


  • reeltrouble1
    reeltrouble1 Posts: 9,312
    edited June 2012
    I am with Assimilated on this one. I went to see it in 3D with my grandson, he didn't really care for it either. I just dont think it had a great story line and would say it was "OK" but just did not live up to what I was expecting, of course that is my expectation. Especially for the 23.00 bucks, as a blu-ray in the home theater sure, I will give another try, maybe I just ate bad popcorn and bon-bons.

  • chumlie
    chumlie Posts: 8,658
    edited August 2012
    Lookin like a sequel is in the works. '' The Hollywood Reporter says that Ridly Scott and the studio actively are pushing ahead with a follow up. ''
  • whitecamaross
    whitecamaross Posts: 219
    edited August 2012
    yes, the sequel is in the works. HOpefully it wont disapoint
  • scottyboy76
    scottyboy76 Posts: 2,905
    edited October 2012
    Deb and I watched it last night.

    She was not going to watch it, thought it was just typical sci-fi gore and predictable scares.

    We both really enjoyed it, Ridley Scott hit it just right, much like 2001, but was original enough.
    humpty dumpty was pushed
  • HTguru1982
    HTguru1982 Posts: 1,066
    edited October 2012
    I've watched it twice so far on blu ray and gotta say, for me, it's probably the best sci fi film of the last 10 years. Not since the original Matrix have I been so stoked to see a film again and delve right into the extras. Like most classic science fiction, it's very open ended and leaves a lot to interpretation. Hopefully they don't screw up the sequels like they did with The Matrix follow-ups.
    Display: Sony 42" LCD
    Sources: Harman Kardon DVD-27,
    Panasonic DMP-BDT110 blu ray player
    AVR: Sony STR-DA2400ES
    Amps: Sonance Sonamp 260(fronts),
    Kenwood KM-894(surrounds)
    Fronts: NHT 2.5
    Center: NHT VS-1.2A
    Surrounds: NHT Super One
    Subwoofer: SVS PB10-ISD
  • gigbyt
    gigbyt Posts: 145
    edited October 2012
    its next in my cue at netflix cant wait
  • jaf09
    jaf09 Posts: 48
    edited October 2012
    Alright people you got me interested, now i am going to have to see it!
  • BlueFox
    BlueFox Posts: 15,251
    edited October 2012
    Is the iTune version Bluray quality in both picture and sound? Personally, I have the BR, and have watched it 3 times since last weekend.
    Lumin X1 file player, Westminster Labs interconnect cable
    Sony XA-5400ES SACD; Pass XP-22 pre; X600.5 amps
    Magico S5 MKII Mcast Rose speakers; SPOD spikes

    Shunyata Triton v3/Typhon QR on source, Denali 2000 (2) on amps
    Shunyata Sigma XLR analog ICs, Sigma speaker cables
    Shunyata Sigma HC (2), Sigma Analog, Sigma Digital, Z Anaconda (3) power cables

    Mapleshade Samson V.3 four shelf solid maple rack, Micropoint brass footers
    Three 20 amp circuits.
  • chumlie
    chumlie Posts: 8,658
    edited October 2012
    Its a keeper. Buy it IMO.
  • scottyboy76
    scottyboy76 Posts: 2,905
    edited October 2012
    You have good taste sal.

    gotta admit, ridley scott is right there with the coens as far as looking forward to their releases.

    Speaking of which, what the hell is takin them so long.
    humpty dumpty was pushed
  • Devlon
    Devlon Posts: 355
    edited October 2012
    What a disappointment. Big Aliens fan here so I expected it to be at least as good as those movies. Only a few scenes made you connect it with the Aliens movies at all. Poorly developed. Had the potential to be so much better, but it just never got there.
    Living Room: HK AVR 354 as pre/pro, 2 x Polk Audio Micropro 4000, Adcom GFA-7500, 2 x Mirage OMD-15
    2 x Mirage OMD-5, 1 x Mirage OMD-C1, APC H15, Sony S790, Philips 52" LCD, Beogram 3000, FAT (Firestone Audio Tobby DAC), Harmony One

    Den: Sherwood R-972,as pre/pro, 2 x Velodyne SPL-1000R, 3 x Crown Drivecore XLS1500, 2 x Polk Audio Lsi9
    1 x Polk Audio Lsic, 2 x Polk Audio Lsifx, Sony S790, APC H15, Dspeaker Dual Core 2.0, W4S DAC 2, Keces DA-151
  • polkfarmboy
    polkfarmboy Posts: 5,703
    edited October 2012
    Disagree with you strongly Devlon, for me this could not have been a better prequel to aliens. My wife watched and never even knew it was anything to do with aliens till the very end lol. This movie gives you lots to think about and wonder
  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,228
    edited October 2012
    As the story unfolded , I was totally in. The concept of finding out how we where made , born or started is fascinating. The question Is their life out there? Then finding out the 2 are one in the same is what I loved about this movie.
    Now the way they went about it , the way they handled getting such news was very poor IMO. Then the ending of the movie was totally stupid and ruined the entire movie for me.
    I'm gonna rent it and see if it's better then 2nd time around. I saw in the theater and left with very mixed feelings.
    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • rromeo923
    rromeo923 Posts: 1,513
    edited October 2012
    I watched it last night. Pretty good movie. Wouldnt run to go out and buy it though. I thought Avatar to be a much better movie. IMO
    I got static in my head
    The reflected sound of everything
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    edited October 2012
    Devlon wrote: »
    Poorly developed. Had the potential to be so much better, but it just never got there.

    Bingo.....sums it up nicely.
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • audiocr381ve
    audiocr381ve Posts: 2,588
    edited October 2012
    tonyb wrote: »
    Bingo.....sums it up nicely.

    +1. I thought it was super lame. Charlize, the Captain, just terrible roles for them both.
  • scottyboy76
    scottyboy76 Posts: 2,905
    edited October 2012
    Although i liked the movie, I have to agree theron is not my favorite actor.
    humpty dumpty was pushed
  • vadang
    vadang Posts: 101
    edited November 2012
    I really wanted to like this movie. I really like the Alien story and was intrigued by the story they advertised for Prometheus, but I was disappointed. I watched it at the theaters, then again on BR. It wasn't the worst movie, but it definitely wasn't what it could have been. The thing that bothered me the most about this movie are the retarded people. I know there has to be at least one or two really stupid people in a movie otherwise, the movie never happens, but jeez, stupidity ruins movies for me.

    I won't ruin the movie for anyone that hasn't watched it, but just be ready for stupid people to do stupid things.
    Living Room:
    Paradigm Cinema 330 x 3, Pioneer 9040TXH

    Media Room:
    RTi12, CSi5, F/Xi3, RTi4, Onkyo SR805, SVS PB12 Plus/2, HSU MBM