Need HELP adjusting amp settings again...

edited April 2003 in Car Audio & Electronics
Okay I just received my new Cadence Z9000 and it is one sick looking amp. Now I just need some help on adjusting all the features of the amp. I mostly listen to rap and r&b and love my bass hard and loud. I cannot figure out what freq to set to since there is no in between markings. Can some one tell me by clock settings such as 9 o'clock 11 o'clock 3 o'clock etc. Please take a look at at the .pdf for all of the settings on the amp. Thanks again for all the help.

BTW I am running the amp bridge at 800RMS to a MM124.
Post edited by LILDRAGON on


  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited March 2003
    these are just starting points, but i think they'll work well for you...

    note - from lookin at the pdf - i'm assuming all "zero's" to be at 7 o clock and all "full's" to be at 5 o clock.

    xover --> LPF

    xover - freq --> 7:30 -- this is gonna be a tough adjustment because the filter goes up to 1600 hertz... you want it at or just above 7:30, that'll give you 80 - 85 hertz

    bass boost --> 9:00 - 9:30, this will give you 3 - 4 db's of boost. that should be plenty to smooth it out.

    boost frequency --> 8:30 will give you a 40-45 hertz center frequency for your boost. if you dial it up a tad higher to the mid 50's you'll have a bit punchier response, a little lower and it'll be boomier. 40-45 is a good medium tho - hence why most amps are centered at that anyway.

    subsonic filter --> leave it down at 15... you're using a sealed box and most of the time this is not necessary for a sealed box as the box actually does the job for you.

    gain --> ??? --> this is going to depend on what the preamp voltage of your deck is.
    ....... for a 4 volt preout that is 2.5 volt before clipping, then 70% is what you're looking for, knock it another hair back for the reason that you're wanting more like 650-700 instead of 800 watts into the momo, and i'd say that 12:30 maybe 1 if you get the sub going and it seems happy, would be ideal.

    ......for a 2 volt preout that is 1.25 volts prior to clipping, then you're going to want like 85%, taking the same into account about pulling it a tad back and 2:00 comes out to be the setting.

    if your deck's preamp voltage is anything else or u're unsure of it -- post the deck and we'll look up the specs.

    of course you cant truly check hte gain without a scope but if u want a ballpark guess, once the sub is broken in onlow volume for a few weeks, juice it up on something deep with a good solid low note that lasts for a few seconds.. put a volt meter on it, and when the low note hits, watch for the highest voltage it spits out... square it,divide by 4 that's your power. your V should be something like 51 - 53 volts. if u do it be sure u use a voltmeter that has an AC range as as low as 20 hertz and up to at least 100 (most are 20 or 40 to 400 for the cheapies) and has a high sampling rate (it re-checks the reading within split second intervals) or else u'll never get a reasonable estimate.

    i'm reading this pdf and wishing i had bought a cadence amp -- for the price they look like the best thing since sliced bread.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
    LILDRAGON Posts: 47
    edited March 2003
    Thanks you've been very helpful. I will try out those settings. Oh and my deck is a Rockford Fosgate RFX9300 I think it is suppose to be 5V not sure though?
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited March 2003
    5V --> 12:00 setting.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
    LILDRAGON Posts: 47
    edited March 2003
    Hey PBD, will a 2 o'clock setting on the gain damage my sub, cause thats the only way my sub actually sounds decent at 20 volumn (30 max) Or should I readjust some of the other settings. Thanks.
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited April 2003
    dude did u even break it in yet? those momos are stiff as hell when u first get them -- u gotta play it soft for like 20-40 hrs before u slam it.

    far as the gain setting... well look at it this way -- you are putting the cleanest power i have seen (at that power level) on a momo... i had like 0.75% distortion and less than 100 damping at 650 watts... you may be able to put more power as you've got less than .1% thd and you're probably in the 400 damping range -- they're rated 200 but they're much better than their rating.

    once the sub is broken in, hell you can dial the gain as high as you want until it seems the sub is distorting, overexcurting, or bottoming out.

    gain isn't a volume control --> but, when you've got all your other factors in order and in check and you just want to push more juice *or less* outa an amp, we all end up using it like a volume control.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited April 2003
    yeah you got to break them in
    or else youll crack the spider, theyll pop and youll have to send them back and then itll take a week-2 weeks to get them back
    cuz i did it
    but i got the mm12s
    so it wasnt bad
    but them hard early..bad things
    LILDRAGON Posts: 47
    edited April 2003
    Yes I did break them in already when I had my Rockford Fosgate 1000bd on it. Used it for a month on low volumn, that should be enough right? Can or could I dial in on the bass boost like half way?
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited April 2003
    u add more than 6 db's boost on the low end to a momo and you're looking for trouble.

    dial up the gain -- try it at 2 o clock like u said... pound on it with power and see how it sounds to you... as long as she dont sound like she's fallin apart, and you're pleased with teh sQ, then go with it.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited April 2003
    if ur talking about the bass boost on the amp...i HIGHLY recommend u dont use it
    its a momo killer