Who Wins The Console War?

Posts: 1,261
edited November 2005 in Video Games
While Xbox-360 looks pretty swift..it appears that the PS3 will take the cake..and not enough news on the Nintendo Revolution to make a decision. Honestly, I hope PS3 stomps everything for two reasons. One, cause I'm not a big fan of Microsoft as a company, and two, cause that means it will be that much better than anything released. Just got this off of www.engadget.com about the PS3

Sony’s let go of the final specs and shots of the PlayStation 3. Here you go!

"It will support Blu-ray (obviously), DVD±R/W, CD-R/RW
Backwards compatible with the PlayStation 2 and original Playstation
One 3.2GHz Cell processor—total system performance rated at 2.18 teraflops (uh, that’s actually about twice what Microsoft is claiming the Xbox 360 will do); it will have 256MB system RAM 3.2GHz, and 256MB GDDR VRAM at 700MHz
The nVidia graphics will be called the RSX (”Reality Synthesizer”), and will trump the Xbox 360 with 1080p (yes, that’s a p) graphics support.
There will be a 2.5-inch hard drive (i.e. laptop hard drive) attachment—a first for a Sony launch (no, we don’t count the PSX and/or the FF add-on)

Memory Stick Duo slot, and very surprisingly, an SD and CF slots
Bluetooth support with up to seven wireless controllers
Six USB system ports"

Sounds pretty impressive..to a non-technophile. Although I can say almost twice the system performance, and 1080p instead of 1080i is a big freakin deal.

While I'll probably own the 360, my money lies on the PS3. Can you say Tekken?..come get some...
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"If you could put speakers in a needle, I'd never see him again..." - My Girlfriend
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  • Posts: 983
    edited November 2005
    I'm also thinking the ps3 wins.....

    Kinda figured this for a while but know a lot of people are gonna run to the xbox 360 because it was first to be released....and kids don't have the ability to wait for ps3 to come out....

    Receiver: Onkyo TX-SR502-S
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  • Posts: 1,261
    edited November 2005
    As far as the 360 goes, I simply cannot wait until I can play Dead Rising.
    Two Channel Main
    Receiver - VSX-54TX
    Mains - Csi40's
    Sub - Spiked Velodyne Cht-8 On Spiked Landscaping Stones

    "If you could put speakers in a needle, I'd never see him again..." - My Girlfriend
  • Posts: 17,229
    edited November 2005
    I don't pick a winner. I perfer to own them all. This way when a new killer game comes out, you can have it.

    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • Posts: 15,722
    edited November 2005
    well it's time for Nintendo to step up to the plate and reign again.. doubtful it'll happpen. but we can all dream can't we? ha ha ha.
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
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  • Posts: 28,930
    edited November 2005
    The Revolution fails as far as specs go. They are going for innovation as an appeal.

    I will believe Sony can do what they are saying it can do when I see it. They already put outrageous specs out there before and couldnt even do half of what they said it could. So yeah... I'll believe alot of it when I see it.

    But I also dont like Sony, so they could be 4 times better in specs and I still wouldnt buy it. I refuse to buy Sony products... (elecronics, etc)

    Go Microsoft! Bring on Halo 3.
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • Posts: 10,822
    edited November 2005
    One, cause I'm not a big fan of Microsoft as a company,

    Like Sony as a company is any better? Ugh. One of my least favorite companies on the planet.
    If you will it, dude, it is no dream.
  • Posts: 1,261
    edited November 2005
    Ok ok..so Sony isn't the greatest company :D

    I can't wait to see what PS3 will show off at 360 launch to steal the thunder. Show me some Tekken 6 and Devil May Cry 4 footage!!
    Two Channel Main
    Receiver - VSX-54TX
    Mains - Csi40's
    Sub - Spiked Velodyne Cht-8 On Spiked Landscaping Stones

    "If you could put speakers in a needle, I'd never see him again..." - My Girlfriend
  • Posts: 548
    edited November 2005
    Who wins the console war?

    Count me in as an I dont care :)
    pc gamer for ever.

    going off of specs alone;
    3.2Ghz celleron (crappy) - try a dual core 3.8Ghz ee 840 with 2 physical procs and 4 software procs
    256Mb of standard old 2100ddr - try 2 Gb of dual channel ddr2(400) memory with timings of 2-2-2-2-5-t1
    256mb proprietery video chipet at 700Mhz - try 2 512Mb ddr3 video cards striped together with 500Mhz proc speeds and 1.3Ghz memory speeds on em both.
    1080x720(progressive) - try 1900x1200(Progressive) baby

    Now i did not mean to rant there, the one advantage to consoles is there simplicity, put in a game play it take it out your done (no updates, configuring, tweaking, overclocking, patches, hardware confilcts etc etc) but isnt that most of the fun anyway, plus the graphics being insanley better on every level :)
  • Posts: 10,874
    edited November 2005
    As far as the 360 goes, I simply cannot wait until I can play Dead Rising.

