BI-AMP 2.3TL's

ox1216 Posts: 49
edited January 2010 in Vintage Speakers
Will Bi-AMPing my 2.3TL's make them sound clearer??

Post edited by ox1216 on


  • concealer404
    concealer404 Posts: 7,440
    edited December 2009
    Need more info... what's your current setup? Clearer than what?
    I don't read the newsssspaperssss because dey aaaallllllllll...... have ugly print.

    Living Room: B&K Reference 5 S2 / Parasound HCA-1000A / Emotiva XDA-2 / Pioneer BDP-51FD / Paradigm 11se MKiii

    Desk: Schiit Magni 2 Uber / Schiit Modi 2 Uber / ISK HD9999

    Office: Schiit Magni 2 Uber / Schiit Modi 2 Uber / Dynaco SCA-80Q / Paradigm Legend V.3

    HT: Denon AVR-X3400H / Sony UBP-X700 / RT16 / CS350LS / RT7 / SVS PB1000
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited December 2009
    IMHO,I would just go with as high current/high power(emphasis on current) solid state or tube amp. I tried bi-amping SDA's,and for me it just did not perform as I expected,,maybe I'm just impatient.,,I just prefer something like a Belles,BAT,Parasound in the solid stse realm,, and VTL,Manley,Quicksilver and Cary in the tube arena. Good luck.
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited December 2009
    I biamp'd my 1.2TL a couple of years back with a set of modded Adcom 565 mono blocks on the lows and a Parasound HCA1000A and loved the improvement of bass, imaging and soundstage. Then I purchased a TriVista 300 and haven't looked back.
  • motorstereo
    motorstereo Posts: 2,173
    edited January 2010
    I recently un-biamped my 2.3s. I'd been running a pair of pro amps (qsc and carver) and was very very happy. Then along comes a carver tfm45 for sale on craigslist. Unless something catastrophic happens to the new carver it's highly unlikely I'll go back to the bi-amp set up. The sound quality and soundstage is significantly better with one good amp imho. Another plus is that my local utility company probably won't be sending me a Christmas card next year with one less power guzzling amp in the mix.
  • ox1216
    ox1216 Posts: 49
    edited January 2010
    Need more info... what's your current setup? Clearer than what?

    I don't have an amp yet. Im using Integra's 40.0 to push them with Klipsch's RC-64 Center Speaker in a dedicated room with double layer floating floor. 60/20/20 mix of blu ray viewing (I LOVE MOVIES) and Hd sports and xbox 360. When I was saying clearer I was refering to their current overall preformance.

  • ox1216
    ox1216 Posts: 49
    edited January 2010
    Thank you guys for the input
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,001
    edited January 2010
    Upgrade your crossovers.
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • ox1216
    ox1216 Posts: 49
    edited January 2010
    F1nut wrote: »
    Upgrade your crossovers.

    Please don't kill me. . .but I'm new to AV things (BUT I LOVE IT) How would I do that??

  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited January 2010
    ox1216 wrote: »
    Please don't kill me. . .but I'm new to AV things (BUT I LOVE IT) How would I do that??


    Alan there are many threads on upgrading xovers here in the forum. Search around. Some give step-by-step instructions.
  • headrott
    headrott Posts: 5,496
    edited January 2010
    ox1216 wrote: »
    Please don't kill me. . .but I'm new to AV things (BUT I LOVE IT) How would I do that??


    I have done 2 sets of crossovers recently for some 2Bs and 3.1 TLs, and I had very little experience doing this. It's not difficult with the people around here giving you help. The one thing they can't help you with is the actual soldering skills to do it. If you practice doing it a few times, you'll get it down though.
    Taken from a recent Audioholics reply regarding "Club Polk" and Polk speakers:
    "I'm yet to hear a Polk speaker that merits more than a sentence and 60 seconds discussion." :\
    My response is: If you need 60 seconds to respond in one sentence, you probably should't be evaluating Polk speakers.....

    "Green leaves reveal the heart spoken Khatru"- Jon Anderson

    "Have A Little Faith! And Everything You'll Face, Will Jump From Out Right On Into Place! Yeah! Take A Little Time! And Everything You'll Find, Will Move From Gloom Right On Into Shine!"- Arthur Lee
  • ox1216
    ox1216 Posts: 49
    edited January 2010
    Let me ask you this. . . is it better to upgrade the crossovers or by an amp??
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited January 2010
    ox1216 wrote: »
    Let me ask you this. . . is it better to upgrade the crossovers or by an amp??

    both :)

    crossovers first,,,based upon my limited experience.
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited January 2010
    I did my crossovers first then bought a new amp . . . I'm sure glad I did it in that order.
  • Bubinga99
    Bubinga99 Posts: 283
    edited January 2010
    Just out of curiosity, instead of an SDA bi-amp connection of hi-frequency versus low frequency via the external binding posts, has anyone ever bi-amped the stereo drivers separately from the dimensional drivers?

    You'd have to make internal mods to the speakers to be able to drive it this way. The load for the dimensional drivers, as the left/right difference signal, *might* benefit sonically if driven by a completely independent amplifier.

    Since the band-limiting of the SDA signal evolved with the product line evolution, even including the tweeters in the earlier incarnations if I recall correctly, the results would probably vary with SDA model.

