So upset, need recommendations please!



  • DemonAstroth
    DemonAstroth Posts: 131
    edited November 2011
    Running 3 way it's an 11-band eq. The problem is knowing which frequencies to adjust, and by how much. I even have the microphone, but the Eclipse website is quite frankly sub-par, so I do all my adjustments in the HU.
  • arun1963
    arun1963 Posts: 1,797
    edited November 2011
  • pentoncm
    pentoncm Posts: 379
    edited November 2011
    So you are using the 11 band parametric then? This will be a little more difficult to use as you have to pick the frequency to cut as well as how wide the cut is. Let me make very rough suggestion as far as frequencies to adjust.

    (2) 80Hz -1/2db, (3) 125Hz -2/4db, (4) 200Hz -2/4 db, (5) 315 Hz -2/4db, (6) 630 Hz -2/4db, (7) 1 kHz -2/4db, (8) 2.5kHz -2/4db, (9) 4kHz -2/4 db, (10) 6.3kHz -2/4db, (11) 12 kHz -2db

    As far as Q goes, the higher the narrower the cut. Others can give you more specifics on Q factors to use. I would use Q of 3 on low end bands (3) -(5) and maybe (6). I think a wider Q like 1.5 or 2 would be good for the rest.

    Arun feel free to chime in here

    This is just a starting point, play around the bands i've suggested and the amount of cutting. The levels i've suggested are just a starting point, I may be way off in some cases because I haven't heard your car. Alternatives could include 800Hz and 1.25kHz for bands 6 and 7.

    I would suggest 24db/octave crossovers on everything.
    Audison Bit Ten
    Kenwood X595
    Polk MM6501
    Polk MM1240
    Mtx 704x
    Alpine MRX50
  • arun1963
    arun1963 Posts: 1,797
    edited November 2011
    Q 1 = 1 1/3 octaves
    Q 1.5 = 1 octave
    Q 3 = ~ 1/3 octave

    So if you cut 100hz on a q of 2 you would be cutting like 80-160hz. The frequencies at the outer end of this range would be cut less than the central / selected frequency. Just like a bell curve. Based on the settings available from your manual, try this.

    Low : This is basically for your sub, you get 1 band here. Don't do anything leave this flat.

    Mids : You get 5 bands from 63-16khz. Use the 5 bands from 63 to about your xover point.
    1. Select 100hz cut by 3 db on a Q of 1
    2. Select 200hz cut by 4db on a Q of 1
    3. Select 800hz and cut by 4-5db on a Q of 2
    4. Select 1.25khz and cut 4-5db on a Q of 1
    5. Select 2.5khz and cut 3-4db's on a Q of 1.5

    Highs : You get another 5 bands which you can use for your tweets.

    1. Select 4 khz and cut by 2 db on a Q of 1.5-2
    2. Select 6.3khz and cut by 4-5db on a Q of 2-2.5
    3 Select 8khz and cut ~4 db on a Q of 2.5-3
    4&5. Cut 10 and 16 by ~ 2-3 db on a Q of 2.5

    Most important, hear how it sounds. Chances are somethings will be right some wont. Go back to the sheet I attached and see whats wrong and therefore what you need to correct.