Question about banana connectors
I am buying a set of VM speakers and I am wondering if this banana connector will works or not? Is any better option about the same price range? I am looking for about 60 bucks for 40 plugs.
Post edited by mr2sw21 on
by the way the wire I have is 14GA
by the way also I have a question about sub wof. I see some sub and amp has one single cable for sub wof and some has 8 (4 red and 4 back) is it the more the better?
Funny, I just busted out my Nakamichis last night to rewire my center channel. They are fine plugs at a good price. My plug ends don't look like yours, which I've never seen before, but I can attest that the build is good and they don't have too many parts or bells and whistles like many other nanners.
I got 24 of these same plugs pictured on e-bay 24 plugs for 16 bucks delivered
really good to know. So I assume they will work for VM serious speakers.
here is the exact item I got, he has more avail with buy it now -
here is the exact item I got, he has more avail with buy it now
Those head looks a bit different than what I want.
The reason I pick that shape it just looks to me it will have more connecting surface. will that be better? Please correct me if I am wrong. -
They work just fine, they are spring steel and the sides compact down and make great contact, works with up to 8 gauge wire. I have 14 gauge wire and 140 watts running flawlessly throught them.
They work just fine, they are spring steel and the sides compact down and make great contact, works with up to 8 gauge wire. I have 14 gauge wire and 140 watts running flawlessly throught them.DARE TO SOAR:
Your attitude, almost always determine your altitude in life -
well well well I just received them and there no way it can fit in the VM serious the tail side of the connector is too long it doens't fit but it works great in the receiver side. So End up I have to spent a lot more money to get the AGPT style. to fit the VM serious speakers. Please correct me if I am wrong and please post how you connect to your VM serious speakers? I really wanna learn.