Is it dead?



  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003
    if you are not using a BBE on your head, not using the loudness button, and not using the crossover on the headunit itself, then yes u can use the rear as one of the sub amps line...

    if you are using any of the above, then u must realize that the sub-out is not affected by any of those -- but the rear out is... so you'd be having each sub with a very different sound coming from each -- and it woudl be virutally impossible to get it to sound right.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    no i never use either of those...thanks....saved me a few bucks at radio can i get some high quality y splitters for when i split the SW 5.0 to my amps?
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003
    i've found the mucho expensive y splitters to be no better than the Radio Shack Gold Series splitters... u can get 3 male ends, 3 female ends, or 2 of one and 1 of the other... they cost about 12 or 13 dollars each.... which in comparison to what the ZN3.0 splitter used to cost (39 bucks each) that's a good price. they never made a 5.0 splitter i do not believe... i've seen pictures of them in product literature but never ever found a store that sold them (not even online).

    i've been using the gold series splitters in critical areas and **** 2 dollar basic radio shack splitters in non-critical areas.

    fact is -- its not that last 6" in front of hte amp that's critcal, it's the 10 feet u run under the dash, under the seats, near power wire, near speker wire, yada yada, that you've gotta make sure u've got decent stuff... a y splitter here or there isn't gonna make a huge diff unless its total crap.

    ... so where did u end up finding 5.0's anyway???? if somebody's got a stockpile, let me know.

    i've seen those cables in more demo cars than any other cable on the market. to this day, even tho mitek bought out streetwires and axed the 3.0 / 5.0 in favor of the 3.5/6.0, you still see their cars with 5.0 cables... jerks probably kept all the old overstock for company use! :)
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    vince, just wanted to let you know that I got the amp back about 5 minutes ago, thanks for typing out all the stuff you did, it'll be on ebay in about a week
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    ok heres the latest
    i called polk...they told me where to send the subs
    took them out, nothing looked/seemed wrong...but you can see the marks on the rubber surround where they have been hitting the grilles
    second time ive sent the subs back
    put them in a box...made copies of receipts and made a note...threw all that in the theyre in the extended cab part of my truck...dont want to say backseat cuz the backseat currently resides on the back porch...
    the amps have been in box...waiting for email with return authorization and all that them and $160 for the 550S's..$80 more an amp
    i had $140 saved i took $50 from the bank...$20 to make up for subs...$30 for shipping for both boxes...hope thats enough
    if brothers wife works at the mail center so i can get a loan from her
    im getting paid friday...
    but i probably wont have enough to buy new wiring
    still have the old jvc radio to sell
    thatll get me $100-125
    the blown bd1000
    expecting a $40 check not this tuesday but next
    going to knukonceptz and order away
    so hopefully in 4 weeks ill have xm
    in 8 weeks ill have the momo 4x6s and a rf 201s
    plan on selling my xcelerons for at least $50...hopefully 60
    i bought them for 100 off 60 is probably what i can get from them...being a couple of years old...but they still sell the same model for hey
    still waiting for the 5.0s
    anyday now...
    i finally changed the oil in my truck today....the old oil wasnt as bad as i originally assumed
    tomorrow im going to the mail center...ask kathy(Bros wife) about her friend who was interested in the radio..if shes not interested anymore then im going to one of my friends who was also interested...if hes not interested the radio and the amp are going up on ebay in a few days
    amp is going up in a few days anyway
    ill put the radio for 100...150 buy now...which is a little much...but hopefully someone will bite
    this damn hurricane looks like its heading right over my house...
    thats always fun...
    now i have to get off my **** and pick everything up that could fly away
    board up the windows
    fun stuff
    well i think thats all for now
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003
    u just got the amp back today?????????

    maybe i lost track fo time, but didn't i mail that out like 2 weeks ago?????

    wtf -- UPS is goin to hell in a handbasket.

    u shud be able to pull in 150 for it ...

    so whats with this hurricane? since when does texas get hurricans? i though only carolinas / georgia / florida saw those kinds of things??

    and that JVC deck, if its a decent mid-high level JVC -- 125 isn't undreasonable... somebody might bite at 150, but i certainly could definately see u gettin 125 for it long as its something with dual preouts and decent sound options (adjustments and ****).
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    the post that said i got the amp back was written last week...the 7th
    yeah texas gets hurricanes
    the eye went about 20 miles north of my house was going through about 50mph winds...
    nothing bad happened at my house though...small broken limbs...things like damage to anything...neighbors tree fell on a power line...out of power for 30 minutes
    but i was lucky...some of my neighbors has substantial damage to their houses/cars
    tomorrow i got to clean up all the stuff
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    this is the plan for the wiring
    1/0 AWG
    1/0 AWG
    UNFUSED POWER DISTRIBUTION BLOCK(this block will have 1 1/0 awg input and 2 1/0 outputs(lets call the outputs 1 and 2))

    OUTPUT # 1
    1/0 AWG
    FUSED DISTRIBUTION BLOCK(1 1/0 awg input and 2 4 awg outputs(lets call the outputs A and B))
    4 AWG
    4 AWG

