inductor question 1.2 vs 1.2TL

thejck Posts: 849
edited October 2011 in Vintage Speakers
I have been studying these crossovers for a long time and I keep coming back to the same question about inductors.
I purchased a 1.2 speaker and had Ben TL them which involves slightly unwinding the coils on the low frequency section to match the 1.2TL specs as well as some rearrangement of the HF section

From the looks of the diagrams the inductors on the HF section are the same
2 x 0.4mH
1 x 0.7mH

However on the lower end is where things seem drastically different.
These are the comparisons of the 2 sets of inductors
on the 1.2
22Ga 2.5mH
18Ga 1.25mH

vs on the 1.2TL
20Ga 2.0mH (from DK's post 1.3 ohms)
18Ga 1.00mH (from DK's post 0.7 ohms)

Ben uses an inductance meter to get the inductance as close as possible by unwinding the inductors. However you can see that at lease on one of the inductor the guage is different. So i presume that the DCR on these inductors will be different between the 2 sets of speakers.

What exactly am I missing out on if anything on these differences in DCR values on these 2 inductors. I know that that DK had a bad experience with the quality of the music when he went with a lower DCR inductor here.
I have looked at the inductors that Solen makes and they have
20Ga 2.0mH 1.05 ohms
18Ga 1.0mH 0.47 ohms

I can measure the Ben modified inductor for the DCR value when I have the crossovers out for rebuilding to note the differences if any.

Since I have never heard stock 1.2TL speakers I have no way of comparing the differences and so I do not know if there is anything I am missing. I think TOOLFORLIFEFAN actully has the privilidge of owning both sets of crossovers (lucky bugger). Should I leave this alone or should I consider using the solen's or winding my own or finding matching inductors to go here.

As far as the big 16mH inductors go they are getting replaced with 10Ga Solens and I cant wait. :biggrin:
BTW this is all going on a pair of gimpod's boards.
Post edited by thejck on


  • DarqueKnight
    DarqueKnight Posts: 6,765
    edited October 2011
    thejck wrote: »
    Should I leave this alone or should I consider using the solen's or winding my own or finding matching inductors to go here.

    I recommend finding inductors that match the original 20Ga 2.0mH anf 18Ga 1.00mH in inductance and DCR.
    Proud and loyal citizen of the Digital Domain and Solid State Country!
  • thejck
    thejck Posts: 849
    edited October 2011
    according to your notes the DCR is 1.3 ohms and 0.7 ohms respectively correct? anyone else also measure these inductors per chance?
  • DarqueKnight
    DarqueKnight Posts: 6,765
    edited October 2011
    Yes, 1.3 ohms DCR for the 2 mH inductor and 0.7 ohm for the 1 mH inductor. These values were measured at 100 Hz with an MCP BR2822 LCR meter.
    Proud and loyal citizen of the Digital Domain and Solid State Country!
  • thejck
    thejck Posts: 849
    edited October 2011
    I have tried Solen, Earse, NorthCreek and so far no one wants to try to do a DIY inductor.
    I am using this website as a calculator to see if I can figure this out and build it myself. Trying to figure the size of the bobbin I would need.

    Anyone happen to measure the physical dimensions of the 1mH and the 2mH inductors?