Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon

Tour2ma Posts: 10,177
edited July 2011 in Music & Movies
This trailer was in the line-up Friday night... Excellent SQ and CG.

It had the crowd in the palm of its proverbial hand...

... right up to the point where the Director's name appeared on-screen;

... when half of the audience groaned;

... and then the title appeared;

... and the other half joined them.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="; frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>
More later,
Vox Copuli
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. - Old English Proverb

"Death doesn't come with a Uhaul." - Dennis Gardner

"It's easy to get lost in price vs performance vs ego vs illusion." - doro
"There is a certain entertainment value in ripping the occaisonal (sic) buttmunch..." - TroyD
Post edited by Tour2ma on


  • exalted512
    exalted512 Posts: 10,735
    edited January 2011
    I'm excited for it.
    Music is like candy, you have to get rid of the rappers to enjoy it
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,911
    edited January 2011
    I would watch transformers 95 so I am super pumped about this. Loved the first and the second.
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • Earthy
    Earthy Posts: 488
    edited January 2011
    Woo hoo! I could care less who directs it. As long as they don't suck while shooting it. Sci-Fi rules! Bring on the Transformers!
    Polk Audio SDA SRS 2.3TL
    Parasound Halo A21
    Parasound Halo P3

    Home theater
    Polk LSiM 707, 706c, 703, 705
    Polk Blackstone TL3 for height
    SVS PB12-ISD Sub
    Denon AVR-X6400h
    Parasound Halo A51
    LG OLED65B7A
    Sony UBPX800
    Logitech Harmony Elite
    PC LSiM 703
    Spare LSIM 702 and 706c

    Home Theater #2
    Polk Audio LS70, CS350LS, LSF/X, S4
    Onkyo TX-NR808

  • On3s&amp;Z3r0s
    On3s&amp;Z3r0s Posts: 1,013
    edited January 2011
    As long as it's not Bay and Bruckheimer. Those two have made some seriously sucktastic movies together.
  • Sherardp
    Sherardp Posts: 8,038
    edited January 2011
    Looks good, bring it on.
    Shoot the jumper.....................BALLIN.............!!!!!

    Home Theater Pics in the Showcase :cool:
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,911
    edited January 2011
    ^^^ Best spam post EVER!!!!!!!!!
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • millerman 3732
    millerman 3732 Posts: 1,488
    edited January 2011
    Should be getting a new trailer this weekend during the super bowl.
    H/T: Epson 6500ub
    Sony UBP-X800
    Toshiba HD-XA2 (HD-DVD, CD)
    Onkyo 805 (pre-amp)
    Outlaw 7125
    Polk RTi 10 (bi-amped)
    Polk CSi5 (bi-amped)
    Polk RTi6
    SVS PB 12 plus/2
    Velodyne SMS-1

    TV Rig: Samsung 50'' 4k display
    Polk Signa-1 Surround bar
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited January 2011
    Michael Bay isn't bad as long as you don't try to take the stuff he does seriously. You know what you're getting with him, ridiculously absurd, over the top directing and usually a movie that's quite fun.

    I generally like his stuff for what it is, but could never imagine him trying to direct something like Inception.
  • obieone
    obieone Posts: 5,077
    edited January 2011
    I refuse to argue with idiots, because people can't tell the DIFFERENCE!
  • danz1906
    danz1906 Posts: 5,144
    edited January 2011
    I'm going to see it!
    Linn AV5140 fronts
    Linn AV5120 Center
    Linn AV5140 Rears
    M&K MX-70 Sub for Music
    Odyssey Mono-Blocs
    SVS Ultra-13 Gloss Black:D
  • JuanR
    JuanR Posts: 718
    edited January 2011
    I just showed my kids this clip and they were stuck on the screen! Transformers rocks!
  • greyford1979
    greyford1979 Posts: 749
    edited January 2011
    Damn I have to wait till July..dohhhhhhhh!!!!
    I love animals, they're delicious!
  • thesurfer
    thesurfer Posts: 574
    edited February 2011
    Another waste of time,, and money,,,Wait for the dvd, and rent it,,,
    Not an Audiophile, just a dude who loves music, and decent gear to hear it with.
  • messiah
    messiah Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2011
    Say what you will, the soundtracks alone are worth it!!
    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    Benjamin Franklin, February 17th, 1775.

    "The day that I have to give up my constitutional rights AND let some dude rub my junk...well, let's just say that it's gonna be a real bad day for the dude trying to rub my junk!!"
    messiah, November 23rd, 2010
  • MacLeod
    MacLeod Posts: 14,358
    edited February 2011
    I dug the first 2. Not great but worth a watch. With Spielberg having his hand in it, Ill definitely check it out.

