Pay to Spray??? Homeowner looses everything...



  • exalted512
    exalted512 Posts: 10,735
    edited October 2010
    Last thing I'll say in this thread is something I've already said before...

    The guy was irresponsible for not paying the bill, but letting someone's house burn is immoral almost under any circumstances.

    I guess everyone here is just going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

    Night kids :)
    Music is like candy, you have to get rid of the rappers to enjoy it
  • messiah
    messiah Posts: 1,790
    edited October 2010
    You must have missed the part where he says that they waived the $75.00 fee for his own son and put the fire out at his place.

    Yeah, we missed that, when did that happen?
    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    Benjamin Franklin, February 17th, 1775.

    "The day that I have to give up my constitutional rights AND let some dude rub my junk...well, let's just say that it's gonna be a real bad day for the dude trying to rub my junk!!"
    messiah, November 23rd, 2010
  • snow
    snow Posts: 4,337
    edited October 2010
    messiah wrote: »
    Yeah, we missed that, when did that happen?
    A few days ago on national news cant remember which channel he said that on, as to when his his son had his fire I dont know the date.

    Well, I just pulled off the impossible by doing a double-blind comparison all by myself, purely by virtue of the fact that I completely and stupidly forgot what I did last. I guess that getting old does have its advantages after all :D
  • messiah
    messiah Posts: 1,790
    edited October 2010
    If fire protection is a pay type of thing, police protection must be too. So I guess if his wife was being raped, they would just watch, right? Didn't pay your fee?
    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    Benjamin Franklin, February 17th, 1775.

    "The day that I have to give up my constitutional rights AND let some dude rub my junk...well, let's just say that it's gonna be a real bad day for the dude trying to rub my junk!!"
    messiah, November 23rd, 2010
  • snow
    snow Posts: 4,337
    edited October 2010
    messiah wrote: »
    If fire protection is a pay type of thing, police protection must be too. So I guess if his wife was being raped, they would just watch, right? Didn't pay your fee?
    Now your just being silly, obviously police protection is paid by other sources. Here is a link to a video that at roughly 6 minutes into it he says the fee was waived for his son 3 years ago.

    Scroll down the page to see the video.

    Well, I just pulled off the impossible by doing a double-blind comparison all by myself, purely by virtue of the fact that I completely and stupidly forgot what I did last. I guess that getting old does have its advantages after all :D
  • snow
    snow Posts: 4,337
    edited October 2010
    Here is a link to the service fee for fire protection that has been in place for roughly 20 years, he himself said that the firemen wanted to put out the fire and in fact were sick over it and some even cried because they had to watch the place burn.

    Well, I just pulled off the impossible by doing a double-blind comparison all by myself, purely by virtue of the fact that I completely and stupidly forgot what I did last. I guess that getting old does have its advantages after all :D
  • Lumpwithgoodear
    Lumpwithgoodear Posts: 35
    edited October 2010
    OMG! This pissed me off cause thinking of my late Dad after he served as fire fighter for 43 years he must be turning over in his grave! SHEESH! He always thought and wanted to help people out in time of their peril! I can hear him now and I bet he would turn the hose on the poiticians and tell them to bend over! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Isn't it sad how people want to suck every last penny out of normal people!
  • Lumpwithgoodear
    Lumpwithgoodear Posts: 35
    edited October 2010
    :rolleyes:OOPS! I forgot to ad in my last post! I think those people making those laws should watch out!!!! Dad has the big guy on his side now and he make the smoke alarms sound so noone gets hurt and the big guy say I bless your house with BAMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! Lightning and puff up goes their house! AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited October 2010
    snow wrote: »
    Joe he himself said that it wasnt a matter of not having the money to pay the fee his excuse was that he forgot to pay after his own son had the fee waived earlier :rolleyes: there is no doubt in my mind that he felt he could do the same thing and if a fire broke out he would still receive service and then pay the fee.

    As far as the insurance goes if as a fireman you are expressly forbidden to do something and you choose to go ahead and do it no insurance company in the world is very likely to pay out as im certain these firemen were told you are not allowed to put out fires for people who havent paid the fee.

    Its easy to get emotional about such matters but the evidence points to the firemen were not at fault here they had put out fires before for people that hadndt paid the service fee but now had their collective hands tied so to speak, trust me firemen like putting out fires they dont like sitting around watching peoples property burn up.

    If anyone wants to place blame place it where it belongs, squarely on the shoulders of the cheap **** who allowed his pets to burn up.