    OUTPUT # 2(from first distribution block)
    1/0 AWG
    CAPACITORS(the capacitors will have their own ground)
    1/0 AWG
    FUSED DISTRIBUTION BLOCK(1 1/0 awg input and 2 4 awg outputs(lets call the outputs C and D))
    4 AWG
    4 AWG


    okay, everything make sense?
    is this good?
    anything im looking over?
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    and one more thing
    considering this is an extended cab truck
    and the battery is in the front right and im going to be running the wire through the fire wall at the back left...30 ft of 1/0awg should be more than enough correct?
    the amps are going to be mounted behind on the back seat under the back window
    and 10 ft of 4 awg?
    the amps will be from end to end about 5 ft
    so 10 ft of 4awg and 30 ft of 1/0 awg will be more than enough?
    id rather buy more than be short, so i want a second opinion
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003
    30 feet of 0 should be plenty ... i ordered 32 feet of 0 and was able to run a line from batt to back of bed, run two 2ft ground lines, jump two 2 foot lines from batteries to alternator.. and two more grounds of hte same length...

    then i had like 2 feet left over.

    so 30 for what you're doing... u'll probably have like 8 or so feet left over ... more or less.... but 30's safe.... and its cheap from knuconceptz -- i got raped for 5.99 a foot at CROTCH-field.

    10 feet of 4 gauge... well... thats somethin i was gonna say --- for the little amp the 201S, it will probably only have an 8 gauge input... the 4 probably wont fit. the good news is, u can run 8 gauge wire out of a 4 gauge port in a distro-block. so if/when u get the amp, u can decide what size to use when u actually see it.

    might wanna get like 12 feet of 4 tho... i dunno. its all random guessing.

    if u run main power line to center of back wall.. and split to your two distro blocks... one to the right for the two 550s's, one to the left for the amps for the highs... then u run say a foot and a half to two feet maybe a hair more, to each amp from te distro block... thats 2(feet) x 2(power and ground) x 4(amps) = 16... but since u'll probably end up havin to use 8 gauge on the 201S, that's down to 12...

    i may be largely overestimating, u know your truck better than anyone.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    yeah, the more i think about it, i think ill get 15ft of the 4awg
    i have a lot from the old wiring i can always use that
    i have 8awg too
    its the 1/0 that i wanted to really make sure on
    now im looking for distro blocks
    if one of the blocks says it has 1 1/0 input and 4 4awg outputs...could that be reversed?
    for the have 4 4awg inputs and 1 1/0awg output?
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003
    ya, of course they can be reversed...

    they're not actually "inputs" and "outputs" -- unfused distro blocks are just a big block of brass or platinum/gold plated brass or something like that, and its got a bunch of holes in it for wire --- if its got one hole for 0/1 and four holes for 4 awg, then you can use it in either direction.

    its just one big old block ... has absolutely no meaning whether u use it in one direction or the other.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003
    if u cant find any distro stuff on knukonceptz... the stinger HPM ones on sounddomain are lower priced than some others and they're jsut as good as any others.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    im having trouble finding a block that has 1/0 awg input and 2 1/0 outputs
    cant seem to find one anywhere
    ive checked rf, stinger, streetwires, phoneix gold etc
    i still have a few places to look though...but do you know anywhere off the top of your head?
    30 ft 1/0 awg power wire: $67.50
    15 ft 4 awg power wire: $14.85
    thats off of
    whats the difference b/t agu and anl fuses?
    what are their individual positives/negatives?
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    who else makes a lot of wiring products that dont cost you out the ****?
    i checked monster cable and the brands above with no luck for the blocks i need
    i need one that has 1 1/0 awg input and 2 1/0 awg outputs and another one with 1 1/0 awg input and 4 4 awg outputs
    any ideas?
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003
    i am positive that sounddomain has blocks with three 0/1 awg hookups...

    i'll check tomorrow morning(friday) and link you.

    AGU fuses are the glass ones that only go up to like 80 amp tops -- finding 60's is even hard sometimes.... ANL's look like two postage stamps next to each other with a hook on each end -- these go up to about 300 or so in varying degrees.. u can get them as low as 40 too i think.

    they have no individual pos / negs... they're just fuses... u put em in either way and they do their job.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    ok, i know what they both looked like, and i run all agu fused in my truck right now, but for my 150a fuse by the battery i think im going to use the anl, its easier to find
    and the fuse needs to be within a foot of the battery right?
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003
    fuse has to be within i think they say 18 inches -- i always end up putting it the first convenient place which is usually 8 inches to jus tover a foot.

    here are your blocks...

