I'm trying to get 100 posts!

Rev. Hayes
Rev. Hayes Posts: 475
edited July 2010 in The Clubhouse

I haven't been here long and during my time I have tried to post sincerely and honestly.

I only give advice when I think it may actually be valuable.

I haven't started new threads when a search of the existing will answer my question.

With one (not to be repeated) exception, I have only started threads relevant to audio.

Even in the clubhouse I only post when the subject is something that I care about.

All of this "good behavior" has resulted in a low post count.

I am aware that the "race to 100 posts" is a major point of contention around here and as a result I have been even more mindful of my visible participation in CP. But here's my situation:

About a month ago at the request of a "high post" member of CP I started a transaction in PM. We came to an understanding that caused me to pack a box and get an exact shipping cost. At that point the other party vanished from the forum.

No judgment on that individual (i hope he's ok) but I now have a box cluttering the front room and the better half is getting upset. If I continue to post in the same spirit then I will not be able to legitimately offer the "package" to other CP members for some time. I don't want to post pointlessly and muck up the forum or make myself look like and a**.

So here's my request:

If you are a member of CP in good standing and are willing to see my situation for what it is then please post a random question for me in this thread that I can answer. I will only respond once for each post you make on this thread and only if it is directed at me. I know it's playing loose with the rules, but to me this feels far more honorable than the other options available to me. Please note that as soon as I hit the submit new thread button I will already have 81 posts. I'm not starting at zero here and you can all search my past postings to see that I'm not jerking your chain.
Sounds good to me...
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