    Sucks no Megan Fox so we'll have to look at that idiot Shera LeBou or whateve the hell his name is. Cannot freaking stand that guy! Looks like a 12 year old girl but tries to act like Clint Eastwood.
    polkaudio sound quality competitor since 2005
    MECA SQ Rookie of the Year 06 ~ MECA State Champ 06,07,08,11 ~ MECA World Finals 2nd place 06,07,08,09
    08 Car Audio Nationals 1st ~ 07 N Georgia Nationals 1st ~ 06 Carl Casper Nationals 1st ~ USACi 05 Southeast AutumnFest 1st

    polkaudio SR6500 --- polkaudio MM1040 x2 -- Pioneer P99 -- Rockford Fosgate P1000X5D
  • Hardtail67
    Hardtail67 Posts: 52
    edited February 2011
    Transformers 2 was one of the worst movies ever. I mean the amount of dollars spent verses the amount of suck on the screen is amazing. It eclipses all sh!!ty movies that came before it. There is nothing redeeming about this film whatsoever. I can't believe you idiots keep giving that no talent Bay money. :confused:
  • PrazVT
    PrazVT Posts: 1,606
    edited February 2011
    You know what would have been really cool? If they didn't "21st century up" Transformers. These aren't exactly the Transformers I played with as a kid in the 80s or watched on TV. Granted it's not high class drama, but watching the whole series, there was a pretty decent story arc. I think there are plenty of fans new / old / casual who'd have dug a more familiar story.

    I wasn't all that thrilled w/ the second movie either, but let's see how the 3rd one goes. Either way, it's something I'll go see :)
    ALL BOXED UP for a while until I save up for a new place :(

    Home Theater:
    KEF Q900s / MIT Shotgun S3 / MIT CVT2 ICs | KEF Q600C | Polk FXi5 | BJC Wire | Signal / AQ ICs | Shunyata / Pangea PCs | Pioneer Elite SC 57 | Parasound NC2100 Pre | NAD M25 | Marantz SA8001 | Schiit Gungnir DAC | SB Touch

    2 Channel:
    Polk LSi9 (xo mods), Polk DSW MicroPro 2000 sub | NAD c375BEE | W4S DAC1 | SB Touch | Marantz SA-8001 | MIT AVt 2 | Kimber Hero / AQ / Signal ICs | Shunyata / Signal PCs
  • LitoZacky
    LitoZacky Posts: 115
    edited February 2011
    Hardtail67 wrote: »
    Transformers 2 was one of the worst movies ever. I mean the amount of dollars spent verses the amount of suck on the screen is amazing. It eclipses all sh!!ty movies that came before it. There is nothing redeeming about this film whatsoever. I can't believe you idiots keep giving that no talent Bay money. :confused:

    Different movies for different taste. One cannot please everyone.
    Speaker: LSi 15
    Pre/Pro: Pioneer VSX-9040
    Amp: Emotiva XPA-2
    Sub: Seaton Submersive HP
    TV: Samsung PN50B550
    DAC: soon-to-be EE Minimax Dac Plus
  • Ron-P
    Ron-P Posts: 8,520
    edited February 2011
    MacLeod wrote: »
    I dug the first 2. Not great but worth a watch. With Spielberg having his hand in it, Ill definitely check it out.

    That and the fact Bay said in an interview that he screwed up #2 and won't be making that mistake with this one.
    Ron dislikes a film = go out and buy it.
    Ron loves a film = don't even rent.
  • Toolfan66
    Toolfan66 Posts: 17,434
    edited February 2011
    Can't wait!!!!!
  • chong138
    chong138 Posts: 11
    edited February 2011
    I'll go see it. Watched the cartoons as a kid, and liked the first two movies. They weren't amazing or anything...but they were fun movies.
  • fatchowmein
    fatchowmein Posts: 2,637
    edited June 2011
    Saw it in 3D but not necessary. First half was boring and the setup was too long. Second half was exciting and action packed. F/x excellent.
  • dorourke07
    dorourke07 Posts: 298
    edited June 2011
    Looking to see it in IMAX 3D this weekend, I suspect my 8 year will think its the greatest movie ever.
    Mains - LSi9's
    Center - LSiC
    Surround - pair of TL3's
    Amplification - Parasound 2125
    AVR - Onkyo 706
    CD/SACD - Onkyo DV-SP506
    SUB - MartinLogan Abyss
    55" Panasonic Viera TC-P55GT30 3D
    Bluray - DMP-BDT310 Panasonic
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,911
    edited June 2011

    This movie if f***ing garbage. I am THE BIGGEST TRANSFORMERS fan and this is no more than an alien invasion movie. There is hardly any Transformer action sequences involving other transformers and if there is - you can see them in the commercials. WHAT GARBAGE.