    I have no plans to try it, and it was just one of those passing "I wonder if..." thoughts.
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,001
    edited January 2010
    ox1216 wrote: »
    Please don't kill me. . .but I'm new to AV things (BUT I LOVE IT) How would I do that??


    Sorry for not responding sooner, I've been kinda busy fixing stuff. Were you able to find any of the SDA crossover upgrade threads?
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,001
    edited January 2010
    Bubinga99 wrote: »
    Just out of curiosity, instead of an SDA bi-amp connection of hi-frequency versus low frequency via the external binding posts, has anyone ever bi-amped the stereo drivers separately from the dimensional drivers?

    You'd have to make internal mods to the speakers to be able to drive it this way. The load for the dimensional drivers, as the left/right difference signal, *might* benefit sonically if driven by a completely independent amplifier.

    Since the band-limiting of the SDA signal evolved with the product line evolution, even including the tweeters in the earlier incarnations if I recall correctly, the results would probably vary with SDA model.

    I have no plans to try it, and it was just one of those passing "I wonder if..." thoughts.

    Considering that the SDA crosstalk cancellation signal is designed to produce sound at a dB level slightly less than the stereo drivers I don't think the above idea would work.
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • ox1216
    ox1216 Posts: 49
    edited January 2010
    F1nut wrote: »
    Sorry for not responding sooner, I've been kinda busy fixing stuff. Were you able to find any of the SDA crossover upgrade threads?

    Its ok. . .I found some. . .but to be honest I fear I'll do more harm then good. I might just get rid of them and buy some B&W's
  • ben62670
    ben62670 Posts: 15,969
    edited January 2010
    B&W's do not impress me. If you don't feel comfortable doing the XO's yourself you may find someone near you to help. Posting your location will help you make some friends, and help you get your learn on. I also have done many XO's for Polkies. I don't mark up amy parts, and I charge very reasonable prices for Polkies. Don't give up on your speakers. Upgrade them. You would have to spend some serious money to beat SDA's. As for BiAmping money would be better spent getting one good amp. The money saved could be put to better use on upgrades, and decent wire.
    Please. Please contact me a ben62670 @ Make sure to include who you are, and you are from Polk so I don't delete your email. Also I am now physically unable to work on any projects. If you need help let these guys know. There are many people who will help if you let them know where you are.
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,001
    edited January 2010
    ox1216 wrote: »
    Its ok. . .I found some. . .but to be honest I fear I'll do more harm then good. I might just get rid of them and buy some B&W's

    You really should find a way to upgrade your SDA's first.....take Ben up on his offer. If at that point you still don't like them by all means get those dry, sterile, finger nails on a chalkboard B&W's.
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • ox1216
    ox1216 Posts: 49
    edited January 2010
    ben62670 wrote: »
    B&W's do not impress me. If you don't feel comfortable doing the XO's yourself you may find someone near you to help. Posting your location will help you make some friends, and help you get your learn on. I also have done many XO's for Polkies. I don't mark up amy parts, and I charge very reasonable prices for Polkies. Don't give up on your speakers. Upgrade them. You would have to spend some serious money to beat SDA's. As for BiAmping money would be better spent getting one good amp. The money saved could be put to better use on upgrades, and decent wire.

    Hey Ben. . .do you know anyone in the Southern Maryland area that could help me?? Even my wife doen't want me to give up on them.

  • ben62670
    ben62670 Posts: 15,969
    edited January 2010
    You might find a friend in that area. If you can't all you need to do is remove the XO's and ship them. It is an easy endeavor.
    Please. Please contact me a ben62670 @ Make sure to include who you are, and you are from Polk so I don't delete your email. Also I am now physically unable to work on any projects. If you need help let these guys know. There are many people who will help if you let them know where you are.
  • inspiredsports
    inspiredsports Posts: 5,501
    edited January 2010
    ben62670 wrote: »
    You might find a friend in that area. If you can't all you need to do is remove the XO's and ship them. It is an easy endeavor.

    Ben helped with both my TL'd SDA-2B's and SDA SRS 2's and mailing to Ben is a great way to go if you don't want to tackle it yourself.

    I agree that upgrading the crossovers first seems to yield the highest payback for level of investment. I've upgraded about 10 components since and the speakers have NEVER been the weakest link since upgrading.
    VTL ST50 w/mods / RCA6L6GC / TlfnknECC801S
    Conrad Johnson PV-5 w/mods
    TT Conrad Johnson Sonographe SG3 Oak / Sumiko LMT / Grado Woodbody Platinum / Sumiko PIB2 / The Clamp
    Musical Fidelity A1 CDPro/ Bada DD-22 Tube CDP / Conrad Johnson SD-22 CDP
    Tuners w/mods Kenwood KT5020 / Fisher KM60
    MF x-DAC V8, HAInfo NG27
    Herbies Ti-9 / Vibrapods / MIT Shotgun AC1 IEC's / MIT Shotgun 2 IC's / MIT Shotgun 2 Speaker Cables
    PS Audio Cryo / PowerPort Premium Outlets / Exact Power EP15A Conditioner
    Walnut SDA 2B TL /Oak SDA SRS II TL (Sonicaps/Mills/Cardas/Custom SDA ICs / Dynamat Extreme / Larry's Rings/ FSB-2 Spikes
    NAD SS rigs w/mods
    GIK panels