
  • Re: Modern medicine...

    On the NDE, I have no concept of what that would be like. You probably get the same reaction I get when I tell people about the time 2 of our TV sets were destroyed by Ball Lightning. One of the stra…
  • Re: Modern medicine...

    All too often, the doctors just make a diagnosis and like the district attorney who won't admit they put an innocent person in jail, they go into blinders mode and refuse to even consider they might …
  • Re: Modern medicine...

    I wish I had a quick in and out like your daughter did back when my app blew in '68. I was 12 and it wasn't fun. I woke up Sat morning feeling fine, but by 10am, I was feeling really bad. At 4pm, our…
  • Re: What FM antenna/s has/have worked for you?

    I had a huge FM antenna on a rotor years ago and it spoiled me to anything else, even though it was trouble plagued the entire time it was up. I could get so many stations pointing it in any directio…