Want recommendations for bookshelf speakers

Posts: 16
I'm shopping for a pair of Polk bookshelf speakers to use as a 2 channel setup strickly for music, not home theater. I'm considering 4 models: the RTi A1, RTi A3, RTi4, and RTi6. There is no place locally where I can do a sound comparison of the RTi4 and 6's, but I did compare the RTi A1 and A3's at my local Frye's. I was shocked that I thought the RTi A1's sounded much better than the RTi A3's. In a nutshell, the RTi A1's sounded bright and clear, and the A3's sounded really dull. I had expected the RTi A3's to sound a lot like the A1's, but with more bass and a richer sound. This was not so, and I am wondering if it was a fluke with these particular demo speakers. Comments anyone?
RTi4's and 6's are still available thru retail online and I shop Ebay as well. I'm sorta leaning against the larger RTi A3 or the RTi 6 speakers because the cabinets are 14 inches deep and the speakers are for a small living room where space is an issue. So, if anyone want to share their thoughts on how the sound of these four models compare, I'd love to hear from you. Cost is a factor, and unless there is a noticeable difference in the quality of sound among these models, I'll probably go with the RTi 4's which are running $150 online now with free shipping. Or maybe refurbished RTi A1's from the Polk store on Ebay. Thanks everyone.
RTi4's and 6's are still available thru retail online and I shop Ebay as well. I'm sorta leaning against the larger RTi A3 or the RTi 6 speakers because the cabinets are 14 inches deep and the speakers are for a small living room where space is an issue. So, if anyone want to share their thoughts on how the sound of these four models compare, I'd love to hear from you. Cost is a factor, and unless there is a noticeable difference in the quality of sound among these models, I'll probably go with the RTi 4's which are running $150 online now with free shipping. Or maybe refurbished RTi A1's from the Polk store on Ebay. Thanks everyone.
Post edited by babsaldis on
Thanks! I think the LSi's are out of my price range, but also am wary of using 4 ohm speakers with my amp. Hadn't really looked at the Monitor 40s because the reviews weren't as good. Thanks, I will keep your advice in mind.
Monitor 40's are a very good price-to-performance speaker, especially in a smaller room. They don't have any built-in mounting capabilities but just get some speaker stands (I used StudioTech stands that allow the speaker to be placed on top of the stand).
I've even used them set to Large as front mains, and at the moderate volume levels I usually use (-80dB to -47 dB depending on the time of day and also whether it's music, movies, or video games) they are producing excellent sound to my own ears.
Testing at -50 dB (about half volume on a scale of -94dB to -8 db) using a test CD of frequencies showed I was actually getting bass down to 30 Hz out of the Monitor 40's. I'm even still considering using them set to Large even though I've now added a PSW110 to my setup, because I just like the overall sound of them set to Large along with the subwoofer vs. when they are set to Small. -
My amp is a Panasonic SA-HE100 AV Control Reciever. The specs say that the front speakers can be 4-8 ohms, and you switch it to a 'low imp' setting for speakers with impedance below 6. The power output is 100W per channel at 6 ohms. I guess this receiver is adequate for LSi7's, but thought it might be pushing it. But, also the LSi7 cabinets are also just a little larger than others I'm considerinig, and that's a concern.
I have listened to the TSi100 and 200's, but didn't like them as much as the RTiA1s. I'm used to adjusting the base and treble because I"ve been trying to improve the sound from my Energy bookshelf speakers (not satisfied). Ebay listed a nice pair of RT35i speakers today. Hmmmmmmm..............
I now realize that I should have listed my thread under speakers, but I'm new to this.
Thanks again for your help. -
My amp is a Panasonic SA-HE100 AV Control Reciever. The specs say that the front speakers can be 4-8 ohms, and you switch it to a 'low imp' setting for speakers with impedance below 6. The power output is 100W per channel at 6 ohms. I guess this receiver is adequate for LSi7's, but thought it might be pushing it. But, also the LSi7 cabinets are also just a little larger than others I'm considerinig, and that's a concern.
I have listened to the TSi100 and 200's, but didn't like them as much as the RTiA1s. I'm used to adjusting the base and treble because I"ve been trying to improve the sound from my Energy bookshelf speakers (not satisfied). Ebay listed a nice pair of RT35i speakers today. Hmmmmmmm..............
I now realize that I should have listed my thread under speakers, but I'm new to this.
Thanks again for your help.
I you are not quite happy with the RC10, there are 2 options : 1. upgrade your electronics and 2. Go with the LSi7/9. The RC10 is a very musical and balanced pair of monitor that's rival to some $1,000.00 monitor speakers.
The LSi7/9 is another story, they are highly regarded speakers even among snobby audiophile. The tweeter of the LSi7/9 has the same design with the mucho $$$$ Krell LAT speaker line. While the LSI7/9 is not as refined and smooth as the B&W 805, for rock and pop music some reviewers claimed the LSi7/9 is a knot above the 805 where the 805 is better with smooth Jazz . -
I'm shopping for a pair of Polk bookshelf speakers to use as a 2 channel setup strickly for music, not home theater. I'm considering 4 models: the RTi A1, RTi A3, RTi4, and RTi6. There is no place locally where I can do a sound comparison of the RTi4 and 6's, but I did compare the RTi A1 and A3's at my local Frye's. I was shocked that I thought the RTi A1's sounded much better than the RTi A3's. In a nutshell, the RTi A1's sounded bright and clear, and the A3's sounded really dull. I had expected the RTi A3's to sound a lot like the A1's, but with more bass and a richer sound. This was not so, and I am wondering if it was a fluke with these particular demo speakers. Comments anyone?
RTi4's and 6's are still available thru retail online and I shop Ebay as well. I'm sorta leaning against the larger RTi A3 or the RTi 6 speakers because the cabinets are 14 inches deep and the speakers are for a small living room where space is an issue. So, if anyone want to share their thoughts on how the sound of these four models compare, I'd love to hear from you. Cost is a factor, and unless there is a noticeable difference in the quality of sound among these models, I'll probably go with the RTi 4's which are running $150 online now with free shipping. Or maybe refurbished RTi A1's from the Polk store on Ebay. Thanks everyone.
I think that there must have been something wrong with the setup you were listening to.
I owned both the RTi4 and upgraded to the RTiA3s - did my own comparison in my own system. The RTiA3s and RTi4s are similar in sonic quality, but the RTiA3s paint a much bigger soundstage top to bottom and side to side. They also retain sonic cohesiveness to louder volumes than the RTi4.
If you can get the RTiA3s for a sale price - or even refurbished - then the price difference would be worth it. If you can't get a deal on the RTiA3s - then if you really want to step up in sound quality from the RTi4s then you really should consider a different line.
I think the RTi4s are a fantastic speaker for the price.
H9: If you don't trust what you are hearing, then maybe you need to be less invested in a hobby which all the pleasure comes from listening to music. -
Thanks Erik,
Your answer was helpful.