Mon 7s w/stands FS in MD CL

gdb Posts: 6,012
edited March 2009 in Vintage Speakers
Ad doesn't specify exactly where in MD but, at $150 OBO with original stands they MIGHT be worth tracking down !?! Or not.
Post edited by gdb on


  • comfortablycurt
    comfortablycurt Posts: 6,745
    edited March 2009
    That's kinda on the high side. They are the Peerless 7B's though, so they're fairly desirable. They're worth 150.

    I'd look around some more can probably find a way better price than that. I got my Peerless Monitor 7A's for 20 dollars. No original stands were with them, but I recently tracked down a pair of them for 30 I've got 50 bucks in them altogether.

    I've seen some recently go on ebay for less than a hundred.
    The nirvana inducer-
    APC H10 Power Conditioner
    Marantz UD5005 universal player
    Parasound Halo P5 preamp
    Parasound HCA-1200II power amp
    PolkAudio LSi9's/PolkAudio SDA 2A's/PolkAudio Monitor 7A's
    Audioquest Speaker Cables and IC's
  • Ricardo
    Ricardo Posts: 10,636
    edited March 2009
    Still, hard to get a pair of speakers that sound that good for twice that money ;)
    ***\\\\\........................... My Audio Journey ............................./////***

    2008 & 2010 Football Pool WINNER
    Thank God for different opinions. Imagine the world if we all wanted the same woman
  • Vette C6.r
    Vette C6.r Posts: 1,560
    edited March 2009
    Are the Peerless tweets that much better??
  • comfortablycurt
    comfortablycurt Posts: 6,745
    edited March 2009
    Ricardo wrote: »
    Still, hard to get a pair of speakers that sound that good for twice that money ;)

    Very true. They're worth 150. They look like they're in pretty good shape too.

    I don't have much to compare them to, but for the price the Monitor 7's usually go far, they're probably pretty hard to beat. The original stands are a nice bonus too...those are hard to come by.
    Vette C6.r wrote: »
    Are the Peerless tweets that much better??

    I haven't heard the other tweets in the Monitor series...but the Peerless tweets are almost always considered to be the best. I love mine...they have a very laid back airy kind of sound to them. They aren't to bright or forward, like a lot of people complain about the other tweets.

    You always hear of people replacing the tweets in their non-Peerless Monitors with RD0' don't see to many people replacing their Peerless tweets though.;)
    The nirvana inducer-
    APC H10 Power Conditioner
    Marantz UD5005 universal player
    Parasound Halo P5 preamp
    Parasound HCA-1200II power amp
    PolkAudio LSi9's/PolkAudio SDA 2A's/PolkAudio Monitor 7A's
    Audioquest Speaker Cables and IC's
  • ND13
    ND13 Posts: 7,601
    edited March 2009
    $150 for a clean set of Monitor 7s w/ Peerless is not a bad deal. Just because a few people find someone who's selling things cheap likely means they found someone who didn't have a clue as to what they have/had. It bother's me to see someone saying, I paid $50 for my SDA 2Bs, so you paying $300 was too much. It's more like...I got lucky and you didn't, nananananana. Depending on where you live, dictates price more than just about anything. I prefer to pick up vintage speakers in person and test drive them....too may things can happen when shipped and some sellers can't pack worth ****.
  • WastelandWand'r
    WastelandWand'r Posts: 466
    edited March 2009
    I agree with ND13. If it is something you want, then go for it. I know some people, and I have even drank beer with them, who think that my Monitor 10's sound like crap, and would prefer the 'quality sound' of their McIntosh driven Legacy Focus 20/20's. (No comments about their lack of taste and sophistication)
    Hey, I just picked up a pair of Monitor 7's with Peerless, without stands, for 80.00 and I feel bad saying it because I would be willing to spend alot more on a pair without thinking about it. Why? Because I wanted them, and enjoy the sound they make.
    On a side note, if I ever strike gold and come across a set of 1.2TL's for 250.00, you can be damn sure I will tell everyone about it!!:D
    So get them and enjoy them, I do.
    Happy Trails,
    Home Rig

