Revox PR99

Posts: 7,658
edited April 2010 in 2 Channel Audio
This is a Revox PR99 fairly early version, before they went to ICs. This is the first 99 I bought, all the Revoxen before were A77. I completely tore this one apart, down to the frame and built it back up. I put in a brand new capstan motor and replaced resistors with bulk foil Vishays. I had the industrial looking rear enclosure powder coated a nice blue. This is a high speed half track and the tape that's loaded is a copy of a 1961 Count Basie Christmas concert that was never released. Kind of sounds like Jazz at the Pawnshop, glasses clinking people talking and the Count Basie big band. Really sounds good!
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  • Posts: 4,673
    edited April 2010
    This is a Revox PR99 fairly early version, before they went to ICs. This is the first 99 I bought, all the Revoxen before were A77. I completely tore this one apart, down to the frame and built it back up. I put in a brand new capstan motor and replaced resistors with bulk foil Vishays. I had the industrial looking rear enclosure powder coated a nice blue. This is a high speed half track and the tape that's loaded is a copy of a 1961 Count Basie Christmas concert that was never released. Kind of sounds like Jazz at the Pawnshop, glasses clinking people talking and the Count Basie big band. Really sounds good!

    Wow - now that is a sweet rtr!

    Was it hard finding parts?

    H9: If you don't trust what you are hearing, then maybe you need to be less invested in a hobby which all the pleasure comes from listening to music.
  • Posts: 10,636
    edited April 2010
    Beautiful job Ken. Now sit back and enjoy!
    ***\\\\\........................... My Audio Journey ............................./////***

    2008 & 2010 Football Pool WINNER
    Thank God for different opinions. Imagine the world if we all wanted the same woman
  • Posts: 7,658
    edited April 2010
    Actually it wasn't too bad. I found the original company that made the headphone and microphone jacks and replaced them with brand new. Jack Clark had the on/off toggle switches available so I was able to replace them. I get pretty anal about things, the top of the curved front face plate was scratched but I had a perfectly matching white paint that I use in model railroading that was perfect. I spent several weeks carefully polishing the faceplate and lower plate to bring up a smooth finish. I was able to replace all of the knobs after careful cleaning. The whole thing took well over a year. I had to save up around $500.00 for the resistors alone. This deck comes closest to sounding like the Stellavox SP7 and that's using Blackgates. I have a PR99 playback only version that I've saved up for the Vishays and want to use film caps now that BGs are hard to find. Should be tight fitting those larger caps.
    The capstan motor wasn't really necessary, but one came up for sale in Canada. You know how it is, hard to resist.
    Cheers, Ken
  • Posts: 11,435
    edited April 2010
    A work of love, very nice Ken.

    Carver Amazing Fronts
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    Sub Paradigm Servo 15

    Conrad Johnson PV-5 pre-amp
    Parasound Halo A23
    Pioneer 84TXSi AVR
    Pioneer 79Avi DVD
    Sony CX400 CD changer
    Panasonic 42-PX60U Plasma
    WMC Win7 32bit HD DVR

  • Posts: 7,349
    edited April 2010
    Absolutely georgeous! A thing of beauty to R2R lovers!

  • Posts: 7,665
    edited April 2010
    Sweet, looks brand new.

    I love how music can brighten up a bad day.
  • Posts: 19,537
    edited April 2010
    Nothing is off the cool charts like a RTR. Nice Ken.
    Source: Bluesound Node 2i - Preamp/DAC: Benchmark DAC2 DX - Amp: Parasound Halo A21 - Speakers: MartinLogan Motion 60XTi - Shop Rig: Yamaha A-S501 Integrated - Shop Spkrs: Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2
  • Posts: 1,305
    edited April 2010
    Ken, what do you listen to on the RTR?
  • Posts: 34,188
    edited April 2010
    Ken, I am really starting to not like you very much...

    kidding, just kidding! :-)

    Beautiful R2Rs at your house. Any Otaris in the collection? Vintage Crowns or Ampexes?
    (as long as you are torturing us...)
  • Posts: 7,658
    edited April 2010
    Well, there's a wide variety of things to listen to. I'm a subscriber to the Tape Project series of very high quality tapes. From them I've received tapes from Sonny Rollins, Monk, Linda Ronstadt, Buddy Guy, Bill Evans, etc. I also have collected some master tapes and tape copies that are great sounding. Then there are two track RCA, Mercury, Everest and Command tapes that are available from certain dealers. I even bought a tape from the late great J. Gordon Holt. And there are lots of four track tapes available on eBay, especially a seller called "Tape Lady".
    Ah, I'll work on getting the Crown CX-824 set up for a beauty shot. There's also my venerable Sony TC-850-2 and Sony TC-666D. The only Teac is a X Series (I can never remember the model number). Also, the SP7 is in a nice dry spot. There's some Dolby B units, Advent 101 and Teac AN-180. I haven't quite grown up enough yet to finish work on the Ampex 351. I have two transports and three record/playback amplifiers and more control modules than necessary. I even have an unused half track head assembly. I also have a Sculley 16" transport and two record/playback amplifiers (genuine germanium transistors!) that are in the basement work area. Then, there's a Tapesonic TR80 in the garage.
    There's a point where collectors slip over the edge and begin gathering more wool than they can weave. I think I've slipped over that point, I need adult supervision.
  • Posts: 34,188
    edited April 2010
    ...There's a point where collectors slip over the edge and begin gathering more wool than they can weave. I think I've slipped over that point, I need adult supervision.

