Rotel RSX-1055 Review: Part II (LONG)



  • ezc
    ezc Posts: 426
    edited April 2003
    I usually travel to the mainland on business about two to three times a year. This year the economy in Hi is kind of slow, dont know if Ill be going to any business conventions or meetings this year. Ill be at CES again in 2004 that is not a choice I have to be there to meet with all dealers & manufactures & for phone repair training. Worst case I need to wait for ces, & take a few days extra to buy the rotel. Thanks for your help!
  • pjdami
    pjdami Posts: 1,894
    edited April 2003

    You are making a sound decision in purchasing Rotel. It's really great gear at a great price. If you haven't already done so, check out Club Rotel over at HTF:

    Club Rotel

    Do some reading and go back a couple of months. You seem to be set on the 1065 which is an excellent choice. However, another option which I believe will give you maximum performance is to purchase the 1055 now and then get a Rotel 5 channel amp like the 1075 or 1095 later and use the 1055 as a preamp. This is the route that I choose to take. The preamp section in the 1055 is very good and my experiment with my NAD C270 power amp proved to me that a seperate power amp can boost the performance level of your system. Honestly, the 1055 has enough power for me as it is because I really don't listen to music very loud but it's nice to have the "horsepower" to show it off every once in a while.

    Ultimately, all of these opinions are subjective. You must and have to listen for yourself instead of listening, what's that big word again...vicariously. I realize that living in Hawaii and not having a local dealer is a bummer. Do some research over at Club Rotel and see what others have done. You'll see alot of folks using the 1055 with a seperate Rotel 5 channel amp. You'll save some dough by purchasing the 1055 instead of the 1065 and use that money towards interconnects and a seperate five channel amp for maximum performance. Then again, you might just be happy with the 1055 like I am.

    Just my 0.02.
  • ezc
    ezc Posts: 426
    edited April 2003
    Thanks for the info. I did consider the 1055 & a seperate amp in the future. I looked at it lke this. I will buy the 1065 now & hope to use this without having to upgrade again for a long period of time, I would have all the power & more than I would need now & in the near future. By the time I do want or need to upgrade again there may be better & more advanced either rcvrs or better sepreates. I know seperates will give me more flexibility but it will cost me more & I would have to buy interconnects & expand my rack. (hard to explain to my wife why seperates are better than a rcver). I know that if I bought the 1055 & I needed more power( I doubt I would need more power)Id have to convice my wife that i need to buy an amp & interconnects. Im trying to keep my system as simple as possible so my wife can use it too. If my wife cant use it or dosnt feel comfortable using the system it would be alot harder for me to upgrade or buy new equipment. Now I have the excuse gee dear we both will benifit from this upgrade, you listen to music & we do watch alot of movies. Im stuck with the wife acceptance factor (W.A.F)Thanks for the Club Rotel Link, I got a lot of reading to do now!
  • pjdami
    pjdami Posts: 1,894
    edited April 2003
    That's cool bud. You will love the 1065 and your logic is completely sound. Based on Polkatease's review of his 1065 vs. seperates, I seriously doubt you will need to upgrade further than that (your wife would be telling you to turn that damn thing down before you ever got to the potential of a seperate amp). Rotel power is very underrated and even my 1055 has enough power to warrant the "turn that damn thing down factor".

    Happy reading and shopping.
