find daily driver... yes I have a much nicer (and far more expensive) Clearaudio (OEM for Marantz) tt - but I don't care for the sound of the CA cartridge that it came with... and the LOMC I am using in the Technics is very low compliance and quite unsuitable for the rather low-mass CA arm on the Marantz.

  • Posts: 5,423
    edited March 2012
    Thanks for the advice guys. I havn't heard any of them yet, but over the phone he recommended the RP3. That would be about $400 over my price range right now, but maybe somehting worth going for.

    This is a little embarrasing but here is the main reason for my urge to act now. When I got the TT I just plugged it in and started playing it as is. I had some old MTX speakers and a Sony receiver. As I have been slowly upgrading equipment and listening skills I noticed some, I believe it's called sibilance.

    This made me take a closer look at the TT. I attemped to balance the arm by using a youtube video and realized that even with the weight pushed all the way back the arm wouldn't balance. My thought is the grado black cart is too heavy. I now fear that I may be damaging the vinyl.

    With that said, it may be an easy fix, but I would rather upgrade tables anyway.

    I know there is a lot to learn about setting and maintaining tables, but I figure if I buy new, at least there should be limited maintenance for a while...
    2 ChannelTurntable - VPI Classic 2/Ortofon 2M BlueAmplification - Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II, Parks Audio Budgie PhonoSpeakers - GoldenEar Triton 17.2 Home TheaterDenon AVR-X3300W; Rotel RMB-1066; Klipsch RP-280F's, Klipsch RP-450C, Polk FXi3's, Polk RC60i; Dual SVS PB 2000's; BenQ HT2050; Elite Screens 120"Man CaveTurntable - Pro-Ject 2.9 Wood/Grado GoldAmplification - Dared SL2000a, McCormack DNA 0.5 DeluxeCD: Cambridge AudioSpeakers - Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary; LSiM 703; SDA 2A
  • Posts: 13,098
    edited March 2012
    I agree, I wouldn't categorically eliminate vintage...but, it would REALLY be a statistical abberation.

    Don't know anything about your table or cartridge but if you are worried, don't use it. Take it to someone who knows what they are doing.

    I get the whole sense of urgency thing, I'm the poster child for instant gratification.....I mean, between nothing and nothing, sure the Rega RP1 is plug and play and will give you decent playback. However, I still would be patient. A few more pesos will yield sound that will carry you through MANY upgrade cycles.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • Posts: 3,566
    edited March 2012
    I've also been considering upgrading my TT & am looking in the same price range as you. Many of the authorized online sellers will negotiate on price. My leading candidate right now is the Music Hall mmf-5.1 with the magic 3 cart. I've been quoted a price of $700 including shipping from an authorized seller. IMHO, this table would be a big step up from a Rega RP1 even with the upgrades. PM me if you want more info on the seller.

  • Posts: 34,193
    edited March 2012
    hochpt21 wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice guys. I havn't heard any of them yet, but over the phone he recommended the RP3. That would be about $400 over my price range right now, but maybe somehting worth going for.

    This is a little embarrasing but here is the main reason for my urge to act now. When I got the TT I just plugged it in and started playing it as is. I had some old MTX speakers and a Sony receiver. As I have been slowly upgrading equipment and listening skills I noticed some, I believe it's called sibilance.

    This made me take a closer look at the TT. I attemped to balance the arm by using a youtube video and realized that even with the weight pushed all the way back the arm wouldn't balance. My thought is the grado black cart is too heavy. I now fear that I may be damaging the vinyl.

    With that said, it may be an easy fix, but I would rather upgrade tables anyway.

    I know there is a lot to learn about setting and maintaining tables, but I figure if I buy new, at least there should be limited maintenance for a while...

    1) the "three" is definitely better.

    2) something's amiss if you cannot balance a Grado Black. That Sony's a P-mount, isn't it? If so, there's a standard for the cartridge mass - a P-mount Grado should meet it and require minimal adjustment (in fact, it shouldn't require any).

    EDIT: FWIW, the service manual for the PS-LX310 (which appears to be -?- very similar to the 410) is available for free d/l at (free registration required to download stuff). The manual includes detailed instructions to balance and adjust VTF for this P-mount arm.
  • Posts: 8,554
    edited March 2012
    Hi Paul. I agree with being careful buying used. It is helpful to have a speed checker and run the arm through a neutral balance swing and bob test to check the tone arm bearings. To get higher in the food chain I have bought many used or dealer demo tables.