    You are in fine company, for sure.

    Ken, do you know Charles "Stellavox" King? If you don't, you probably should.
    Have you got any Stellavoxes or Nagras?
  • Posts: 7,658
    edited April 2010
    Yes, I know Charles well, he is a wealth of knowledge and extremely respected. I bought a Stellavox SP7 from him that he had refurbished. He's coached me on mods and helped me repair a faulty selector switch. I've bought a few Stellavox items from Mr. Gurtner in Switzerland as well. At present that is the best sounding deck I've heard. I don't know what about the Stellavox circuitry that is so transparent, but it is amazing. The modules are sealed so you can't see what's inside. His work with the Tape Project is very well respected. He also has set up a data base for two track tape sound quality, ranking their sound. Another guy is Rich Brown, he's the one who I listen to about what sounds good.
  • Posts: 34,188
    edited April 2010
    Excellent. I agree with you about the Stellavox, and about Charles. I didn't know that he was directly involved in the Tape Project, though. He is in this part of the woods a couple of times a year and we usually cross paths.

    EDIT: In the interest of equal time... an R2R from the other side of the tracks :-)

  • Posts: 7,658
    edited April 2010
    He's an active member on the TP Forum and I believe he's been helping with the modification/evaluation of some members decks. Not in the tapes themselves, but helping people get the best from them.
  • Posts: 5,647
    edited April 2010
    Ken - I've lusted after mint condition Revox B77's for years. Just not sure what I would do with one, not enough time to pay attention to the vinyl let alone another media!

    And I knew there was something I liked about you! Model RR's is a hobby I enjoyed, grew up with a basement full of model trains, and sure wish I had time for it again!
    HT System: LSi9, LSiCx2, LSiFX, LSi7, SVS 20-39 PC+, B&K 507.s2 AVR, B&K Ref 125.2, Tripplite LCR-2400, Cambridge 650BD, Signal Cable PC/SC, BJC IC, Samsung 55" LED

    Music System: Magnepan 1.6QR, SVS SB12+, ARC pre, Parasound HCA1500 vertically bi-amped, Jolida CDP, Pro-Ject RM5.1SE TT, Pro-Ject TubeBox SE phono pre, SBT, PS Audio DLIII DAC
  • Posts: 5,496
    edited April 2010
    Hey Ken,

    Do you have any of the quadraphonic decks? I'm not sure which reel to reel makers made them, but I know Teac made a few models of them as well as Akai. The Teac A3340 deck hooked up to 2 tube amps, while listening to the quadraphonic Days of Future Passed is amazing. Highly suggested.

    Taken from a recent Audioholics reply regarding "Club Polk" and Polk speakers:
    "I'm yet to hear a Polk speaker that merits more than a sentence and 60 seconds discussion." :\
    My response is: If you need 60 seconds to respond in one sentence, you probably should't be evaluating Polk speakers.....

    "Green leaves reveal the heart spoken Khatru"- Jon Anderson

    "Have A Little Faith! And Everything You'll Face, Will Jump From Out Right On Into Place! Yeah! Take A Little Time! And Everything You'll Find, Will Move From Gloom Right On Into Shine!"- Arthur Lee
  • Posts: 7,658
    edited April 2010
    That's a sweet looking tape recorder, what is it? My very first recorder was a Christmas present, from my parents, it was a Lucor they bought from Western Auto. I used to tape my favorite TV shows, especially Steve Allen. I'd also record my favorite TV intro music, Combat, Twilight Zone and there was another war show on another network, but I can't think of the title.
    No, I'm afraid I don't have any quad decks. That's a very active sub-section of tape deck collectors. Those guys are real serious, big Teacs and Sonys. There's a quad version of the TC-850 that everybody goes for the TC-854, I think. Those guys think us two channel collectors are missing the boat. They use them with quad Pioneer and Sansui receivers.
    When my ship comes in and I can have multiple audio rooms, I'll have a quad tape setup. Of course, by then, all the quad tapes and records will be in collectors hands.
    Yes, my other hobbies are n-scale model railroading and chess.
    See ya 'round the campfire, Ken
  • Posts: 21,136
    edited April 2010
    Ken that is a beautiful R2R and well done work.

    I have a TEAC R2R that Carl (schwarcw) was so kind to give to me as a gift along with some prerecorded tapes and a box of blanks and have been dying to get it hooked up to my rig but am struggling with rack space and room space overall. I'm thinking of buying an amp stand to place it in front of the rack. The only problem is I would have to sit guard duty with a shotgun when the rugrat and the pooch run through the room LOL!!!
  • Posts: 7,658
    edited April 2010
    Thanks, Hearingimpared.
    My first serious deck was a Teac 4010, a great machine. I sold that and bought a 6010 so I could use 10.5" reels. Both extremely well made, I bet a high percentage of the ones made are still working. There's probably a kid, somewhere in Thailand, who's got a skateboard powered by a 4010 motor.
  • Posts: 21,136
    edited April 2010
    Thanks, Hearingimpared.
    My first serious deck was a Teac 4010, a great machine. I sold that and bought a 6010 so I could use 10.5" reels. Both extremely well made, I bet a high percentage of the ones made are still working. There's probably a kid, somewhere in Thailand, who's got a skateboard powered by a 4010 motor.

    LMAO!!! Good one Ken.



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