    SDA 2.3TL's front and center
    Polk 1000p Center
    Pioneer Elite SC35 Receiver (Pre/Surround
    Sunfire Cinema Grand 5X200-Back in the mix.
    OPPO BDP-93
    Stepped up to name brand Speaker Cables and interconnects!
    Monitor 4, 5, 7, 10's, SDA 1B's, 2B's, 2.3TL's, RTA 15TL's all in storage waiting for me.
    Sales Rating #1!!
  • comfortablycurt
    comfortablycurt Posts: 6,745
    edited March 2009
    Exactly. If you want them, they're worth every bit of 150 dollars. They can be found for less, but that doesn't mean that they aren't worth the 150. It takes time to find the cheaper ones...sometimes spending the money is a better option than sitting around and waiting.

    I got luckier than hell when I got mine for 20 parents do the local auction scene a lot. They were at one, and saw a pair of Polk speakers there. They call me up to let me know...and low and behold, it's a pair of Peerless Monitor 7A's. A few minor corner dings...3 broken grille tabs on one of them, but otherwise in great shape. I guess no one else knew what they were, or no one there was interested in them. It was a killer deal.
    The nirvana inducer-
    APC H10 Power Conditioner
    Marantz UD5005 universal player
    Parasound Halo P5 preamp
    Parasound HCA-1200II power amp
    PolkAudio LSi9's/PolkAudio SDA 2A's/PolkAudio Monitor 7A's
    Audioquest Speaker Cables and IC's
  • ben62670
    ben62670 Posts: 15,969
    edited March 2009
    Lets see. Montor 7's with stands and peerless. Done thinking. Usually with vintage Polks you want to upgrade the tweets. $100. So you are really looking at $50 for 7's with stands. Any questions? Do the XO's and you have a great little set of 2 channels speakers.
    Please. Please contact me a ben62670 @ Make sure to include who you are, and you are from Polk so I don't delete your email. Also I am now physically unable to work on any projects. If you need help let these guys know. There are many people who will help if you let them know where you are.
  • skrol
    skrol Posts: 3,409
    edited March 2009
    I saw these earlier this week. I'm on the fence too. If they were $100 - $125 it'd be a done deal but I think $150 is pushing it. I was also thinking about the NAD integrated amp that he has too. BTW, this guy is in Annapolis.

    gdb, where abouts are you in MD? I'm in Ellicott City.

    Main 2ch:
    Polk LSi15 (DB840 upgrade), Parasound: P/LD-1100, HCA-1000A; Denon: DVD-2910, DRM-800A; Benchmark DAC1, Monster HTS3600-MKII, Grado SR-225i; Technics SL-J2, Parasound PPH-100.

    Marantz SR7010, Polk: RTA11TL (RDO198-1, XO and Damping Upgrades), S4, CS250, PSW110 , Marantz UD5005, Pioneer PL-530, Panasonic TC-P42S60

    Other stuff:
    Denon: DRA-835R, AVR-888, DCD-660, DRM-700A, DRR-780; Polk: S8, Monitor 5A, 5B, TSi100, RM7, PSW10 (DXi104 upgrade); Pioneer: CT-6R; Onkyo CP-1046F; Ortofon OM5E, Marantz: PM5004, CD5004, CDR-615; Parasound C/PT-600, HCA-800ii, Sony CDP-650ESD, Technics SA 5070, B&W DM601
  • ND13
    ND13 Posts: 7,601
    edited March 2009
    Unless the Peerless tweets are inop, no reason in hell to "upgrade" them.
  • gdb
    gdb Posts: 6,012
    edited March 2009
    skrol wrote: »
    I saw these earlier this week. I'm on the fence too. If they were $100 - $125 it'd be a done deal but I think $150 is pushing it. I was also thinking about the NAD integrated amp that he has too. BTW, this guy is in Annapolis.

    gdb, where abouts are you in MD? I'm in Ellicott City.