    The attempt to make a story was so FORCED and unnecessary. Jesus christ - what a load of crap. Maybe my expectations were so high or so different than what was just presented to me but I kept checking the time, I was bored - just... what a piece of crap.

    Just a horrible movie - one of the worst I have seen. If I had went to see Battle for Los Angeles this may be a different story but there was so LITTLE Transformer character action or appearances in this movie it should not be called Transformers.

    I give this 1 out of 10 stars.

    Garbage, pure and utter garbage.

    A disheartened TF fan!
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • Ron-P
    Ron-P Posts: 8,520
    edited June 2011
    Yeah but, I heard there is a good up-the-skirt scene. I may just go see it for that.
    Ron dislikes a film = go out and buy it.
    Ron loves a film = don't even rent.
  • BlueFox
    BlueFox Posts: 15,251
    edited June 2011
    Ron-P wrote: »
    Yeah but, I heard there is a good up-the-skirt scene.

    That is an oxymoron with a PG-13 movie. :wink:
    Lumin X1 file player, Westminster Labs interconnect cable
    Sony XA-5400ES SACD; Pass XP-22 pre; X600.5 amps
    Magico S5 MKII Mcast Rose speakers; SPOD spikes

    Shunyata Triton v3/Typhon QR on source, Denali 2000 (2) on amps
    Shunyata Sigma XLR analog ICs, Sigma speaker cables
    Shunyata Sigma HC (2), Sigma Analog, Sigma Digital, Z Anaconda (3) power cables

    Mapleshade Samson V.3 four shelf solid maple rack, Micropoint brass footers
    Three 20 amp circuits.
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,911
    edited June 2011
    SPOILER ALERT*************

    The model is hot. Totally hot, great eye candy!

    The problem - she isnt a robot who can kick ****. So she adds nothing to the film - absolutely nothing. The only thing that could make her worth while would be a decepticon killing her in public, Sam getting so pissed he actually made the Autobots in this film grow a pair and actually be able to kick **** without the aid of humans.

    Oh wait - that would be a completely different movie than this one.

    Still fuming over the crap this movie is.
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • Strong Bad
    Strong Bad Posts: 4,278
    edited June 2011
    The first half the movie was mostly unnecessary! There was so much crap thrown in as just filler material. Sam's parents...why were they even there? Not funny in the slightest! Sam's life had become...worthless. Here ya go kid, here's two annoying robots, now get lost!

    The last half of the movie was fun, not mindblowing, but just fun.

    Michael Bay gets so lost in worrying about the effects, that he's just clueless about how to put together a complete 2 hour movie. Let's see, we need filler...throw in the parents. Hmm, we need more filler...thrown in the Sector 7 douchebag who is not funny. Let's see, how can we waste more time...let's send Sam on some job interviews. How about we throw in a blazing hot chick that no way in hell a guy like him could ever score! First half TO THE EFFECTS!!!
    No excuses!
  • Ron-P
    Ron-P Posts: 8,520
    edited June 2011
    SPOILER ALERT*************

    The model is hot. Totally hot, great eye candy!

    The problem - she isnt a robot who can kick ****. So she adds nothing to the film - absolutely nothing. The only thing that could make her worth while would be a decepticon killing her in public, Sam getting so pissed he actually made the Autobots in this film grow a pair and actually be able to kick **** without the aid of humans.

    Oh wait - that would be a completely different movie than this one.

    Still fuming over the crap this movie is.

    Kinda surprised at your comments Trey. The reviews are coming in that it's better then #2 but not as good as the first, and you said you loved the second film.
    Ron dislikes a film = go out and buy it.
    Ron loves a film = don't even rent.
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,911
    edited June 2011
    Dude I was so pumped to see this.

    It just isnt a Transformers movie.


    Here is what I wrote to a friend about it -

    there is literally a scene in the movie where the humans launch the Autobots into space and are gone from the entire movie for a good 40 minutes. FORTY MINUTES OF NO AUTOBOTS! The movie is 2 hours and 30 minutes - so that is what... 1/4 the film where it is not even possible that there is robot vs robot scenes?

    1/2 the movie is trying to build the new female character role which is an incredible hot model - but the problem is no one gives a crap about the hot model. People want to see Optimus Prime kick ****. Infact - if they want to expand upon her character - have a Decepticon KILL HER. That would make it awesome.

    So now that we have covered that 3/4 of the movie involves no robot action and alot of human fluff and BS. That brings us to the other 1/4 of the movie where there is some robot vs robot action but the humans assist in most of it and its so polished with 3-D BS that it actually makes you yawn to watch it.
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.