Interesting (scary) read

rs159 Posts: 1,027
edited February 2003 in Car Audio & Electronics
I don't usually venture into the car audio forums, not exactly my style. But doing a search on soundproofing I uncovered something that appaled and offended me so deeply that I just couldn't let it alone.

"Earthquake Sound" In Cars Has To GO!
Submitted Anonymously Private Citizen
By far the most prevalent and most major distraction in cars today is sound systems, both OEM and aftermarket. The problems are several. First, the sound level generated by some equipment is so loud and has so much bass that drivers of vehicles so equipped cannot hear emergency vehicle sirens, no matter how loud or piercing. Second, sound waves from these vehicles are capable of causing extreme discomfort for other nearby drivers, both auditory and emotional. I have witnessed incidents of rage directed at drivers of vehicles with these sound systems. I have also witnessed- on several occasions- vehicles so equipped setting off the motion-sensitive anti-theft alarms on nearby cars in parking lots. The capabilities of these systems far surpass anything needed for clarity of sound in an automobile. Local law enforcement is evidently incapable of handling the problem; even in a jurisdiction where ordinances exist, like my native Atlanta, it is next-to-impossible to obtain enforcement. As I see it, the only real solution is Federal regulation of automotive sound systems. I would like to see regulations emcompassing the following restrictions: 1) Restriction on the size (in overall surface area) of speakers, and the depth of speaker cones, as well as the allowable weight of speaker magnets, applicable to all OEM and aftermarket equipment. 2) A restriction on the number of speakers allowed in a vehicle, with the restriction applicable to every class of vehicle extant. 3) A restriction on the power of amplifiers, both OEM and aftermarket; my suggestion here would be to examine the wattage of lower-end OEM systems and restrict wattages to a level somewhere in the range of wattages found in such systems. 4) A complete ban on pre-amplifiers. 5) A complete ban on sub-woofers. 6) A complete ban on the installation of additional batteries in automobiles; only the OEM battery setup should be permitted. 7) A requirement that all sound system equipment designs, whether OEM or aftermarket, be submitted for Federal approval before being permitted for sale or distribution. I would also like to see a class of Federal violation created for drivers who violate such regulations, with a system of Federal enforcement; local jurisdiction enforcement is a complete joke. I would also want to see regulations concerning such sound systems enacted with NO "grandfathering" whatever; drivers of vehicles in violation of new regulations should be required to remove the equipment completely. Again, these systems are dangerous to both the drivers of the vehicles so equipped, and to the public at large. PLEASE help stop this horrendous auditory assault!"

Every single one of these restrictions would seriously limit the enjoyment of car audio systems by those who know what the hell they are talking about. I'm not talking about max spl competitors, I'm talking about real audiophiles.

1) Restriction on the size of speakers... allowable weight of speaker magnets - It is nearly impossible to get deep bass from 5" drivers. It can be done in very rare circumstances, but you cannot cheat the laws of physics. Big cones are hard to control, thats why bigger magnets exist. With little teeny tiny magnets on 10" cones, all you get is weak powerless bass with no transients and plently of distortion.

2) A restriction on the number of speakers allowed in a vehicle. - The restriction would probably be 6 speakers. So you have a choice, tweeters for clear highs, or subwoofers for deep bass. I want both.

3) A restriction on the power of amplifiers... lower end OEM systems... a level somewhere in the range of wattages found in such systems. - OK then, you can kiss deep bass goodbye, and forget about getting full 96db of dynamic range from CDs. Actually, road noise would make you have to turn it up louder to get a full 96db dynamic range, so loud that the POS stock head units this poor misguided soul is referencing would scream for mercy if not die alltogether trying to play at an acceptable level.

4) A complete ban on preamplifiers. - (random cursing) Need I say more?

5) A complete ban on subwoofers - (EVEN MORE RANDOM CURSING :supermad: !!!!!!!) How the hell are you supposed to get full extension over the entire range of human hearing with those rinky-dinky little 4" front speakers??? Subwoofers are essential to compliment to smaller midbass drivers up front.

6) A complete ban on the installation of additional batteries - This goes beyond audio, what if you have accessories on your truck like winches and you keep draining your battery? I guess you are screwed.

7) ...all sound system equipment designs, ... submitted for federal approval... - Oh, what fun. Having a federal agent inspect your car every time you upgrade.

Let's hope that laws like this are never passed. They severely limit the technical capability of car entertainment, and they are really useless. If people want attention, they'll get it. Be it loud exhaust pipes, engines that sound like dying lawnmowers, or huge stereos. The appropriate law would limit the amount of noise transfered to the outside world, not the technical capability of an entertainment system.

That's my two cents.
Post edited by rs159 on


  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited February 2003
    dont get your feathers in a knot just yet friend... fact is, it would never happen... such an issue as audio and sound reproduction in a vehicle would fall into the same category as "state inspections" of a vehicle... automotive "crap" in general falls to the state level of jurisdiction, and i do seriously doubt any state in the union would enact such a regulation when it comes to the fact that many people can prove quite readily that they bump with massive amounts of wattage and internal spl levels while creating NO sound outside the car.

    I could see a "soundproofing" requirement -- something along the lines of "you're car can't break XYZ db's outside the vehicle" -- but i highly doubt there'd ever be a regulation on internal spl levels.. lets alone cone size of speakers.. jesus christ this is america not **** germany.

    and even if there was -- may i said i'd be the first to constnatly break that law and flaunt my ability to do so -- i dont care if i had to keep buying 2 batteries every week.. i'd do it till i went broke.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • rs159
    rs159 Posts: 1,027
    edited February 2003
    **** America it isn't. Thank god. On an interesting note, I do believe that Hitler once said something like "If it wasn't for the loudspeaker, we never would have conquered Germany", I suppose refering to music sparking his "genious". I wonder if Hitler would've liked a little thumpage? :)
  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,804
    edited February 2003
    I can agree to a point. That point being common courtesy. I usually turn the stereo down or tag the mute or pause buttons when I am at a traffic light, unlike many punk kids around here. Also, I don't blare the stere at 2 am when people are trying to sleep.

    Also, this is another example of a whiney little biznatch who things nanny goverment should wipe his nose and butt because he is too stupid to realize that he should be taking care of himself. As far as the emergency vehicle thing goes, if you are that oblivious to the roads around you when you are driving and you can't figure out how a goddam mirror works then you really shouldn't be driving to begin with.

    If thise person, I know I used he but it could very well be a she, wants to live in such a socialistic, government controlled state up pseudo-utopia, perhaps they should consider s place like Switzerland or Singapore or even canada for thier next change of address. Part of what makes this coutry so great is that you are FREE to be as LOUD as you damn well please and if the guy next to you has a problem with it, he has 2 choices, one, take you to court to settle the dispute or deal with it. I believe that common courtesy prevails in cases like traffic lights and midnight drives but if you are tooling down the high way at 65 listing to Hendrix way too loud then the guy in the next lane can get bent.

    On a side note, the noise of exhaust systems on every pickup truck around here is much more annoying, along with the ricers, than any stereo. Same with motorcycles with open pipes. Hell, my truck came from the factory with a pretty wicked exhaust system and it's no where near as loud and annoying as every 4x4 driving wannabe with a Flowmaster or Bassani exhaust system.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited February 2003
    ... when i get the money -- dual front pipe / dual muffler / true dual exhause Borla (which from what i've heard/ been told is one of hte quietest exhausts around). until then... i'll just make **** noises with my voice...
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge