Just had the crap scared out of me



  • Toolfan66
    Toolfan66 Posts: 17,371
    edited March 2011
    Jstas wrote: »
    Then why'd you have to ask?

    I agree one post I made was in poor taste, but the other post taking a shot at a forum member that lied too and stole from me??? not in poor taste IMO, if I get a little humor out of it sobeit..
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited March 2011
    F1nut wrote: »
    I was right, once again.

    it's your karma :wink:
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • cstmar01
    cstmar01 Posts: 4,424
    edited March 2011
    A knock and a pounding are two different things. When someone beats on the door, I usually get the impression that it isn't gonna be a friendly visit. However, I always carry a gun, so if I hadn't been woken, I would have had it on my hip anyhow. And yes, I've made my enemies.

    ((not to mention that crime around universities generally comes with a knock. We get notices all the time about armed robbery. Generally, someone knocks on the door, no mask or anything and expects that someone will answer. When they do, the gun is raised and the burglar comes in, makes everyone hand over phones and laptops, then he leaves. Most students have roommates, and all students have laptops/phones... most don't have guns, so this type of robbery carries little risk and offers a decent reward. None of them ever get caught))

    Sounds like a pretty rough university to be going to. Odd as that has never happened to me or anyone I've known even at some of the larger state universities. :rolleyes:

    This whole story doesn't make any sense. Also if you are on campus they normally have rules about having a fire arm in their own buildings. You also posted you drive a newer car, and wouldn't you think they would go for a car first (the gps, etc) before they would start robbing students in their own places. Do your outside doors lock?

    if its that rough of an area why don't you move? Do they have outside access doors where you live? if not why are they not installed as in most places that would have some sort of crime. Why does your landlord not place in peepholes?

    My friends in college would pound on my door all the time. I didn't have an outside access door that locked and we never had a problem and often had many drunks and stupid people come in and out of our building. We lived about a block from a super popular bar, about a block for the University and had pot smoking morons live next door.

    In all honesty, this sounds like horse s@#t.
  • cokewithvanilla
    cokewithvanilla Posts: 1,777
    edited March 2011
    cstmar01 wrote: »
    Sounds like a pretty rough university to be going to. Odd as that has never happened to me or anyone I've known even at some of the larger state universities. :rolleyes:

    This whole story doesn't make any sense. Also if you are on campus they normally have rules about having a fire arm in their own buildings. You also posted you drive a newer car, and wouldn't you think they would go for a car first (the gps, etc) before they would start robbing students in their own places. Do your outside doors lock?

    if its that rough of an area why don't you move? Do they have outside access doors where you live? if not why are they not installed as in most places that would have some sort of crime. Why does your landlord not place in peepholes?

    My friends in college would pound on my door all the time. I didn't have an outside access door that locked and we never had a problem and often had many drunks and stupid people come in and out of our building. We lived about a block from a super popular bar, about a block for the University and had pot smoking morons live next door.

    In all honesty, this sounds like horse s@#t.

    it's not a rough area. We have crime, we get emails all the time from UTPD. I was just explaining how it happens. If you want to learn more, just give them a call 865.974.3111, they'll be happy to explain the last few armed robberies to you. Just because it doesn't happen to you, doesn't mean it doesn't happen here. I don't live on campus, I live BY campus.... for obvious reasons.

    Besides, why is it such a big deal to answer the door with a gun? I ALWAYS do... maybe I am paranoid, but it's habit. Like I said, I carry, this is an all the time thing, not a "Oh, I am going into a bad area, better bring a gun".
  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,623
    edited March 2011
    I can understand the difference between a casual knock and a beat down on the door type of knock, but yes, you're paranoid.
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • mdaudioguy
    mdaudioguy Posts: 5,165
    edited March 2011
    Besides, why is it such a big deal to answer the door with a gun?
    I guess in some places, under some circumstances, it's not... But, really, that's a pretty funny question in my book.
  • snow
    snow Posts: 4,337
    edited March 2011
    Just curious when was the last time that you have had or have even heard of a burgluar or home invasion robbers beating on a door loud enough to draw attention to anyone within earshot?

    If anything I would think it was either the police or friends being silly, neither of those would be a good idea to come to the door with a weapon.

    Most people dont carry a handgun with them at all times either, usally the good guys the police or the bad guys the criminals do. If where you live is bad enough that you feel you need to, it's time to move as far as im concerned.

    Well, I just pulled off the impossible by doing a double-blind comparison all by myself, purely by virtue of the fact that I completely and stupidly forgot what I did last. I guess that getting old does have its advantages after all :D
  • cokewithvanilla
    cokewithvanilla Posts: 1,777
    edited March 2011
    snow wrote: »
    Just curious when was the last time that you have had or have even heard of a burgluar or home invasion robbers beating on a door loud enough to draw attention to anyone within earshot?

    If anything I would think it was either the police or friends being silly, neither of those would be a good idea to come to the door with a weapon.

    Most people dont carry a handgun with them at all times either, usally the good guys the police or the bad guys the criminals do. If where you live is bad enough that you feel you need to, it's time to move as far as im concerned.


    You're probably correct. A burglar, even the ones that knock, would probably not bang. But that's where the being woken up to a loud **** pounding comes in. If I hear a noise that shouldn't be there, I naturally reach for a gun. So, thinking about it, maybe grabbing a gun at a pounding on the door is not rational, because... really ... who pounds... not to mention the fact that if it is someone that is hostile, I do not even have to answer. But that is, in fact, exactly what I did... whether it was necessary, who cares I just told what happened.

    Anyhow, that pounding could have be the sledge that knocked my door open and I would have been ready. Better safe than sorry :biggrin:

    As far as carrying a gun all the time, that could be argued all day. Hit up any of the carry forums and everyone will have a different opinion than you. There were 767,739 people with carry permits in florida in 2010, tennessee has issued more than 339,000. I couldn't find the figures for the nation as a whole. Point is, I am not the only one who makes this decision... not by a long shot. And if you talk to people about carrying, it has nothing to do with how nice of an area you live in. Crime happens everywhere, not only on certain streets.

    Also, my housing location has everything to do with proximity to the university, allowance of pets, and washer/dryer hookups... I live in just about the only set of apartments that fits the bill.