    That game looks sick as hell. The only thing that sucks is that they haven't done anything about redundancy. The character models don't vary enough. That is one of the reasons I prefer the PC games so much more. :(
  • Posts: 5,877
    edited November 2005
    I, personally, am going to try to boycott sony as much as possibly after their whole rootkit screwup. Oh, and they're talking of adding a feature to the PS3 where games can only be played on the console where they were first played (so you can't loan your game to a friend to play). That would only cause ENDLESS headaches. It may or may not be truth, though. You know how things float around the web...
    Ludicrous gibs!
  • Posts: 5,877
    edited November 2005
    here's a link to what I'm talking baout http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=27568

    seems like they'd realise how much they're shooting themselves in the foot. What happens if your console dies under warranty? Is sony responsible for replacing all your games? What about the rental market? so many questions...
    Ludicrous gibs!
  • Posts: 28,930
    edited November 2005
    I hate Sony SO much... the only way Id buy one of their products is for them to have a monopoly in the market and me have no choice.
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • Posts: 7,433
    edited November 2005
    I win the console wars.

    Honestly, I probably won't buy any of them. I'd rather invest that money into my PC and play the superior games there.
  • Posts: 17,986
    edited November 2005
    Telefunken probably. The Fisher/JBL combo units are a close second.
    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
  • Posts: 5,877
    edited November 2005
    Oh, yes, THOSE consoles. I thought we were talking about video games, my bad. I think the fisher's will win out.


    Look at all those inputs!

    Stylish, yet furniture-like
    Ludicrous gibs!
  • Posts: 5,432
    edited November 2005
    i don't like what's goin' on with the xbox360. it plays hd-dvd games, but won't, at release, play hd-dvd movies. but claim they will when the drive becomes available. supposedly the next gen 360's will be equipped with hd-dvd movie readers. so what, first buyers have to pay for an add on? firmware upgrade possibly? i take xbox 1 over ps2 due to the hd part. now it seems i may wait for the ps3 over the 360. blu ray will hold more data and hopefully will, out of the box, play blu ray movies. all this technology is still in the air.

    by the way, my source for all of this is gamespot.com

    POLK SDA-SRS 1.2TL -- ADCOM GFA-5802
    ONKYO TX-SR805
    SUB: SVS PB12-PLUS/2 (12.3 series)

    XBOX 360
    WiiPS3/blu-rayTOSHIBA HD-A35 hd dvd

    bobman1235 wrote:
    I have no facts to back that up, but I never let facts get in the way of my arguments.
  • Posts: 7,532
    edited November 2005
    nadams wrote:
    I, personally, am going to try to boycott sony as much as possibly after their whole rootkit screwup. Oh, and they're talking of adding a feature to the PS3 where games can only be played on the console where they were first played (so you can't loan your game to a friend to play). That would only cause ENDLESS headaches. It may or may not be truth, though. You know how things float around the web...

    I'm callin' BS on "the inquirer". Then they would lose the thousands of sales that game/movie rental places buy for renting out.
  • Posts: 4,489
    edited November 2005
    THIS is what I miss. I completely lost interest in videogames after SNES/1995 but hey what do I know.
    H/K Signature 2.1+235
    Jungson MagicBoat II
    Revel Performa M-20
    Velodyne cht-10 sub
    Rega P1 Turntable

    "People working at Polk Audio must sit around the office and just laugh their balls off reading many of these comments." -Lush
  • Posts: 1,313
    edited November 2005
    Screw both systems for now. If they keep making games for the first Xbox, I am going to stay with it. If not I will get the 360 later on.
    Main Set-up: 55" 120 hz Samsung LN55B650, Onkyo TX-SR806, Emotiva XPA-5, Emotiva XPA-2, PS3 Slim, Sony BDP-S560, Apple TV (160g), Panamax M5300-PM, Polk Audio CSi5, RTi10's, FXi3's, RTi4's, and SVS PB12 Plus

    Bedroom: Panasonic 50" S2 Plasma and Panasonic BD65 blu-ray player, Onkyo TX-SR707, Emotiva XPA-3, Emotiva UPA-2, KEF IQ7's, IQc, IQ8Ds, and SVS PB10-ISD
  • Posts: 5,877
    edited November 2005
    I can't wait 'til they release the 360, maybe then I can get a regular Xbox for under $100 NIB :D
    Ludicrous gibs!
  • Posts: 856
    edited November 2005
    Personally I'm waiting out for the Revolution. It's not because I think the Revolution will win the console war, it's because I don't care about the console war. It's great that these things are really packing technology, however, if I want to see miniscule detail in a game, I'll play my computer, which will do those incredible details at incredible resolutions way beyond the consoles capabilities.
    I'm gonna get the Revolution because it is not only flexible, but innovative (There is gonna be a shell for more conventional gaming and ported games don't forget.) Personally I think the consoles are getting a little stale. It started out nifty, you can play the computer with tons of buttons and mouse movements, etc; or the console with a D-Pad and a shoulder buttons, and a few more buttons. Now you look at any controller, and it's starting to look more and more complicated. The Revolution is the only console that has addressed this problem of complication and genre staleness (adding internet capabilities, a hard drives and a few other things like your own music don't count as innovative) and are hoping to add life to settling cycle of, tweak capabilities, make it look better, release.

