Amp info

Posts: 94
I know that there is a huge debate going on about amps here, but I am wondering if there is any source for amplifier info. As in how they work, how they are hooked up and lastly what are the good brand names? If there is such a thing as a good brand name. I am not trying to start a 3 page debate. I just want basic info.
Thank you in advance for your knowledge on this subject.
I know that there is a huge debate going on about amps here, but I am wondering if there is any source for amplifier info. As in how they work, how they are hooked up and lastly what are the good brand names? If there is such a thing as a good brand name. I am not trying to start a 3 page debate. I just want basic info.

Beer on tap is great, until the keg runs dry and the liqour store is closed!:D
Post edited by Davidv on
I would suggest doing a search here, audioasylum or even a yahoo search or something. There is literally TONS of information.
On the same note, there are LOTS of reputable amp manufacturers. I wouldn't go so far as to say there are 'good' or 'bad' amps, only opinion.
That may be kind of general in scope but hopefully it's a start.
BDTI plan for the future. - F1Nut -
Though I believe that what you're after is the basics, I thought this article had some pretty good explanations of what some of the specifications associated with power amps, mean. And if you hit the "Return to articles index" link at the top of that page, you can find this one that talks about the basics of how amps work.
That other thread concerning amps started out as a good question but has now deteriorated into a fight. Despite the way it looks sometimes, there are some really sharp people on here who can give you good answers, if you have more specific questions. I'm not necessarily one of them...but I'll be glad to try to help.
Jason -
Here is a very basic article on amps and how they work How Amps Work"Just because youre offended doesnt mean youre right." - Ricky Gervais
"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." - Stuart Chase
"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." - Bernard Berenson -
Thank you all for the info. I now have some light reading to do. Thanks again.
DavidBeer on tap is great, until the keg runs dry and the liqour store is closed!:D