Rock Band vs Rock Band 2

Posts: 11,728
I can't find a good comparison online anywhere. What are the main advantages of the newer version?
I just picked up the original at Target for $69, wondering if I should open it up or return it. They only had 1, so I decided to just grab it and do my research afterwards. Now that I'm looking I can't find a decent article about the improvements in the newer version.
Is Rock Band 2 really worth an extra $120 over the original? I know it's better, but by how much?
I just picked up the original at Target for $69, wondering if I should open it up or return it. They only had 1, so I decided to just grab it and do my research afterwards. Now that I'm looking I can't find a decent article about the improvements in the newer version.
Is Rock Band 2 really worth an extra $120 over the original? I know it's better, but by how much?
Post edited by AsSiMiLaTeD on
Well, define better.
It is the exact same game engine-wise. The visuals are a bit different but done in the same style, and the not charts are pretty much identical to me.
As far as the peripherals, I can't comment as I only bought the game for RB2 since I had all the hardware from 1.
For that kind of money difference, I'd say your decision should boil down to the track listing. If you don't like the songs on RB2, don't get it. If you want all the songs, you can buy RB2, rent RB1 and pay the 5 dollars (through the PS Store, or Xbox Marketplace) to rip all (minus 3) songs from RB1 to use in RB2.
If you have Xbox (not sure about PS3) and have GH3 or 2, you will have a guitar that works with RB games. You can get the mic, drums, and game separate so you could save some money going the RB2 route that way. Personally, I use the ION drum kit, the GH3 wireless guitar and the Rockband Mic.
To be of most help, people need to know: What system are you on, PS3, xbox, wii...
Do you already have any GH game?
Do you care about the track listings? (all Downloadable songs work with any RB so the on disc setlist is all you need to consider there)
Excuse me if this is tough to read, but I am very tired and my mind is all over the place right now. -
edit: to repeat much of what BeRad just said....
I'm guessing you got the RB1 bundle? If so return it.
Purchase the RB2 bundle, then RB1 by itself(no instruments). The instruments, particularly the drums, are VASTLY improved in the new one.
There are a few new game and practice modes in RB2 that weren't in the original. Regular gameplay is the same. The reason for buying the first one, is to use all the tracks from it, in RB2. There is a one-time fee to import the tracks into RB2. (~$5) -
This is on the PS3, and I don't own any of the other games. I actually don't care much for the guitar part, which is why i never bought guitar hero, but my wife likes the mic part and I like the drums.
I actually decided to open it up a couple hours after I posted last night, and I think I'll hang on to what I bought. I really didn't buy it because I've been wanting it, maily just picked it up because it was only 70 bucks, figured what the hell.
I assume the songs in RB2 are NOT backwards compatible to RB1? So if I wanted the songs in that disc I'd actually need to buy that vs rent and transfer to RB1?
You said something about downloading more song, I can do that with RB1 on the PS3? Is there a list somewhere, or how do I do that? You don't have to answer this, I'm sure I can find info online about it.
I've read that the drums in RB2 are better, but that they're still not great. I don't mind the drums that came with it, but if I do decide to upgrade I'll likely go with a better option than the standard RB2 drums anyway, something 'aftermarket'. I'll have to do research to see what my options are here, if any. -
You are correct sir. The Rockband 2 ON DISC tracks can not be imported for use with Rockband 1.
There are currently over 400 songs available for download (at a price) via the PlayStation Store. If you browse for add-on content by game and go to Rockband, you will find the songs. Some are sold as groups as well as individualy. For example, the entire Pearl Jam TEN album was released today. The songs can be bought each individually, or as a complete package which works out to be a bit cheaper (ie 2 songs free). As far as I know, all downloadable content will work with Rockband 1 and 2 (I can check later tonight once I get home to verify this)
If you would like some suggestions on modding your drumkit to improve performance, I could pm you with some info that helped me out back before I got the aftermarket kit. -
I'll take any info you can provide on modding the drumkit, but would also like to know which aftermarket kit you got and if you like it.