DVD Burning Update.....

avelanchefan Posts: 2,401
edited February 2024 in Clubhouse Archives
As most of you know I have been delving into the DVD burninng world via my CPU. Today I logged many hours trying to convert a dual layer disk to a single dvd. Trust me this at first is not an easy process. In fact you can say if you don't know what you are doing it is just easier to go by the DVD at Circuit Jerks or Bumble Buy.

So all day (7 hours) I tried to do this process using DVD2ONE. But I could not get my DVD players to recognize the disk.(Using RW...otherwise I would have fifty dollars worth of coasters.) But what I finally figured out was that I/you need to burn the entire DVD to the HD(using DVDdecypter), not just the movie files(which I was doing), that means the extras, trailers...etc... Then use DVD2one and convert it to a file size that will enable you to burn it to a DVD+R. THEN use DisktoDVD to copy the newly ripped movies to DVD+R. This entire preocess that I just explained takes a total of 65 minutes. It takes so long because you have to burn the movie twice to your HD.

So now I FINALLY have this entire process down. I can record television shows with ease. I can burn single layer disks with no problems, and I have now crossed the barrier and figured a very easy way to burn dual layer DVD's.

P.S.- I burned Unfaithful (A dual layer disk). Worked great in the Toshiba, noticed no compression of files. Now on to HAPPY BURNING LAND!!!
Post edited by RyanC_Masimo on


  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited April 2003
    Thats awesome to hear you figured it out. You must be very patient to spend all day and not quiting. Man, that must have been a ton of waiting around. Anyways, thanks for posting and letting those of us interested know. I know I appreciate it. I have no DVD burner yet, but now I know where to come and read up before I make mistakes. Just wait until the media and drvies get cheap like CD-RW drives!
  • avelanchefan
    avelanchefan Posts: 2,401
    edited April 2003
    Yeah it's real exciting because most DVD's released are dual layered.

    Most of the media coming out has dropped like a rock the last month. I bought a FUJI 10 pack of DVD+R/RW's for 40 dollas, two weeks later it was 14 dollars. This week CC has a 5 pack of DVD+R's for 10 dollar. Now I am thinking if you can keep your DVD price at 2 bucks a DVD and lower you are doing very good. A lot of people have been recommending www.rima.com for purchasing DVD+R's. I checked it out and it comes to like 2.40 a piece for 20 packs, and about a 1.54 a piece for a 100 pack of Riteks. I may do that with my next purchase. Just bite the bullett and get it.
  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited April 2003
    I have a friend with over 300 DVDs, so this avenue is very exciting for me. And him, as he would not like to lose his investment.