Grinning ear to ear today

Paden501 Posts: 286
edited September 2009 in Vintage Speakers
Well I finally just bit the bullet!!

I drove all the way to Columbus today and picked up a minty pair of SDA-1C's that will fit nicely in what the wife and I are calling the 'game room' of our soon-coming house (we close early next month)!!!

I also landed a Carver SD/A-450 CD player while I was there.

I haven't been able to let them stretch their legs much yet (can't turn it up at the apartment) but so far they're sexy!

Pics to follow.

My System

Front L/R: Definitive BP10Bs
Surrounds -Polk Audio Monitor 4As
Preamp: B&K Reference 20
CD: Jolida JD100a
L/R Amp: Carver TFM-24
Turntable: Pioneer PL-516 W/ Shure M97xe
TV: Sony 52" XBR9
Post edited by Paden501 on


  • thsmith
    thsmith Posts: 6,082
    edited August 2009
    Congrats. SDA-1Cs are great. It didn't happen without pics:eek:
    Speakers: SDA-1C (most all the goodies)
    Preamp: Joule Electra LA-150 MKII SE
    Amp: Wright WPA 50-50 EAT KT88s
    Analog: Marantz TT-15S1 MBS Glider SL| Wright WPP100C Amperex BB 6er5 and 7316 & WPM-100 SUT
    Digital: Mac mini 2.3GHz dual-core i5 8g RAM 1.5 TB HDD Music Server Amarra (memory play) - USB - W4S DAC 2
    Cables: Mits S3 IC and Spk cables| PS Audio PCs
  • BB3
    BB3 Posts: 297
    edited August 2009
    Congratulations Paden501 on your purchase. May I ask where you found your speakers and CD Player in Columbus ?

    Take Care and I hope that you enjoy the heck out them.
    Sony 52in.XBR6
    Sony 32in.XBR6
    Anthem AVM50V
    Anthem PRE-2L
    Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1
    Carver C-9
    Carver C-19 PreAmp
    Carver C-16 PreAmp
    2-Carver Silver 7-T's
    4-Carver TFM55's
    2-Carver TFM35's
    1-Carver TFM25
    Carver 490T
    Denon DCD1560
    Sony BDP-S350
    Sony PS3
    Nintendo Wii
    Panasonic DMK23DVR

    Speakers :

    PolkAudio SDA-SRS
    PolkAudio SDA-SRS 1.2TL
    PolkAudio SDA-CRS+(Compliments Of Mr. Jim Thomas"jtgranby")
    PolkAudio RTA-15TL
    PolkAudio M3
    3-Velodyne F-1500's
  • Paden501
    Paden501 Posts: 286
    edited August 2009
    @BBC - A guy on the west side of the city sold them to me. I found them listed on Craigslist.

    My System

    Front L/R: Definitive BP10Bs
    Surrounds -Polk Audio Monitor 4As
    Preamp: B&K Reference 20
    CD: Jolida JD100a
    L/R Amp: Carver TFM-24
    Turntable: Pioneer PL-516 W/ Shure M97xe
    TV: Sony 52" XBR9
  • AudioGenics
    AudioGenics Posts: 2,567
    edited August 2009
    congrats on your find and purchase....
  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 19,425
    edited August 2009
    Congrat's and enjoy.
    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • BrettT1
    BrettT1 Posts: 560
    edited August 2009
    Grats. Pics would be nice.
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited August 2009
    Congats,, got the crossovers out yet?;)
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • Paden501
    Paden501 Posts: 286
    edited August 2009
    Pics are coming. My camera died so as soon as I get the betteries charged a bit I'll take a few.

    I'm not going after the crossovers right away... I'm moving in like 3 weeks so maybe once I get settled in. They've got SL2000's also, so some new tweets will be on my short list.

    These things are mint though, the wood tops don't have a single nick, other than a small coffee cup ring on one... and they came with the original boxes and all. I couldn't ask for more considering all the more I paid.