    Where are you located in Wisconsin? One of our Rockford Audio Society members is selling a nice Pro-Ject 2.9 with Sumiko Blue Point No2 cartridge. This is a picture of the actual table. I can put the two of you in touch if you are interested.


    My affiliation is being a good friend. Reason for sale is he bought my Nottingham Space 294 turntable with Dynavector 17D3 cartridge. He is located near the border in Rockton, IL.
    Salk SoundScape 8's * Audio Research Reference 3 * Bottlehead Eros Phono * Park's Audio Budgie SUT * Krell KSA-250 * Harmonic Technology Pro 9+ * Signature Series Sonore Music Server w/Deux PS * Roon * Gustard R26 DAC / Singxer SU-6 DDC * Heavy Plinth Lenco L75 Idler Drive * AA MG-1 Linear Air Bearing Arm * AT33PTG/II & Denon 103R * Richard Gray 600S * NHT B-12d subs * GIK Acoustic Treatments * Sennheiser HD650 *
  • Posts: 8,554
    edited March 2012
    I've only had one problem with someone shipping an old turntable. This Kenwood was from from an ebay seller. This was after I questioned their "well packed." I asked and was assured that the platter would be removed before shipping. The platter was removed....only during shipping which damaged the tonearm. Usually a loose platter takes out the dust cover as well. Fortunately I only needed the electronics to repair a CP forum friends table.


    Salk SoundScape 8's * Audio Research Reference 3 * Bottlehead Eros Phono * Park's Audio Budgie SUT * Krell KSA-250 * Harmonic Technology Pro 9+ * Signature Series Sonore Music Server w/Deux PS * Roon * Gustard R26 DAC / Singxer SU-6 DDC * Heavy Plinth Lenco L75 Idler Drive * AA MG-1 Linear Air Bearing Arm * AT33PTG/II & Denon 103R * Richard Gray 600S * NHT B-12d subs * GIK Acoustic Treatments * Sennheiser HD650 *
  • Posts: 6,082
    edited March 2012
    A little over your budget

    If you was to go this way I have the Mint Tractor and USB microscope to align the cart.

    This TT and Cart would be hard to beat for $1200 and I bet $1000 could get it.
    Speakers: SDA-1C (most all the goodies)
    Preamp: Joule Electra LA-150 MKII SE
    Amp: Wright WPA 50-50 EAT KT88s
    Analog: Marantz TT-15S1 MBS Glider SL| Wright WPP100C Amperex BB 6er5 and 7316 & WPM-100 SUT
    Digital: Mac mini 2.3GHz dual-core i5 8g RAM 1.5 TB HDD Music Server Amarra (memory play) - USB - W4S DAC 2
    Cables: Mits S3 IC and Spk cables| PS Audio PCs
  • Posts: 5,423
    edited March 2012
    That would be awesome. I am about 2 hours from the border.

    I'll send you a pm.
    2 ChannelTurntable - VPI Classic 2/Ortofon 2M BlueAmplification - Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II, Parks Audio Budgie PhonoSpeakers - GoldenEar Triton 17.2 Home TheaterDenon AVR-X3300W; Rotel RMB-1066; Klipsch RP-280F's, Klipsch RP-450C, Polk FXi3's, Polk RC60i; Dual SVS PB 2000's; BenQ HT2050; Elite Screens 120"Man CaveTurntable - Pro-Ject 2.9 Wood/Grado GoldAmplification - Dared SL2000a, McCormack DNA 0.5 DeluxeCD: Cambridge AudioSpeakers - Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary; LSiM 703; SDA 2A
  • Posts: 13,284
    edited March 2012
    I had a Technics TT shipped to me by a fellow Polkie from coast to coast. He did an absolutely "amazing" job of securing and packing the table--took me 15-20 minutes to free the table from its packing and remove all the tape, etc. that was, literally, locking everything into place. That was a couple of years ago or more. The TT is still working flawlessly. But then again it was an auto Direct Drive Quartz lock.

    I actually received a cheapo table for light use in my basement with a vintage system I'm putting together, today. Nothing special. Certainly, nothing a TT aficionado would approve of. The table arrived double boxed, the outer box had over 2-3" of foam on all 6 sides. With the exception of having to reset the tone arm weight, it seems to be up and running. Probably needs a new needle, though.The point being, that you "can" ship an old table and it can play well enough.

    Not to take away from the esoteric realms of TTs, but when us baby-boomers were spinning endless amounts of vinyl back in the day, few of us knew that much about wear and tear, tables, cartridges, needles, tracking, rumble, and so on. Many of us had some cheapo BSR unit that played (probably grinding away at our vinyl surfaces and ruining our LPs but we didn't notice--we were too "young" and reckless--and also too "poor" to run with the elite squadron of vinyl spinners--but they didn't buy most of the records either--weren't that important to the music industry).

