Stuffing the interior of my Sub box.

Zurge Posts: 2
edited 2003 24 in Custom Fabrication
I have 2 12in subs. Should i stuff the box with polyfill or staple some insulation to the sides of the box? Will I be able to notice any difference in the bass?
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  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited 2003 28
    well, first, why are you stuffing ?

    if you are stuffing for the right reasons, then are you aware of how much stuffing is appropriate for your application?

    and lastly... you just put it in like your filling a grocery bag, keeping careful not to get any fill in the rear vent hole of the sub, nor to get any stuck in the basket of the sub.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited 2003 04
    I'd like 2 know the pros+cons of stuffin a box and also best materials.

  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited 2003 04
    what poly-fill does is it reduces resonance
    i have my box built to .88 for my momos and i keep half a pound in each chamber to reduce resonance
    some people say if your box is built to specs, then you dont need it
    but it slows down sounds waves and such and it cancels out resonance which is why i use it
    if you use about a lb for every foot^3, it makes your box seem something like 25% bigger
    so if youre tight for space you can build a 25% smaller box, stuff a lb for every ft^3, and be good
    not really sure of any disadvantages...
    you have to pay the $5 at walmart for an 8lb bag...thats about it
    materials for what?
  • Zurge
    Zurge Posts: 2
    edited 2003 04
    Would the spray on Dynamat help? Or would something like the poly fill be a better idea?
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited 2003 04
    Dyna-liner (spray on dynamat) inside the box is a waste of good dynaliner.

    the box should be built well enough to not require the use of such a thing with the woofers in question.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited 2003 07
    okay so it's a good idea to stuff the box. By best materials i meant 2 say what would be the best stuffing for the box, any old foam, wadding or woteva.?

    Cheers 4 the other info tho, it woz v helpful.
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited 2003 07
    i think it is good far as best materials...go to walmart and get some poly fil...put about 3/4lb in for every sq foot
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited 2003 24
    i still need to build a 0.6cu. ft. box for my sub but i've had a box sitting around thats about 0.53 or so cu. ft.. The documentation that comes with the sub says 0.6 cu ft w/ 1" polyfil lining. I'm assuming that i should just guild it exactly to specs instead of squeezing it into this box and stuffing it mindlessly (overexaggerating) fully of polyfil. Any comments?