NEW World at War Map Pack 3-19-09

Grimster74 Posts: 2,576
edited March 2009 in Video Games
Four new maps, one being a new Zombie Map. Check out the video.
Money Talks, Mine says Goodbye Rob!!!!
Post edited by Grimster74 on


  • Sherardp
    Sherardp Posts: 8,038
    edited March 2009
    Sign me up for more Coop Zombie mode.
    Shoot the jumper.....................BALLIN.............!!!!!

    Home Theater Pics in the Showcase :cool:
  • BeRad
    BeRad Posts: 736
    edited March 2009
    Mint. I've been waiting for SOMETHING to make this game better since it's release. I started to get excited when the map pack was confirmed but have since found myself playing more COD4. Hopefully this map pack will inspire me to play WAW more often.

    As a second-hopefully, I would really love to see Treyarch have their rights to create COD games revoked.
  • 66chevyIISS
    66chevyIISS Posts: 857
    edited March 2009
    snore... come on COD6!
    My Home Theater (WIP):
    Panasonic AE900 Projector - 126" screen, XBOX 360, Pioneer BDP-320 Bluray
    Receiver: Denon AVR-1905
    Fronts: RTi6's, Center: CSi5, Surrounds: RTi4, Rears: Denon
    Dual Subs: PSW202, and behind the couch Denon 8"

    My showcase link:
    Media Room pics
  • BeRad
    BeRad Posts: 736
    edited March 2009
    snore... come on COD6!

  • Willow
    Willow Posts: 11,084
    edited March 2009
    BeRad wrote: »

    My thoughts as well !! bring on COD6
  • Grimster74
    Grimster74 Posts: 2,576
    edited March 2009
    New maps are avaliable for download for those interested, 800 MS points.
    Money Talks, Mine says Goodbye Rob!!!!
  • spwuinmk67
    spwuinmk67 Posts: 797
    edited March 2009
    The new zombie map is insane on this. Haven't touched the multiplayer maps yet though.
    1993 Ford Ranger super cab:
    Pioneer Premier DEH-P880PRS
    MB Quart QSD216
    in need of amps and subs

    52" Sharp Aquos
    PolkAudio Monitor 10's
    Harmon Kardon HK3375
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    Owner and co-designer of
  • dubradio
    dubradio Posts: 181
    edited March 2009
    Very interesting, I will have to DL the new maps, anyone want to take on a couple Polk Employees, GT = NorthVdubbed
  • spwuinmk67
    spwuinmk67 Posts: 797
    edited March 2009
    send me a request if you wanna play, I'll be on later. wtbrown3
    put polk in the request otherwise i'll deny it.
    1993 Ford Ranger super cab:
    Pioneer Premier DEH-P880PRS
    MB Quart QSD216
    in need of amps and subs

    52" Sharp Aquos
    PolkAudio Monitor 10's
    Harmon Kardon HK3375
    Xbox 360
    PolkAudio XM tuner

    Owner and co-designer of
  • Grimster74
    Grimster74 Posts: 2,576
    edited March 2009
    Me, Sherard, Shep and Epplebee were wooping some **** last night/early this morning. Wanna say it was like 10 in a row before Epplebee and I had to get off last night, 5 a.m. comes really early when your gaming at 1 a.m. I'm sure the Polk clan will be in full force tonight so if you see us on, hit us up.

    Money Talks, Mine says Goodbye Rob!!!!
  • spwuinmk67
    spwuinmk67 Posts: 797
    edited March 2009
    I only have one person on here on my friends list on live, and i'm not sure who it was who sent me the request lol. I'll be on tomorrow night for a few hours. Probably gonna keep playin the zombie map though.
    1993 Ford Ranger super cab:
    Pioneer Premier DEH-P880PRS
    MB Quart QSD216
    in need of amps and subs

    52" Sharp Aquos
    PolkAudio Monitor 10's
    Harmon Kardon HK3375
    Xbox 360
    PolkAudio XM tuner

    Owner and co-designer of
  • guinsdan
    guinsdan Posts: 37
    edited March 2009
    snore... come on COD6!

    I second that! Five was good but four set the bar for fps IMHO.
    f: RTi A5
    c: CSi A6
    r: RTi A3
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    r: Integra DTR 6.9
  • avelanchefan
    avelanchefan Posts: 2,401
    edited March 2009
    guinsdan wrote: »
    I second that! Five was good but four set the bar for fps IMHO.

    I enjoyed COD4 a lot. But I still think Rainbow Six 3, and Rainbow Six Black Arrow for the original Xbox got us to where we are today (For console FPS). Both of those games were crazy good on live, and I would venture to bet if I stuck in the game right now there would be a few rooms with people playing it, and they are going on 5-6 years old.