My how times have changed...
Faster, I am into computers as well. I have worked in software development for the past 18 years, and also build and tweak PCs as a hobby.
About the oldest thing on my primary PC are my speakers. They are about 3 years old now, but still excellent. Are you familiar with Klipsch Pro Medias?
I am assuming that the NForce motherboard that you have is an NForce 2, but even if it is the origiinal, Nvidia has put out quality integrated sound systems into their motherboards from the beginning.
Even though I have high quality audio on my primary PC, I leave the speakers turned off unless I am playing games, or checking out a multimedia website that is enhanced by audio. I have no desire to hear when I receive email, click on links, or anything else that MS has added sound to. To me, that is simply a distraction. -
Originally posted by GuitarheadCA
I have my Comp hooked up to my Audio rig - and although I can notice a differece in quality between my computer as a source and my CD player as a source.
Guitarhead, a lot of the enjoyment of digital music routed to your stereo system is related to the type of file you are playing, and how it was encoded.
MP3 is a lossy compression method. It isn't hard for anyone to hear the difference between a song encoded at 128 kbps or lower and a CD. But if you encode at 256 kbps or higher, the results are generally acceptable.
Of course, an experienced listener on a good system can still tell the difference. If you are interested in a loss-less PC based encoding technology, check out Monkey's Audio.