    These days. I read all this info about tracking, mounting, protractors, calibrating, on and on...makes me feel like I should go back to school and get an advanced degree in TTs. lol (I already have too many degrees).

    I'm certainly not saying that all that does not make a difference. (But what tedium! And that from someone who's familiar with languages which are mostly learned through rote memorization--not unlike organic chem, there)!

    I have "so" many things to remember at this point that I need a grey matter "upgrade". And you know that's not going to happen because brain cells are dying off every day! Age!

    So I'm leaving vinyl to those who still have some storage capacity left and, of course, the money.

    I remember a story about a Philosophy Prof. at my Alma mater (Morris Cohen), of whom it was said, "He had an incredible "memory" before his "stroke"!

    Currently orbiting Bowie's Blackstar.!

    Polk Lsi-7s, Def Tech 8" sub, HK 3490, HK HD 990 (CDP/DAC), AKG Q701s
    [sig. changed on a monthly basis as I rotate in and out of my stash]
  • Posts: 5,423
    edited March 2012
    Yea, I don't want to sound lazy, but with work, family, etc. I probably already spend to much time on my audio equipment. I basically want a TT that sounds better that what I got, and one that I won't have to mess around too much with. Is that too much to ask.:wink:
    2 ChannelTurntable - VPI Classic 2/Ortofon 2M BlueAmplification - Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II, Parks Audio Budgie PhonoSpeakers - GoldenEar Triton 17.2 Home TheaterDenon AVR-X3300W; Rotel RMB-1066; Klipsch RP-280F's, Klipsch RP-450C, Polk FXi3's, Polk RC60i; Dual SVS PB 2000's; BenQ HT2050; Elite Screens 120"Man CaveTurntable - Pro-Ject 2.9 Wood/Grado GoldAmplification - Dared SL2000a, McCormack DNA 0.5 DeluxeCD: Cambridge AudioSpeakers - Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary; LSiM 703; SDA 2A
  • Posts: 3,566
    edited March 2012
    Not at all. That's where I'm at. Had a p-mount Sony linear tracker growing up. Now 20+ years later I & still don't feel like messing with set-up BS. Just want to plug in & go & get great sound. Yeah, I know that comes at a premium, so be it...
  • Posts: 12,434
    edited March 2012
    I have a turntable for high end audio but picked up one of these because I sometimes get into old 45's and 78's. I figured it would be fine for that and has lots of adjustability for speeds (78's are all over the place as far as speed they were recorded at).

    After getting it and playing around for awhile I find it to be a fine turntable, even for 33's in a high end system. Its build quality is WAY beyond anything for $500 and the tone arm is great for that price. The tone arm is really its limiting factor, the build of the rest of the table is awesome. The arm isn't garbage or anything, I'm just used to an SME arm which puts most things to shame. I personally would buy this model if I needed something under $1500 for use as my main table. The cartridge works ok but should be upgraded. Plus, Mapleshade makes all sorts of tweaks for this table. I am incredibly impressed with this table for $500, it should cost much more.
    Vinyl, the final frontier...

    Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want... :D
  • Posts: 12,434
    edited March 2012
    Oh, and the mat needs to be replaced with something reasonable, if only a felt replacement.
    Vinyl, the final frontier...

    Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want... :D
  • Posts: 13,284
    edited March 2012
    That looks like a nice TT. Seems like an almost clone of something like a Technics SL 1200MKII or the like. Probably well worth the money "new".

    Well, I just found out that the Phono section of my Sansui AU-517 is faulty the other day. The Left channel is Popping corn, the right is clean. Tested the TT on an old Pioneer SX 838 (no problems whatsoever).

    So far my journey into the nostalgic past seems to suggest that vintage Receivers hold up FAR better than vintage Integrateds. Almost every integrated I've had from Sansui to Kenwood has crapped out on me, where as most all of my receivers have had, at best, only "minor" problems, and most--none at all! What's up with that?

    Anyway, the Stanton seems like an excellent buy!

    Currently orbiting Bowie's Blackstar.!

    Polk Lsi-7s, Def Tech 8" sub, HK 3490, HK HD 990 (CDP/DAC), AKG Q701s
    [sig. changed on a monthly basis as I rotate in and out of my stash]
  • Posts: 12,434
    edited March 2012
    Don't go too much from the factory photos. When I ordered mine I though it would be junky looking, its not. I'll see if I have any pics.

