
  • Re: Luxman?

    Just a quick followup. The Luxman integrated works great, and sounds better than I expected. The Denon tuner and the MCS CD player work well also. I think the Luxman will find a home with us.
  • Re: Luxman?

    Probably somewhat foolish, but the seller delivered it all to me tonight. I haven't had time to do more than check the Boston Acoustics speakers, and as was predicted by @"Tony M", they nee…
  • Re: Luxman?

    Actually, he relisted it and he's willing to deliver and it includes the stand. Kind of a no brainer even if not everything works. Could be fun and no driving for me.
  • Re: Sippin' tequila

    I was going to mention the Corralejo. When I was in Mexico City, the planner that I was working with there, gave me a bottle as a gift for helping. Very nice stuff.
  • Re: Restarting after almost 9 years...

    Congrats! We had our two daughters 9 years apart. Nice thing is that in about 6 years, you will have a home grown babysitter.