Old Sony research

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 7,658
edited April 2010 in 2 Channel Audio
Hello Mhardy6647,
Would you happen to have any of the old, late 60's, Sony ads that were for their "2001 system"? This was a, for the time, high end Sony separates with the model 2000 preamp, 5000 tuner, 3200 amps (I think). That would be great if you did.
Thanks for checking, Ken
Post edited by [Deleted User] on


  • billbillw
    billbillw Posts: 6,904
    edited April 2010
    If Mhardy doesn't take care of you, there is some info about these units at the VintageKnob.



    For rig details, see my profile. Nothing here anymore...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 7,658
    edited April 2010
    Thanks, Billbillw,
    That is exactly what I wanted. I had a part time job working for Sony on Okinawa. I very gradually assembled a system, over three years, with the SS-3300 speakers, tri-amped with TA-3200F amps, a TA-2000 preamp, the ST-5000F tuner. I used a TTS-3000 turntable and first replaced the Sony tonearm (I later found out that the arm was made by Stax) with a Pioneer arm. Then I replaced the Pioneer arm with a Rabco SL8 arm. I ended up modifying over a 100 of the Rabco arms later on. I replaced the Sony table with the Luxman PD-121, I still have that combination in the attic.
    I lost just about everything, except the Sony TC-850 tape deck, my oldest component. I'd love to replace all that old gear. That was my first entry into high end audio. I remember a farewell party I threw for my best friend, we ended up blowing out three or four drivers/tweeters in the speakers. My friend who worked at Sony helped me repair them. I found people sleeping in my yard the next morning. During the party I helped pull one guy down off of an Okinawan telephone poll. I lived at the end of a one way street and one guy, who had a big American land yacht for a car, got his car stuck sideways between two walls.
    Ah, the good old days.
  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 34,062
    edited April 2010
    Yup, you got the best resource there is (at least in English) for the vintage Sony stuff. www.thevintageknob.org is a great site, and Axel Dahl (its creator) is a good lad.

    As an aside, if you're not familiar with it, there is a fine vintage Japanese audio site at
    http://audio-heritage.jp/ It's in Japanese but the pictures (and most of the specs) are in English! :-)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 7,658
    edited April 2010
    Thanks, Mrh,
    Yes, that was quite a party. We made a big batch of Strip and Go Naked for punch and filled the bathtub with ice and beer. To make a "Strip and Go Naked" (drinks had real names, back then!) you need some Donald Duck frozen orange juice (accept no substitutes). In a pitcher plunk the DD juice and fill the empty DD container with your favorite hooch (I suggest rum, but folks do use vodka) then add 1.5 beers. Stir until metal spoon is limp. Goes down smooth, comes up rough, or do I have that backwards?. The legend surrounding this drink was that it was used whenever a voodoo priestess needed a pick-me-up after a hard night of casting out devils. For Air Force guys it was something magic.
    I'll tell more tales from the '60's another time, kids.
  • George Grand
    George Grand Posts: 12,258
    edited April 2010
    The Sony TC-560D sitting inside served time in Okinawa.