    Okay he "forgot" to pay it. That being said he's wrong. I still feel a little tweaked because the firefighters were on scene and did nothing, maybe they WERE forbidden, who knows.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited October 2010
    messiah wrote: »
    A. The firemen suck, and they can't take it back. The whole country knows it, and the International Association of Fire Fighters president said they suck.

    B. The idiot was probably being cheap, and his son was stupid for starting a fire so close to the home.

    C. The animals in the equation are most likely better than all of the people being discussed here, whether they are the firemen or the homeowners, and sadly they are dead.

    D. A moderator should probably just shut this down, as it's just dumb **** bickering.

    Um . . . a civil discussion is going on, one in-which you were permitted to add your 2 cents. Now tell me why it should be shut down!

    BTW animals are never "better" than human beings unless the humans are outright criminals. They just happened to be the innocent victims here, I'll give you that much.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited October 2010
    I just watched the video Dan. I take everything I said back!!! Homeowner, yes he's responsible for paying the "subscription;" firefighters on scene being offered an open check book by the neighbor to have them put the fire out . . . WTF, why the EFF didn't they act upon that?

    Yes it's a system issue, not the fire cheif's fault, but his analogy of an auto crash happening then trying to get insurance is pure male bovine excrement.

    THEY SHOULD HAVE PUT THAT FIRE OUT! He kept saying he wasn't pointing fingers but was indeed pointing them all over the place.

    Firefighters crying and feeling helpless because of the rules, ****! The money was offered to the fire department, any amount! The rules should have been tossed and the guys house saved.
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited October 2010
    Sad,, whatever happened to doing the right thing?
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited October 2010
    sad,, whatever happened to doing the right thing?
  • mrbigbluelight
    mrbigbluelight Posts: 9,897
    edited October 2010
    Sad,, whatever happened to doing the right thing?

    Perhaps doing the right thing in this case was what was done; and that is sad.

    And that is due to the homeowner.

    I agree with Joe that this has been a pretty civil discussion; don't see a need to shut the thread down.

    There is a problem, IMO, with the view that the firefighters should have accepted the homeowner's offer of a check to put out the fire.
    Take the check, put out the fire, and then the homeowner calls the bank in the morning and voids the check.
    Legal being as he issued the check "under duress".

    Joe did mention something that seemed like a solution; put out the fire, than slap a lien on his property.
    Sal Palooza
  • shack
    shack Posts: 11,154
    edited October 2010
    If I had to guess the outcome of all of this....South Fulton may stop offering subscription fire protection to anyone outside the city limits of the town. There is no way they can cover everyone in Obion County regardless of payment...which is what they will be EXPECTED to do from now on (and you know they will be in the media bullseye for a while). They were trying to provide a service and it bit them in the ****...and they may determine it's not worth it.

    Maybe that will force the creation of a volunteer FD.

    Still...IMO...the culpable parties in this incident...the real causes of the loss...are getting a pass from most because they suffered a loss. I''m sorry for their loss...but it is their fault.
    "Just because you’re offended doesn’t mean you’re right." - Ricky Gervais

    "For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." - Stuart Chase

    "Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." - Bernard Berenson
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited October 2010
    shack wrote: »
    If I had to guess the outcome of all of this....South Fulton may stop offering subscription fire protection to anyone outside the city limits of the town. There is no way they can cover everyone in Obion County regardless of payment...which is what they will be EXPECTED to do from now on (and you know they will be in the media bullseye for a while). They were trying to provide a service and it bit them in the ****...and they may determine it's not worth it.

    Maybe that will force the creation of a volunteer FD.

    Still...IMO...the culpable parties in this incident...the real causes of the loss...are getting a pass from most because they suffered a loss. I''m sorry for their loss...but it is their fault.

    Steve, I agree with who the culpable party is and he's not getting a pass from me. What the homeowner did was highly irresponsible.

    However circumstances as they were, that shouldn't have been an issue at the time. Just my humble opinion. The method they are using to service the public for fire fighting services sucks and the chief said so. Plus that two minute BS to see who's eligible is ridiculous.

    I use to work for MCI Systemhouse. We custom designed and built E911 centers from the ground up for boroughs, counties, cities, etc. When a fire call came in all systems were go and put into action and then they would check for jurisdiction, eligibility etc. That first two minutes were considered crucial.

    This is funny but it's true. When we went live with the Northhampton County E911 center for police, fire and EMS the very first call that came in was that a skunk got his nose caught in a Coke can and was running around the area spraying it up. First thing that happened was a police cruiser and a fire truck was dispatched immediately. When they arrived on scene, they called Animal services (so would I :eek: PU). Now if that kind of response could be done for some funk it seems to me that the firefighters on hand at this incident could have sprayed the house down.