B&W CDM 1nt and CDM CNT w Target Stands

Great pair of bookshelf speakers with matching center. Good condition prob 7\10. Grills on bookies have a few holes and no grill for center. Target stands are mass fillable in a hunter green. Will get some pics up later. Retaining ring for tweet on center speaker cracked, but i glued it and it is functional and does not affect sound quality.

These are terrific sounding speakers and are great for double duty. Would like to keep it local, but i would drive an hour or so to meet.

850.00 for all three speakers and stands


  • deronb1
    deronb1 Posts: 5,021
    Here are a couple. Will get more
  • deronb1
    deronb1 Posts: 5,021
    Bump for a formidable front three. These are easy to drive and 8 ohm. Add a musical sub and you are all set. These bested a number of bookies (in my room) to include Totem Rainmakers, and Dali Mentor 2.

    They msrp at 600.00 a piece in 2001! If you are a fan of sweet mids and airy highs, these wont disappoint.

    Will consider shipping, but will be around 100 lbs. These are heavy little suckers. The center weighs around 30 lbs and each bookie around 22lbs it think.
  • Erik Tracy
    Erik Tracy Posts: 4,673
    Friendly bump for this sale.

    The CDM1NTs and center are wonderful bookshelves great for both music and HT.

    Using a Polk speaker analogy for how these sound would be the best qualities of the LSi7 for rich midrange and RTiA3 for 'sparkle' on the highs.

    Easy to drive and rewarding for well recorded music.

    Someone should nab this deal!

    H9: If you don't trust what you are hearing, then maybe you need to be less invested in a hobby which all the pleasure comes from listening to music.
  • deronb1
    deronb1 Posts: 5,021
    Thanks Eric. I have really enjoyed them, just going back to 2Bs to try and fill this 4000 cu ft room.

    Id love to sell them to a Polkie. Anyone near Dayton is more than welcome to stop by for an audition.
  • Erik Tracy
    Erik Tracy Posts: 4,673
    You still have these up for sale?

    I'll tell you - at the recent Polk gathering we had in San Diego, we paired up my CDM 1NTs to John's Carver mono blocks and Pass pre-amp and were all amazed at how good these can sound.

    H9: If you don't trust what you are hearing, then maybe you need to be less invested in a hobby which all the pleasure comes from listening to music.
  • deronb1
    deronb1 Posts: 5,021
    Erik Tracy wrote: »
    You still have these up for sale?qpy67vykcsiz.jpg

    I'll tell you - at the recent Polk gathering we had in San Diego, we paired up my CDM 1NTs to John's Carver mono blocks and Pass pre-amp and were all amazed at how good these can sound.
    Yup, still for sale. Ive run them with a parasound hca 1500a and they were fantastic. Nice thing is that they are 8 ohm and pretty sensitive, so they can still sound very nice with a decent AVR.

    Im lowering the price to 800.00 for the bookies, center, and Target stands, which are also made in England.
  • Erik Tracy
    Erik Tracy Posts: 4,673
    I saw you put these up on the 'gon.

    This is a very good deal on a complete front setup for some very good sonic goodness!


    H9: If you don't trust what you are hearing, then maybe you need to be less invested in a hobby which all the pleasure comes from listening to music.
  • deronb1
    deronb1 Posts: 5,021
    Thanks Eric. I've had offers of 500.00 and 650.00. I'm not letting them go for that. I don't think people realize just how good they are. I compared them extensively against Rainmakers and Dali Mentors and overall, in my room, with my gear, I liked the B&Ws. Which is why is still have them.

    I'm back to running modded 2Bs. My room is close to 4000 cu ft and the floor standers do a better job of filling it.
  • deronb1
    deronb1 Posts: 5,021
    These are no longer for sale. I stepped away from them for about about a month and then put them back into play. They are just...fantastic. Eric can attest. A true niche speaker that does everything well. Find a pair and hang on to them...no bull ****.
  • dkfreebird
    dkfreebird Posts: 1,186
    I have the same setup for home theater,cdm'sx4 and the center with a Rel strata iii sub and I love it.I picked up a Sunfire Cinema Signature 425x5 and it really woke them up.I don't think I could ever part with them.
    2 Channel
    Polk 1.2tl's Modded with dreadnought
    Musical Fidelity M6Si
    North Star Intenso Dac
    Auralic Aries Mini Streamer
    Oppo 103
    Pangea PC
    Wireworld Equinox 7 interconnects
    Wireworld Equinox 7 Speaker Cables and Jumpers