    STINGER 3 way 0/1 gauge block -- one 0/1 input and two 0/1 outputs... $8 at sounddomain.

    here's one which u can put 1 , 2, or 3 0/1 inputs and have up to 4 4 gauge outputs...
    but its 30 bucks.

    another option woul dbe to use a block with two 0/1 slots and three 4 gauge slots -- then just wire the big ground line to one of the 0/1 slots, the three 4 gauge lines to the 4 gauge slots, and hte one 8 gauge line, give it an extra inch or two and "wind it up" at the end and jam it into the other 0/1 gauge hole and screw that sucker down. that oughta work.. if u do that, u can get a stinger for like 18 bucks or a lightning audio for 13 bucks... here's a link...

    oh and for a big ol list of blocks... go here...

    thats where i found the other 3
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003
    oh and ANL fuses can get up to be like 15 bucks each.. but if u look aroundu can find them for like 5 bucks...

    here's a 150 A for like 6 bucks

    a 0/1 gauge waterproof fuseholder is gonna run you 35 bucks unless u can find it at knuconkeptz.

    i've been using non-waterproof ones for a couple years now with now problems... just tape the ends... those can be had for 7 to 11 bucks -- figure in you'll need a pair of ring terminals (which u wudn' need for the waterproof one, it has allen screws) so that's another 5 bucks -- but that's still like 16 or 17 tops versus 35 - 40.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    well i dont have any money to spend right now...and i got my check today too...
    after expenses i have negative $35
    tuesday im getting a $40 i wont be in debt
    and sometime next week im getting a $140...grab whatever extra money i need from my savings account and buy the wiring...then next pay debt starts
    the story of my life...
    well knukonceptz has a fuse holder for 20...but its currently out of stock...figures
    thanks a million for the distro blocks
    i wish i had an extra $500 around
    wiring 250ish
    amp for 4x6s...150ish
    xm tuner...100
    xm antenna..wiring...100
    activation 15
    grand total...$740
    but with my cheap **** scrounging for stuff on the guessing $625
    oo and by the way vince, i still dont have ANY brake dust
    and thanks again
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003
    speaking of brake dust...

    i forgot to tell you ... we got wagner ceramic front pads and wager middle-grade rear shoes... ran about 60 front / 24 rear... and the car stops on a dime.

    u can be toolin around 40 mph and just hammer on them and they dont go jerky they smoothly bring u to a stop very very quickly... i'm diggin these things. i dunno if they'll dust since we've got hubcaps not "rims" but i'm glad to hear yours aren't... makes me not worry about them.

    far as that fuse holder -- if KK is out of them, just wait -- i mean 20 bones for a waterproof holder is dirt cheap, and if u're not buyin it today, why not just hol dout till they get it in... makes sense.

    satellite radio is overrated... i'm almost considering cancelling sirius... at first i listened to it religiously 24-7 .. now like once a week i'll turn it on... maybe i'll get re-addicted to it at some point, but i'm payin 12 bucks a month sittin here going "how often do i really listen to this ?????"
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    next monday im going to spend the day on the internet looking for wiring...trying to get some of the stuff cheaper
    probably order everything tuesday or wednesday
    hours got cut at work...and with the hurricane it didnt make things any better
    as far as satellite radio going to get it
    if i dont like it wow...i can sell the out 50-70 bucks
    does it EVER lose signal?
    and i dont think $10 a month is bad
    im not looking forward to redoing all this wiring...
    but it shouldnt take more than 3-4 hours...considering im going to take the seats/carpet out...and having to measure...cut...screw down the distro blocks etc
    then put everything back in
    i might even get it done in 2-3
    but im getting sick of this no bass crap
    its affecting me
    -Cody(the deprived)
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    p.s. glad to hear about the brakes, i need to replace the shoes on my truck too
    but they still have the system comes first...
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003
    audio before brakes -- sounds safe to me... :)

    once in a while the satellite loses reception but usually only when its raining badly.

    comes back 5 minutes later long as i'm moving.

    the more common problem is about 20% of the time it'll "clip" in and out for a few moments... then be noremal... then clip again... then be normal -- they told me atmospheric conditions cause that... i was like "ok... since i have no friggin idea, i'll take your word for it".
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    4 pack Lightning Audio agu 20 amp fuses(For 201S)
    PG power distro block
    4 pack Lightning Audio agu 50 amp fuses(all other amps)
    Stinger power distro block
    2 RF fused distro blocks
    sounddomain total: $95.70

    30 ft 1/0awg $2.25 per foot
    15 ft 4awg $.99
    10 ft 8awg $.45
    waterproof anl fuse holder
    2 anl 150A fuses $6 each
    knukonceptz total: $118.85

    wiring total:$214.55
    i estimated 210 so i did pretty good
    i might get it a little going to look for the distro blocks on other websites
    especially that one from RF...$26 each and it doesnt even come with fuses...i know thats about normal...but maybe i can find one for cheaper
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003

    go there...

    they have a distro block that is solid brass with one 0/1 input and four 4 gauge slots as well... its like 15 bucks... half the price of the other one on sounddomain.

    i'll keep lookin for the ones with the two 4 gauge outs / one 0/1 input with fuse setup.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    thanks, is scosche worth anything? or no?
    checked, $14 for a anl waterproof fuse holder...and its instock! so screw the one from knuknoceptz...didnt have anything else useful though