Damn, almost rented it today but passed. Have to grab it next go around.If...
Ron dislikes a film = go out and buy it.
Ron loves a film = don't even rent. -
laughed my a$$ off!
Netflix has this streaming now, so I took a chance on it. I thought it was pretty funny, and it's one of those I'd watch again if I was bored.My equipment sig felt inadequate and deleted itself.
Saw it on Netflix. Meh. If you want a really funny Zombie movie "Shaun of the Dead". Now that is a funny movie.
double tap.
LOVED this movie. Got it on BR b/c and I've probably seen it 10 times. I liked Shaun of the Dead as well, but this was outstanding in it's own right.2007 Club Polk Football Pool Champ
2010 Club Polk Fantasy Football Champ
2011 Club Polk Football Pool Champ
"It's like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!" -
Watched it over the weekend on Netflix streaming. Had some good laughs and it was mostly entertaining. Would probably never watch again though.
This movie was freaking awesome!!! Woody Harrelson is hilarious in this movie. I was constantly laughing my **** off! I really dunno what my favorite part would be...oh yeah probably Emma Stone. Everything she's ever played in she's been this hot bad **** chic with an attitude that makes her even sexier than what she already is - my dream woman. And only like 4 years younger than me
even sweeter. Movie wise...not really enough zombie killing, the redneck zombies in the grocery store was pretty funny especially getting whacked upside the head with a banjo that was priceless. Definately will get this on Blu-Ray (soon as I get one)
I liked this movie as well but I'm easily entertained most of the time. Classic one-liners and such. The cameo by Murray was funny.
Sometimes you just have to watch a movie and take it FWIW and I think this one of them. It was funny and entertaining. Was it the best movie ever? No, not at all.
Take that Piranha trailer that was posted. Is that going to be a great movie? Probably not but it will be entertaining with blood and gore and ingenious ways of coming up to kill someone. It is like a trainwreck. You can't look away but I'll way the BR release.