    My System

    Front L/R: Definitive BP10Bs
    Surrounds -Polk Audio Monitor 4As
    Preamp: B&K Reference 20
    CD: Jolida JD100a
    L/R Amp: Carver TFM-24
    Turntable: Pioneer PL-516 W/ Shure M97xe
    TV: Sony 52" XBR9
  • Deadof_knight
    Deadof_knight Posts: 980
    edited August 2009
    Hey Laz what was the name of that song on your tube link ?
    :cool: " He who dies with the most equipment wins Right ? "

    Denon 3300 Adcom 535 BBe w/sub out 1 pr 4.6s 2 pr of 4 jrs Recent additions Samsung Lns-4095D LCD, Samsung hd-960 DVD, Monster HT-5000 Power center
    ,HPSA-1000 18" sealed DiY home sub.:D
    Black Laquer 1.2tl's w/ upgraded x-overs and Tweets BI-Amped with 2 Carver tfm-35's Knukonceptz 10ga cables
  • megasat16
    megasat16 Posts: 3,521
    edited August 2009
    Sal, After watching your Utube video, I pity on your TFM-35x. It's time you get a couple of TFM-55x for real juice for the 1.2TLs.
    Trying out Different Audio Cables is a Religious Affair. You don't discuss it with anyone. :redface::biggrin:
  • Paden501
    Paden501 Posts: 286
    edited August 2009
    Ok I've finally got some pictures ready. The first one is of my whole setup:


    Next is just the right speaker:


    And finally, the coffee cup stain.. this is the only real blemish that I've found on these things.



    My System

    Front L/R: Definitive BP10Bs
    Surrounds -Polk Audio Monitor 4As
    Preamp: B&K Reference 20
    CD: Jolida JD100a
    L/R Amp: Carver TFM-24
    Turntable: Pioneer PL-516 W/ Shure M97xe
    TV: Sony 52" XBR9
  • vc69
    vc69 Posts: 2,500
    edited August 2009
    Schweet !
    Is that an old Pioneer integtrated in the rack there? What are you driving those beasts with?

    HT: Philips 52PFL7432D 52" LCD 1080p / Onkyo TX-SR 606 / Oppo BDP-83 SE / Comcast cable. (all HDMI)B&W 801 - Front, Polk CS350 LS - Center, Polk LS90 - Rear
    2 Channel:
    Oppo BDP-83 SE
    Squeezebox Touch
    Muscial Fidelity M1 DAC
    VTL 2.5
    McIntosh 2205 (refurbed)
    B&W 801's
    Transparent IC's
  • Paden501
    Paden501 Posts: 286
    edited August 2009
    @ VC69 - Yeah that's an old Pioneer SA-7700 on the rack... That is what I'm running the SDA's with until I can find a suitable upgrade that doesn't break the bank. It's only rated at 60wpc @8ohm... but for the size room I have, I don't even push that much.

    I'm moving to a much larger room at my new place soon though so that'll be a different story.

    My System

    Front L/R: Definitive BP10Bs
    Surrounds -Polk Audio Monitor 4As
    Preamp: B&K Reference 20
    CD: Jolida JD100a
    L/R Amp: Carver TFM-24
    Turntable: Pioneer PL-516 W/ Shure M97xe
    TV: Sony 52" XBR9
  • megasat16
    megasat16 Posts: 3,521
    edited August 2009
    Nice! Enjoy your new speakers!
    Trying out Different Audio Cables is a Religious Affair. You don't discuss it with anyone. :redface::biggrin:
  • leroyjr1
    leroyjr1 Posts: 8,785
    edited August 2009
    Very nice !!!!
  • megasat16
    megasat16 Posts: 3,521
    edited August 2009
    Lasareath wrote: »
    I was thinking exactly the same thing the other day. I'll have to keep a look out and then send them to Bob & Rita and have them rebuilt to original specs.

    When TFM-35x needles hit 2/3rd, you know it's gonna need more. Two TFM-55x rebuilt at Bob and Rita's shop will make you grin even wider than Joker from the Dark Knight!

    I've seen two TFM-55x for $800 on Carver Forum. They may probably been sold. No affil with the seller.
    Trying out Different Audio Cables is a Religious Affair. You don't discuss it with anyone. :redface::biggrin:
  • Fongolio
    Fongolio Posts: 3,516
    edited August 2009
    Nice speakers. Congrats on a great find. How does the cd player sound? I live in an apartment as well but my 1C's really sound great with the Carver TFM-25 even at low volumes. I have an old school Kenwood KA-9100 that sounds really good for 95 wpc but the Carver blows it away. Those beauties will really deliver when you get them a really nice high current amp, or a sweet tube amp. In the meantime......enjoy!!!!
    SDA-1C (full mods)
    Carver TFM-55
    NAD 1130 Pre-amp
    Rega Planar 3 TT/Shelter 501 MkII
    The Clamp
    Revox A77 Mk IV Dolby reel to reel
    Thorens TD160/Mission 774 arm/Stanton 881S Shibata
    Nakamichi CR7 Cassette Deck
    Rotel RCD-855 with modified tube output stage
    Cambridge Audio DACmagic Plus
    ADC Soundshaper 3 EQ
    Ben's IC's
    Nitty Gritty 1.5FI RCM
  • JohnLocke88
    JohnLocke88 Posts: 1,150
    edited August 2009
    Very nice speakers :D
  • engtaz
    engtaz Posts: 7,666
    edited August 2009
    Congrats. Nice setup.