    I've picked up several integrateds and have also found they are often problematic.
    Vinyl, the final frontier...

    Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want... :D
  • Posts: 8,554
    edited March 2012
    I have a 4 speed manual shift, 16 to 78.:cheesygrin: My heavy plinth idler drive Lenco L75.

    Salk SoundScape 8's * Audio Research Reference 3 * Bottlehead Eros Phono * Park's Audio Budgie SUT * Krell KSA-250 * Harmonic Technology Pro 9+ * Signature Series Sonore Music Server w/Deux PS * Roon * Gustard R26 DAC / Singxer SU-6 DDC * Heavy Plinth Lenco L75 Idler Drive * AA MG-1 Linear Air Bearing Arm * AT33PTG/II & Denon 103R * Richard Gray 600S * NHT B-12d subs * GIK Acoustic Treatments * Sennheiser HD650 *
  • Posts: 89
    edited March 2012
    i use 2 technics SL1200MKII for the living room and one for the bedroom. both have Shure M-447 cartridges and technics headshells. i think they work and sound great. bought the pair of TT's for $450 and dropped $144 for the pair of cartridges and headshells preassembled.

    really happy with it.
    My Living Room
    2 Channel
    source > Sony DA555ES >
    Kenwood GE-74 > Marantz SR4400 > Rotel RB980BX > Polk SDA2.
    Pioneer VSX-D909S > Carver TFM-25 > Polk SDA1c.
    Pioneer Elite VSX-99 > PSB imageB25.
    Marantz 2226 > Polk SDA CRS.
    Yamaha RX-V690 > Velodyne Servo F1000.
    Home Theater
    source > Onkyo TX-DS898 > B&W CC6 (center), B&W DM603, B&W DM601, B&W Rock Solid (rears), B&W AS6.
    source > Pioneer Elite VSX-92TXH> ML Quest, B&W DM600 (center), B&W DM601 (rears), Velodyne Servo F1000.
  • Posts: 5,423
    edited March 2012

    Today, I purchased the TT in Post #9. Thanks for the assist, Scomp. The guy was super cool and drove the TT 2 hours for me to test out in my system. He even gave me five albums to go with it.

    Limited listening today, but so far I am very happy with the upgrade. I used my usual reference material. Pink Floyd...Meddle. Buddy Guy and Jr. Wells acoustic album and some Pieta Brown. A bigger, fuller more open sound. Much more defined as well. Better separation of the instruments. I know none of this is a big surprise considering the old Sony I was using before, but hey, just thought I'd share.

    Anyways...really liking the sound and really liking the look.

    Thanks for all the input.

    2 ChannelTurntable - VPI Classic 2/Ortofon 2M BlueAmplification - Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II, Parks Audio Budgie PhonoSpeakers - GoldenEar Triton 17.2 Home TheaterDenon AVR-X3300W; Rotel RMB-1066; Klipsch RP-280F's, Klipsch RP-450C, Polk FXi3's, Polk RC60i; Dual SVS PB 2000's; BenQ HT2050; Elite Screens 120"Man CaveTurntable - Pro-Ject 2.9 Wood/Grado GoldAmplification - Dared SL2000a, McCormack DNA 0.5 DeluxeCD: Cambridge AudioSpeakers - Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary; LSiM 703; SDA 2A
  • Posts: 34,193
    edited March 2012
    Do you have a good sounding pressing of Meddle?!? The two I have are both crackly - and I have been told that this is endemic to most (at least domestic) pressings of the album... a dang shame, for Fearless is my favorite-est of all-est Pink Floyd song :-) It'd be nice to have a good sounding copy on vinyl.

    Oh, glad that the tt worked out! :-)
  • Posts: 5,423
    edited March 2012
    I guess I haven't heard anything that sounds crackly on it. Not sure if it is a domestic pressing or not, but it sure sounds good to me.
    2 ChannelTurntable - VPI Classic 2/Ortofon 2M BlueAmplification - Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II, Parks Audio Budgie PhonoSpeakers - GoldenEar Triton 17.2 Home TheaterDenon AVR-X3300W; Rotel RMB-1066; Klipsch RP-280F's, Klipsch RP-450C, Polk FXi3's, Polk RC60i; Dual SVS PB 2000's; BenQ HT2050; Elite Screens 120"Man CaveTurntable - Pro-Ject 2.9 Wood/Grado GoldAmplification - Dared SL2000a, McCormack DNA 0.5 DeluxeCD: Cambridge AudioSpeakers - Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary; LSiM 703; SDA 2A
  • Posts: 8,554
    edited March 2012
    hochpt21 wrote: »
    Thanks for the assist, Scomp.