    Backups 2.3tl, Crs+ pin/blade with stands.Monitor 5 peerless,Polk R200,McCormack Dna 0.5 Deluxe McCormack Dna 1,Dared Sl 2000A,Dayens Ampino,Rogue Magnum 66 pre
  • deronb1
    deronb1 Posts: 5,021
    That's a ton of power, which is never a bad thing. The 130 wpc Onk makes them sing to me. I have twin Velo DEQ 8rs that I can dial in for the low end. Not chest thumping but rounds out everything nicely.
  • dkfreebird
    dkfreebird Posts: 1,186
    I have the Onkyo Rc 360 with them now and they sound good,I'm in the process of finding a Pre to go with the Sunfire now to integrate it into the system.I have the pre to go with the Sunfire but I like the hdmi feature of the Onkyo but it doesn't have preouts.
    2 Channel
    Polk 1.2tl's Modded with dreadnought
    Musical Fidelity M6Si
    North Star Intenso Dac
    Auralic Aries Mini Streamer
    Oppo 103
    Pangea PC
    Wireworld Equinox 7 interconnects
    Wireworld Equinox 7 Speaker Cables and Jumpers

    Backups 2.3tl, Crs+ pin/blade with stands.Monitor 5 peerless,Polk R200,McCormack Dna 0.5 Deluxe McCormack Dna 1,Dared Sl 2000A,Dayens Ampino,Rogue Magnum 66 pre
  • deronb1
    deronb1 Posts: 5,021
    I'm guessing you are having them do double duty. They are great for that. I was looking at an oppo 103, that can be used as a pre. Also can stream and be a versatile piece as times change. A friend of mine has an oppo, parasound. PSB tower, system that is killer.
  • dkfreebird
    dkfreebird Posts: 1,186
    I was having them do double duty until I got the 2.3tl's and upgraded them.I now have them for ht only and have the 2.3tl's for 2 channel with a Parasound 1200ii and a Dared 2000a.
    2 Channel
    Polk 1.2tl's Modded with dreadnought
    Musical Fidelity M6Si
    North Star Intenso Dac
    Auralic Aries Mini Streamer
    Oppo 103
    Pangea PC
    Wireworld Equinox 7 interconnects
    Wireworld Equinox 7 Speaker Cables and Jumpers

    Backups 2.3tl, Crs+ pin/blade with stands.Monitor 5 peerless,Polk R200,McCormack Dna 0.5 Deluxe McCormack Dna 1,Dared Sl 2000A,Dayens Ampino,Rogue Magnum 66 pre
  • dkfreebird
    dkfreebird Posts: 1,186
    No,but I will look.
    2 Channel
    Polk 1.2tl's Modded with dreadnought
    Musical Fidelity M6Si
    North Star Intenso Dac
    Auralic Aries Mini Streamer
    Oppo 103
    Pangea PC
    Wireworld Equinox 7 interconnects
    Wireworld Equinox 7 Speaker Cables and Jumpers

    Backups 2.3tl, Crs+ pin/blade with stands.Monitor 5 peerless,Polk R200,McCormack Dna 0.5 Deluxe McCormack Dna 1,Dared Sl 2000A,Dayens Ampino,Rogue Magnum 66 pre
  • deronb1
    deronb1 Posts: 5,021
    These are no longer for sale
  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,233
    The CDMNT line from years ago was one of my very favorite B&W offerings. They are remarkable and I would love to grab a pair of CDM9NT's one day just to have them.
    In ways I'm so glad I'm married as my wife keeps me in check or I would have such a stock pile of gear it wouldn't even my funny.
    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • Erik Tracy
    Erik Tracy Posts: 4,673
    deronb1 wrote: »
    These are no longer for sale

    Smart move. :)

    The window of opportunity has shut on these - too bad.

    H9: If you don't trust what you are hearing, then maybe you need to be less invested in a hobby which all the pleasure comes from listening to music.