Polk SDA2s on ebay w/interesting info !!

Posts: 6,012
The seller states that the IC makes no difference, and was only a marketing "STUNT" !! Yeah right Mr. Audiophool :rolleyes:
Post edited by gdb on
Hmmm . . .
No wonder... looks like he used HD zip cord for speaker wires with that Levinson amp.>
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passive radiator design
Yea, he doesn't know the SDAs by stating the interconnect cable doesn't matter. Notice how he mentioned he fabricated one ... but doesn't have it in the offer? :rolleyes: The starting bid price isn't bad and there is only a day left.... Shipping via UPS isn't likely to be cheap though. Probably $75 or more.
I couldn't tell if these were As or Bs. I have a set of Studio 2Bs. Studios have particleboard construction w/laminate glued on... IMO not as good enclosure material as the non-studio versions, but the initial bid price is still good. Assuming the mentioned peeling is due to glue failure, that can be repaired. If the peeling is due to the particleboard giving away, then that is a real bad sign.
About the fabric coming loose on the grill. I have had that problem. The fix is to apply some contact cement, stretch loose part of the grill tight and clamp with a piece of wax paper between the clamp and the grill fabric overnight. -
Looks like the PR is damaged. I'm gonna email the seller and inquire about this.SDA SRS 2.3TL's
Silk Audio MS-90-BT integrated tube amp
Yaqin MS-20L integrated tube amp
SDA 2B TL's -
Friggin Moron.To be perfectly honest, it makes no difference what so ever in performance, and was more of a marketing stunt, than a performance enhancement. I tried it both ways with the 20.6's, it makes no noticable change in sound quality, one way or the other. If it did, every speaker manufacturer on the planet would utilize this system.
Not if the "marketing stunt" was patented and trademarked.
You got to wonder if he can even hear properly. I've owned four pair of SDAs and am using Ricardo's CRS+s and the dimensional array makes a huge difference. Especially when properly set up. That idiot probably had them toed in or something between the speakers.
He'd rather brag about his Levinson gear."SOME PEOPLE CALL ME MAURICE,