Re: Opinions on the Polk Monitor 70 Series 2?
Mostly CD. Let me guess, you love vinyl. You do know vinyl is one of the worst mediums for music playback right? Is trying to fit in with trendy hipsters really worth crippling your gear?5 · -
Re: Opinions on the Polk Monitor 70 Series 2?
I am awestruck by the depth of information granted to me from the wise elders of this forum. I feel like I am ready to make my decision now that this wealth of knowledge has been bestowed upon me. I …1 · -
Re: Opinions on the Polk Monitor 70 Series 2?
I can only laugh at some of you. You are so snobby, you take so much pride in Inanimate objects that you purchased with money. Stuff that doesn't matter and you are more than eager to try an belittle…3 · -
Re: Are the Polk RTA line-up meant to be run with no toe in similarly to the SDA?
I think you guys are completely wrong. I think the SDA and RTA absolutely do share similar technology as stated here https://www.hifi-classic.net/review/polk-audio-rta-15tl-87.html1 · -
Re: Just picked up some Polk rta 15TL's with the updated sl2500 tweeters and wow they sound nice!
The 2500 are the replaced tweeter for the 3000 which were prone to blowing. The 2500 is a better tweeter than the 3000 and the 0198 is the latest and best version.2 ·