Looking at LSI7/9 to replace current setup

4heid Posts: 9
edited May 2010 in Speakers
I have a vintage set of S10 towers, CS200 center and M3 II that I need to sell due to a move and tired of transporting them around the country.

I posted below about a few comparisons but want to know what people think of LSi7 vs 9 in all reality factoring the price difference.


Also, if anyone is interested in any of the above, let me know, selling quickly for cheap before move.
Post edited by 4heid on


  • ctrulock
    ctrulock Posts: 73
    edited May 2010
    I have the lsi 9's in a small room. The only complaint I would have about the 9's is that they have a bass hump at 50 hz or so (it could be my small room). In retrospect I should have gone with the 7's due to my love of sub woofers. If you have a proper room and do not want a sub woofer then I would go 9's all day over the 7's.

    Now mind you this is for 2 channel music running the 9's at full range. All other aspects of the 9's are superb. Ahhh that tweeter is so nice. But it is the same tweeter that is on the 7.
  • xj4094dg
    xj4094dg Posts: 1,158
    edited May 2010
    I would wait until these guys sell all of their remaining inventory on the LSi series and FINALLY come out with some new stuff (c'mon guys, its been how many years?), and then check out the reviews or buy something else that is recent and proven.

    My 2 cents. Looking to buy something also.......

    Good luck!
    "The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it." Neil deGrasse Tyson.
  • 4heid
    4heid Posts: 9
    edited May 2010
    If I have a sub does getting the 7 vs 9 change anything in the midrange due to the lack of 1 mid woofer?
    IF a sub is used at all for music is there any disadvantage to the 7 at all?
  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,228
    edited May 2010
    Go with the 7's , they are a clearer and better sounding to me. I think the 9's try to do to much.
    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • dhart86
    dhart86 Posts: 1,594
    edited May 2010
    I agree with mantis. I had the 9's and the 7's. The 7's sound much better to me in 2-ch (music) listening. The 7's sounded clearer. That's just my oppinion
    Main Rig:
    Antipodes DX > Roon > PS Audio Directstream Jr.>deHavilland Ultraverve 3 >Belles Reference 150a >Harbeth C7 ES3

    Second Rig:
    Roon> PS Audio Directstream Jr Bridge II > EE Minimax pre (Tutay mods) >Belles 150A Ref >Monitor 5 (Westmassguy-modded)

  • bluecomet
    bluecomet Posts: 1,118
    edited May 2010
    I have both the Lsi 7's and 9's and I would take the 9's over the 7's by themselves. If you already have a sub,then I would go with the 7's because you will save money and the 7's are much easier to drive. They are more like 6 ohm speakers. The 9's are demanding and must have a good 4 ohm amp. Either way you can't go wrong.
    Polk HT system 1: LSIC, LSI25 mains, LSI F/X rears, Lsi F/X rear centers,
    Yamaha RX-V2500 System, Carver A753 3 channel amp.

    Polk HT system 2: , SRT system with f/x 1,000's rear speakers on 7.1 system currently using Onkyo TX-RZ820 receiver, powered by Sunfire Grand Theater amp

    Polk Speaker collection: SDA SRS 1.2tl x 2, SRT system, SDA SRS 2 P/B, SDA 2A, SDA 1C Studio, SDA CRS+, Monitor 7B & 4, SRS 3.1tl, RTA 15tl, LS90, LSI 9