    Most excellent! Glad it worked out for both of you Paul. Rob is top notch and proof that buying used does work with the right people whom take care of their gear. He has thousands of LP's in his listening room and is a music guru in our group. I don't go with him often, but we love to shop for used music up in Madison and Milwaukee. (It is near a four hour round trip for me to and from his place). Lots of fun and Milwaukee is a great place to spend the day in.

    Salk SoundScape 8's * Audio Research Reference 3 * Bottlehead Eros Phono * Park's Audio Budgie SUT * Krell KSA-250 * Harmonic Technology Pro 9+ * Signature Series Sonore Music Server w/Deux PS * Roon * Gustard R26 DAC / Singxer SU-6 DDC * Heavy Plinth Lenco L75 Idler Drive * AA MG-1 Linear Air Bearing Arm * AT33PTG/II & Denon 103R * Richard Gray 600S * NHT B-12d subs * GIK Acoustic Treatments * Sennheiser HD650 *
  • Posts: 34,193
    edited March 2012
    hochpt21 wrote: »
    I guess I haven't heard anything that sounds crackly on it. Not sure if it is a domestic pressing or not, but it sure sounds good to me.

    Post a photo of the LP's label (if you can and if you're so inclined), please. Also, what information is scratched into the "deadwax" (the "lead-out" groove area)?
  • Posts: 25,253
    edited March 2012
    hochpt21 wrote: »

    Today, I purchased the TT in Post #9. Thanks for the assist, Scomp. The guy was super cool and drove the TT 2 hours for me to test out in my system. He even gave me five albums to go with it.

    Limited listening today, but so far I am very happy with the upgrade. I used my usual reference material. Pink Floyd...Meddle. Buddy Guy and Jr. Wells acoustic album and some Pieta Brown. A bigger, fuller more open sound. Much more defined as well. Better separation of the instruments. I know none of this is a big surprise considering the old Sony I was using before, but hey, just thought I'd share.

    Anyways...really liking the sound and really liking the look.

    Thanks for all the input.


    Rob is a great guy and I have heard that TT many times. I was originally thinking about buying it at the very beginning when he bought Rich's Nottingham, but I just decided it wouldn't get much use. Enjoy!

    "Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Puritan Audio PSM136 Pwr Condtioner & Classic PC's | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node3 - Tubes add soul!
  • Posts: 12,434
    edited March 2012
    Congrats on finding your table!
    Vinyl, the final frontier...

    Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want... :D
  • Posts: 5,423
    edited March 2012
    mhardy6647 wrote: »
    Post a photo of the LP's label (if you can and if you're so inclined), please. Also, what information is scratched into the "deadwax" (the "lead-out" groove area)?

    Deadwax on side 1...STEREO BY CAPITOL...SMAS-2-832-F-22
    Deadwax on side 2...1-832-H-19
    2 ChannelTurntable - VPI Classic 2/Ortofon 2M BlueAmplification - Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II, Parks Audio Budgie PhonoSpeakers - GoldenEar Triton 17.2 Home TheaterDenon AVR-X3300W; Rotel RMB-1066; Klipsch RP-280F's, Klipsch RP-450C, Polk FXi3's, Polk RC60i; Dual SVS PB 2000's; BenQ HT2050; Elite Screens 120"Man CaveTurntable - Pro-Ject 2.9 Wood/Grado GoldAmplification - Dared SL2000a, McCormack DNA 0.5 DeluxeCD: Cambridge AudioSpeakers - Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary; LSiM 703; SDA 2A
  • Posts: 34,193
    edited March 2012
    Thanks! Helpful. THat's much older than the two copies I have.
  • Posts: 5,423
    edited March 2012
    Here are a couple pics of my new crush.

    TT4.jpg 511.7K
    TT1.jpg 515.6K
    2 ChannelTurntable - VPI Classic 2/Ortofon 2M BlueAmplification - Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II, Parks Audio Budgie PhonoSpeakers - GoldenEar Triton 17.2 Home TheaterDenon AVR-X3300W; Rotel RMB-1066; Klipsch RP-280F's, Klipsch RP-450C, Polk FXi3's, Polk RC60i; Dual SVS PB 2000's; BenQ HT2050; Elite Screens 120"Man CaveTurntable - Pro-Ject 2.9 Wood/Grado GoldAmplification - Dared SL2000a, McCormack DNA 0.5 DeluxeCD: Cambridge AudioSpeakers - Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary; LSiM 703; SDA 2A


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