    I love how music can brighten up a bad day.
  • BB3
    BB3 Posts: 297
    edited August 2009

    I think the product Old English will clean that stain right up.

    Congratulations on the purchase and have an awesome weekend.----Bill(BB3)
    Sony 52in.XBR6
    Sony 32in.XBR6
    Anthem AVM50V
    Anthem PRE-2L
    Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1
    Carver C-9
    Carver C-19 PreAmp
    Carver C-16 PreAmp
    2-Carver Silver 7-T's
    4-Carver TFM55's
    2-Carver TFM35's
    1-Carver TFM25
    Carver 490T
    Denon DCD1560
    Sony BDP-S350
    Sony PS3
    Nintendo Wii
    Panasonic DMK23DVR

    Speakers :

    PolkAudio SDA-SRS
    PolkAudio SDA-SRS 1.2TL
    PolkAudio SDA-CRS+(Compliments Of Mr. Jim Thomas"jtgranby")
    PolkAudio RTA-15TL
    PolkAudio M3
    3-Velodyne F-1500's
  • chandler9a
    chandler9a Posts: 878
    edited August 2009
    Congrats! I hope to have a pair of 1C's some day.
    I highly suggest a Adcom 555 to run those, I have one for my 2A's and it really gives them the power they need.

  • Barefoot
    Barefoot Posts: 149
    edited August 2009
    Wow. They're bigger than I thought.
  • smglbrth
    smglbrth Posts: 1,484
    edited August 2009
    Sweeeeeeeeet!! I've had mine for about a month now (studio versions) and they just blow me away every time I turn on the power button! "Biting the bullet" never sounded so good!

    Remember, when you're running from something, you're running to something...-me
  • maandjojo
    maandjojo Posts: 293
    edited August 2009
    Smokin'. Beaut of a setup also. Good luck, you will love um'.
  • cfrizz
    cfrizz Posts: 13,415
    edited August 2009
    looking good, congrats.
    Marantz AV-7705 PrePro, Classé 5 channel 200wpc Amp, Oppo 103 BluRay, Rotel RCD-1072 CDP, Sony XBR-49X800E TV, Polk S60 Main Speakers, Polk ES30 Center Channel, Polk S15 Surround Speakers SVS SB12-NSD x2
  • Paden501
    Paden501 Posts: 286
    edited August 2009
    Fongolio wrote: »
    Nice speakers. Congrats on a great find. How does the cd player sound? I live in an apartment as well but my 1C's really sound great with the Carver TFM-25 even at low volumes. I have an old school Kenwood KA-9100 that sounds really good for 95 wpc but the Carver blows it away. Those beauties will really deliver when you get them a really nice high current amp, or a sweet tube amp. In the meantime......enjoy!!!!

    The CD player sounds pretty good. It's certainly an improvement over the Onkyo changer that I was using until now. However, I hooked the player and the SDAs up at the same time, so it might just be the speakers making the difference, who knows.

    The Pioneer drives the SDAs suprisingly well. The only trouble I'm having is that my right channel isn't driving at the same volume as the left sometimes. It's in the 'tape monitor' switches on the Pioneer... driving me crazy. I've tried spraying them inside and out with contact cleaner but it's not helping. I might just solder some jumpers over the switches if it continues to be a problem (never use those features anyway).

    While I had the Pioneer apart, I hooked up a mid-90's era Onkyo reciever to the SDAs for power, and the difference was stunning. The Onkyo got the speakers plenty loud, but the crispness, punch and realism (feeling like you're really there) just didn't exist....

    Needless to say, I hooked the Pioneer amp back up as quickly as I could. I'm moving into a new home soon, but after I'm over the financial shock of buying a house, I'm going to look into a Carver powered amp, either a TFM-15 or TFM-24/25 depending on what my budget is.

    My System

    Front L/R: Definitive BP10Bs
    Surrounds -Polk Audio Monitor 4As
    Preamp: B&K Reference 20
    CD: Jolida JD100a
    L/R Amp: Carver TFM-24
    Turntable: Pioneer PL-516 W/ Shure M97xe
    TV: Sony 52" XBR9
  • BB3
    BB3 Posts: 297
    edited September 2009

    Have you been to VintageHiFi in Pittsburgh ? If not, you should definitely check it out. Great place to deal at and the amount of equipment that Tom carries there is incredible.