    This is of course my opinion, and no, I think the other capabilities of the three consoles will be excellent in their own regards.

    We'll just have to wait and see.
  • Posts: 632
    edited November 2005
    The nintendo revolution is going to be a hit for nintendo this time around, because you will be able to play every game nintendo has ever made on it dating back to the regular nintendo. It's going to awesome to get to play those games like contra again.
  • Posts: 2,401
    edited November 2005
    Alright, so everyone here knew about the Pepsi product game for their sodas right? It was the one where they were giving away an Xbox 360 every ten mintes for like 6-7 weeks. 10 minutes!! So they gave away over 7 thousand of these. Well people started getting them on saturday and the initial reviews are hit and miss.

    1) This console has MAJOR heating problems. To the point where the machine for some people is only playable for 10 minutes before it shuts down. On guy actually brought a mini fridge into his tv room and stuck the 360 in their and it actually played for a little over an hour. Some people are really going to get screwed with the first generation of these consoles. So far according to the winners going to this website it has effected about 50% of the people.

    2) Most everyone said that if you have a normal TV the games look like any other xbox game, if you are running the new LCD,DLP....etc tv's with the appropriate cables the games look fantastic.

    All this is from the site called XBox-Scene.
  • Posts: 10,874
    edited November 2005
    Hmm, I'm skeptical of those reviews. Why? Becuase I hear the same thing about EVERY system that comes out. For some reason gamers are stuck on 'Fan Boy' mode in many instances. In a lot of ways it's like the 'Polk Vs. Bose' thing is here. Fans of Nintendo will go to the end of the earth to defend the near total demise in relevancy over the last 6 years based on blantantly ignoring the majority of the gaming market. It's no different than Sony and Microsoft lovers.

    The only reason I'm questioning it is because I heard this about the PSP that came out earlier this year, and simply put, it's the best handheld that's ever been released. Go read the reviews on Amazon.com just after and prior to release and there was a ton of negative reviews. I went out and played one, loved it, and then I bought it.

    A company worth billions and billions of dollars is NOT going to release a product that hasn't been tested harder than a gamer can do in a matter of days. Let's be realistic here. If something goes wrong with the PS3 or the XBox-360, it's going to happen over time, some kind of failure...or it'll be one of those flukes that happen with any product.

    Personally, I wouldn't put much weight on reviews on the internet. Go to your local store and try it out for yourself. Make the decision then. If something goes wrong with the product you WILL get your money back.
  • Posts: 2,401
    edited November 2005
    Well I read it at XBox Scene, if they are complaining then there is something up. I am not quite sold on the 360, for me it will be a Febuary or later purchase, but if the "fan boys" are complaining I think something is up.
  • Posts: 10,874
    edited November 2005
    Well I read it at XBox Scene, if they are complaining then there is something up. I am not quite sold on the 360, for me it will be a Febuary or later purchase, but if the "fan boys" are complaining I think something is up.

    I'll be willing to bet there is no issue and that this is nothing more than folks bashing the 360. Keep in mind my opinion here is objective as I'm not buying either until both of the new units are out as it sits right now. I haven't gotten my hands on the 360 yet, but I am going to try it out tomorrow. If it's THAT good, I may buy it tomorrow, but I doubt it. I wasn't impressed with the first X-Box, had both the PS2 and XBox purchased at launch.

    And the fan boys I'm refering to are the folks who are Sony fans, etc. I saw a lot of Sony bashing on the PSP and it was all a bunch of hot air. I certainly don't understand why people do it, but they do. They'll make stuff up about a product that isn't true to thwart sales.

    Like I said, a multi-billion dollar company is NOT gonig to release a product that has heating issues on nearly 50% of their units. They test more than one and testing is extensive. I'm not buying this at all, guess we'll wait and see. :D
  • Posts: 28,930
    edited November 2005
    Im sorry but thats BS...

    How can a Liquid cooled + multiple fan cooled system have heating problems. Especially when Microsoft spent years getting this thing ready... and a heating issue was probally one of the first things spit out the compactor to be taken care of...

    I mean really...

    BS till the end.

    Unless Microsoft goes under... I dont plan on ever buying a different brand console...
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • Posts: 35
    edited November 2005
    Sony will win.

    PS3 baby! :cool:
  • Posts: 2,401
    edited November 2005

    Well I guess I was not making this stuff up after all. ;) And i am pretty sure that the "glitches" are higher than what M$ is reporting. One guy can't even get past the first lap iof PGr3, and guess where the info came from...thats right xbox-scene.

    Looks like my Febuary timetable is more and more like the right move.
  • Posts: 28,930
    edited November 2005
    It looks like Micro$oft is handling it quite well.

    I plan to buy the 360 when Halo 3 comes out... not before
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.


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