
  • Re: Polk L600

    The L800 would upset the CFO and I may go without dinner for a week or so. Can't afford to lose that much weight. The listening chair is about 10' away from the center of the speakers and the 2Bs act…
  • Re: Polk L600

    I've read so many positive comments about the L600 speakers that I'm willing to give up the 2Bs for them, something I never thought I would do. The family CFO has given me the green light so as soon …
  • Polk L600

    I am on the verge of pulling the trigger on these. Only reservation I have is will my Parasound HCA1500 A do them justice? I know the specs say they have enough current and they do my 2Bs well, but a…
  • Re: Demoing your system to someone new to stereo

    "The biggest compliment I can say I have ever had wasn't even spoken. It is the looks on people's faces when a selection starts. Those looks are priceless and that says it all to me. The eyes po…
  • Re: Tom Petty: Wildflowers Documentary

    Interesting documentary, a bit long but I enjoyed it. "Too bad he's no longer w/us...". I seem to say/think this every time I spin some Petty.