    I'm a little West of you in Mt. Airy BTW do you ever get a pit beef at the Canopy ?? MMMMMM tasty !!:D
  • gdb
    gdb Posts: 6,012
    edited March 2009
    I don't know what people expect for $150.00 these days, I do know that that amount won't buy much in a new speaker. If money wasn't tight, I'd pick these up even though I don't really need them. I'd like to have extra peerless tweeters though, and I'd also like an original set of stands for the purpose of possibly reproducing them in a limited run. I once paid $200 for a vintage Delta wood lathe and a large set of Sorby turning tools, the package was easily worth 5 times that amount, money paid doesn't always reflect worth.;)
  • skrol
    skrol Posts: 3,409
    edited March 2009
    I have a sister that lives in Mt. Airy (Natural Zing Farm). Can't say I've ever experienced the Canopy but it sure smells good.

    My economy is kind of tight lately. I've been starting to put together a little HT system in basement and spent most of my play money at CC for a Denon AVR-888 receiver and some small Polk RM7 speakers and PSW10 sub. I originally thought it would be neat to build the system with vintage Polks (ie Monitor 5 or 7 for the fronts and Monitor 5jr or Mini for the surrounds). I am pondering buying these 7's and sell some of my other stuff.

    Main 2ch:
    Polk LSi15 (DB840 upgrade), Parasound: P/LD-1100, HCA-1000A; Denon: DVD-2910, DRM-800A; Benchmark DAC1, Monster HTS3600-MKII, Grado SR-225i; Technics SL-J2, Parasound PPH-100.

    Marantz SR7010, Polk: RTA11TL (RDO198-1, XO and Damping Upgrades), S4, CS250, PSW110 , Marantz UD5005, Pioneer PL-530, Panasonic TC-P42S60

    Other stuff:
    Denon: DRA-835R, AVR-888, DCD-660, DRM-700A, DRR-780; Polk: S8, Monitor 5A, 5B, TSi100, RM7, PSW10 (DXi104 upgrade); Pioneer: CT-6R; Onkyo CP-1046F; Ortofon OM5E, Marantz: PM5004, CD5004, CDR-615; Parasound C/PT-600, HCA-800ii, Sony CDP-650ESD, Technics SA 5070, B&W DM601
  • skrol
    skrol Posts: 3,409
    edited March 2009
    I did contact the guy. He mentioned that one of the grill frames is cracked but can be fixed. There is some roughness to the grill cloth but no holes. The cabinets are in good condition with minor scratches and roughness on the corners. Apparently all the drivers are functional.

    I am trying to figure out the age of these speakers. They look to have the Peerless tweeters and have a fuse near the back terminals. Would these go all the way back to 1984?

    Main 2ch:
    Polk LSi15 (DB840 upgrade), Parasound: P/LD-1100, HCA-1000A; Denon: DVD-2910, DRM-800A; Benchmark DAC1, Monster HTS3600-MKII, Grado SR-225i; Technics SL-J2, Parasound PPH-100.

    Marantz SR7010, Polk: RTA11TL (RDO198-1, XO and Damping Upgrades), S4, CS250, PSW110 , Marantz UD5005, Pioneer PL-530, Panasonic TC-P42S60

    Other stuff:
    Denon: DRA-835R, AVR-888, DCD-660, DRM-700A, DRR-780; Polk: S8, Monitor 5A, 5B, TSi100, RM7, PSW10 (DXi104 upgrade); Pioneer: CT-6R; Onkyo CP-1046F; Ortofon OM5E, Marantz: PM5004, CD5004, CDR-615; Parasound C/PT-600, HCA-800ii, Sony CDP-650ESD, Technics SA 5070, B&W DM601
  • ND13
    ND13 Posts: 7,601
    edited March 2009
    Could go back even further. I believe the one's I had, that I got from the original owner, were from '78, iirc.
  • skrol
    skrol Posts: 3,409
    edited March 2009
    Wow, I didn't know that they went back that far. I assumed that the schematic in the sticky "schematic_m7_orig.pdf" was for the original and is dated 1984.

