Turntable ground hum??

Posts: 16
Happy Thanksgiving everybody,
I hooked up a Music Hall 5.1SE to a Conrad Johnson "Classic" tube preamp with a phono and line stage. I am getting a serious hum on the phono stage when the turntable is hooked up, with or without the ground wire connected. When I have the interconnects off (disconnected) the preamp side, I just get that wooosh sound of stage gain coming through the 250 W monoblock amps.
Any ideas on this? or things to try?? I have switched outlets, put a cheater plug on the preamp to eliminate the ground, no dice!! When I touch the ground plug the buzz dissipates, leading me to believe it might be a turntable ground fault.
I am not that handy at this stuff. It does sound awesome when the LP's are playing, but I know it is too much noise. The CD and Tuner sections are quite as a mouse.
Any help appreciated.
I hooked up a Music Hall 5.1SE to a Conrad Johnson "Classic" tube preamp with a phono and line stage. I am getting a serious hum on the phono stage when the turntable is hooked up, with or without the ground wire connected. When I have the interconnects off (disconnected) the preamp side, I just get that wooosh sound of stage gain coming through the 250 W monoblock amps.
Any ideas on this? or things to try?? I have switched outlets, put a cheater plug on the preamp to eliminate the ground, no dice!! When I touch the ground plug the buzz dissipates, leading me to believe it might be a turntable ground fault.
I am not that handy at this stuff. It does sound awesome when the LP's are playing, but I know it is too much noise. The CD and Tuner sections are quite as a mouse.
Any help appreciated.
Post edited by Rennrig on
I am going through the samething myself with my Jolida JD9 phono pre. so I hope this helps me as well.
Good luck on your end,
Larry. -
Is the turntable ground wire hooked up?
Guys that is definitely a grounding problem. If the tt hums no matter if the ground wire is attached or not, perhaps the tt has a loose ground wire internally. Being brand new, it's a possibility. Can you follow the ground wire into the plinth and through the tonearm to be sure it's not disconnected anywhere?-Kevin
HT: Philips 52PFL7432D 52" LCD 1080p / Onkyo TX-SR 606 / Oppo BDP-83 SE / Comcast cable. (all HDMI)B&W 801 - Front, Polk CS350 LS - Center, Polk LS90 - Rear
2 Channel:
Oppo BDP-83 SE
Squeezebox Touch
Muscial Fidelity M1 DAC
VTL 2.5
McIntosh 2205 (refurbed)
B&W 801's
Transparent IC's -
on the back of the turntable between the line outs is a ground lug. You need to run a wire from there to ground.
Doh... I was assuming he had done that.
Edit: He stated "with or without the ground wire connected".
I'm wondering if there might be a problem within the table, perhaps in the tone arm.-Kevin
HT: Philips 52PFL7432D 52" LCD 1080p / Onkyo TX-SR 606 / Oppo BDP-83 SE / Comcast cable. (all HDMI)B&W 801 - Front, Polk CS350 LS - Center, Polk LS90 - Rear
2 Channel:
Oppo BDP-83 SE
Squeezebox Touch
Muscial Fidelity M1 DAC
VTL 2.5
McIntosh 2205 (refurbed)
B&W 801's
Transparent IC's -
Is the turntable ground wire hooked up?
I disconnected mine and it sounds a thousand times better, but there is still a little hum as I turn up the volume, enough to bug me from the sitting position. -
Thanks everyone, these are good suggestions.
FYI, I have run the unit with ground and without ground wire attached. I have also used a cheater plug (3 into 2) to eliminate the preamp ground from the 120V system. Under all conditions I get the noise. The only time I don't here it in the phono stage is when the interconnects are disconnected from the preamp.
I like the idea that there may be an internal ground wire that is funky. It is a brand new table with a rosewood plinth, so I am cautious about going in and yarding around. These wires seem pretty delicate to me.
Cheers, -
Seems like a ground problem in the TT. Hey Joe help us out.
BTW - where did you purchase it from?
I bought it from Spearit Sound, Northhampton , MA. They are willing to ship me out another unit if it looks like I can't isolate the problem.
Double check the wire connections at the cartridge, making sure of correct polairty and not touching each other. Make sure the interconnect is not run close to power wire. Avoid metal or speakers close to the cartridge. Also as said before, there could be an internal ground break.>
>This message has been scanned by the NSA and found to be free of harmful intent.< -
I had the same problem with my Akai TT which turned out to be the contacts between the headshell and tone arm. These are spring loaded and compress slightly when the headshell is tightened down. In my case one or more contacts didn't spring back when I removed the headshell and did not make good contact when put it back on. It buzzed like mad. The solution was to poke the spring loaded contacts with the tip of a pencil to free it up.5.1 System:
TCL R613 55" 4K
Front: SRS-3.1TL
Center: CS400i
Surround: Monitor 10B
PSW10 subwoofer
Onkyo PR-SC886P Pre/Pro
NAD T955 5 channel power amplifier
Technics SL-1710 MK2 turntable
Audio-Technica AT14Sa cartridge
Parasound P3 pre-amp
Oppo BDP-103 Blu-Ray
2014 MacBook Pro 2.8 GHz
2.0 Office System:
Monitor 10A (Peerless)
Outlaw 1050 receiver
Parasound HCA-1000A power amp
MacPro -
I plugged a TT in the non switched outlet of a CJ PVC-5 pre amp and have no hum at all. Maybe something you could try the TT was such a low draw 9 watts I couldn't see why not use the outlet.
Carver Amazing Fronts
CS400i Center
RT800i's Rears
Sub Paradigm Servo 15
Conrad Johnson PV-5 pre-amp
Parasound Halo A23
Pioneer 84TXSi AVR
Pioneer 79Avi DVD
Sony CX400 CD changer
Panasonic 42-PX60U Plasma
WMC Win7 32bit HD DVR