    Take Care Paden501.
    Sony 52in.XBR6
    Sony 32in.XBR6
    Anthem AVM50V
    Anthem PRE-2L
    Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1
    Carver C-9
    Carver C-19 PreAmp
    Carver C-16 PreAmp
    2-Carver Silver 7-T's
    4-Carver TFM55's
    2-Carver TFM35's
    1-Carver TFM25
    Carver 490T
    Denon DCD1560
    Sony BDP-S350
    Sony PS3
    Nintendo Wii
    Panasonic DMK23DVR

    Speakers :

    PolkAudio SDA-SRS
    PolkAudio SDA-SRS 1.2TL
    PolkAudio SDA-CRS+(Compliments Of Mr. Jim Thomas"jtgranby")
    PolkAudio RTA-15TL
    PolkAudio M3
    3-Velodyne F-1500's
  • vc69
    vc69 Posts: 2,500
    edited September 2009
    Good suggestion. I've been watching his website for deals and he seems to keep some good stuff with reasonable prices.
    HT: Philips 52PFL7432D 52" LCD 1080p / Onkyo TX-SR 606 / Oppo BDP-83 SE / Comcast cable. (all HDMI)B&W 801 - Front, Polk CS350 LS - Center, Polk LS90 - Rear
    2 Channel:
    Oppo BDP-83 SE
    Squeezebox Touch
    Muscial Fidelity M1 DAC
    VTL 2.5
    McIntosh 2205 (refurbed)
    B&W 801's
    Transparent IC's
  • Paden501
    Paden501 Posts: 286
    edited September 2009
    Yeah I actually bought my Onkyo HT reciver from Tom a couple of months ago. He had a sick pair of 1.2TL's at the time. I think somebody else on the forums grabbed them up from him.

    I'm interested in his TFM-24, but I don't have the $300 to pay him right now (we're in the middle of buying a house, so money is tight).

    So I'm just going to wait, unless a great deal pops up.

    Which reminds me, I saw a TFM-15 on craiglist for like $100.... can anybody comment on the TFM-15 pared with SDAs? Does it have enough power to push such a large speaker?


    My System

    Front L/R: Definitive BP10Bs
    Surrounds -Polk Audio Monitor 4As
    Preamp: B&K Reference 20
    CD: Jolida JD100a
    L/R Amp: Carver TFM-24
    Turntable: Pioneer PL-516 W/ Shure M97xe
    TV: Sony 52" XBR9
  • BB3
    BB3 Posts: 297
    edited September 2009
    Paden501 wrote: »
    Yeah I actually bought my Onkyo HT reciver from Tom a couple of months ago. He had a sick pair of 1.2TL's at the time. I think somebody else on the forums grabbed them up from him.

    I'm interested in his TFM-24, but I don't have the $300 to pay him right now (we're in the middle of buying a house, so money is tight).

    So I'm just going to wait, unless a great deal pops up.

    Which reminds me, I saw a TFM-15 on craiglist for like $100.... can anybody comment on the TFM-15 pared with SDAs? Does it have enough power to push such a large speaker?

    Oh ! Is that right PADEN501. Good for you and I'm glad to hear you bought your Onkyo from Tom.

    By the way.....Yours truly was the one who picked up those Polk SDA's.

    Anyways, on to your question. If it was me, I would hold off until I could get the TFM24 or something comparable. Not that the 15 is bad, far from it, but that 24 will really push all the "right buttons" for you, if you follow me ?

    Other than that Paden501, I frequent Tom's business as much as possible and hopefully one day we will run into each other there. Until then.........

    Best Regards, Bill(BB3)----PS---Congrats on the new home.
    Sony 52in.XBR6
    Sony 32in.XBR6
    Anthem AVM50V
    Anthem PRE-2L
    Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1
    Carver C-9
    Carver C-19 PreAmp
    Carver C-16 PreAmp
    2-Carver Silver 7-T's
    4-Carver TFM55's
    2-Carver TFM35's
    1-Carver TFM25
    Carver 490T
    Denon DCD1560
    Sony BDP-S350
    Sony PS3
    Nintendo Wii
    Panasonic DMK23DVR

    Speakers :

    PolkAudio SDA-SRS
    PolkAudio SDA-SRS 1.2TL
    PolkAudio SDA-CRS+(Compliments Of Mr. Jim Thomas"jtgranby")
    PolkAudio RTA-15TL
    PolkAudio M3
    3-Velodyne F-1500's