    They guy is supposed to e-mail me more photos tonight. Given the cracked grill frame and minor scratches, the asking price seems high. What do you think would be a fair price?

    Main 2ch:
    Polk LSi15 (DB840 upgrade), Parasound: P/LD-1100, HCA-1000A; Denon: DVD-2910, DRM-800A; Benchmark DAC1, Monster HTS3600-MKII, Grado SR-225i; Technics SL-J2, Parasound PPH-100.

    Marantz SR7010, Polk: RTA11TL (RDO198-1, XO and Damping Upgrades), S4, CS250, PSW110 , Marantz UD5005, Pioneer PL-530, Panasonic TC-P42S60

    Other stuff:
    Denon: DRA-835R, AVR-888, DCD-660, DRM-700A, DRR-780; Polk: S8, Monitor 5A, 5B, TSi100, RM7, PSW10 (DXi104 upgrade); Pioneer: CT-6R; Onkyo CP-1046F; Ortofon OM5E, Marantz: PM5004, CD5004, CDR-615; Parasound C/PT-600, HCA-800ii, Sony CDP-650ESD, Technics SA 5070, B&W DM601
  • skrol
    skrol Posts: 3,409
    edited March 2009
    I got some pics. I think I'll pass. The price is too high for the condition and I the 7's are really bigger than what I'm looking for.

    Main 2ch:
    Polk LSi15 (DB840 upgrade), Parasound: P/LD-1100, HCA-1000A; Denon: DVD-2910, DRM-800A; Benchmark DAC1, Monster HTS3600-MKII, Grado SR-225i; Technics SL-J2, Parasound PPH-100.

    Marantz SR7010, Polk: RTA11TL (RDO198-1, XO and Damping Upgrades), S4, CS250, PSW110 , Marantz UD5005, Pioneer PL-530, Panasonic TC-P42S60

    Other stuff:
    Denon: DRA-835R, AVR-888, DCD-660, DRM-700A, DRR-780; Polk: S8, Monitor 5A, 5B, TSi100, RM7, PSW10 (DXi104 upgrade); Pioneer: CT-6R; Onkyo CP-1046F; Ortofon OM5E, Marantz: PM5004, CD5004, CDR-615; Parasound C/PT-600, HCA-800ii, Sony CDP-650ESD, Technics SA 5070, B&W DM601
  • comfortablycurt
    comfortablycurt Posts: 6,745
    edited March 2009
    Those look kinda rough. The tweeter in that first pic looks like it has a few dents/creases in it. That's definitely not a good thing.
    The nirvana inducer-
    APC H10 Power Conditioner
    Marantz UD5005 universal player
    Parasound Halo P5 preamp
    Parasound HCA-1200II power amp
    PolkAudio LSi9's/PolkAudio SDA 2A's/PolkAudio Monitor 7A's
    Audioquest Speaker Cables and IC's
  • skrol
    skrol Posts: 3,409
    edited March 2009
    It also looks like it may have been painted.?. The other speaker looks much better. It makes me wonder if they were originally bought together.

    Main 2ch:
    Polk LSi15 (DB840 upgrade), Parasound: P/LD-1100, HCA-1000A; Denon: DVD-2910, DRM-800A; Benchmark DAC1, Monster HTS3600-MKII, Grado SR-225i; Technics SL-J2, Parasound PPH-100.

    Marantz SR7010, Polk: RTA11TL (RDO198-1, XO and Damping Upgrades), S4, CS250, PSW110 , Marantz UD5005, Pioneer PL-530, Panasonic TC-P42S60

    Other stuff:
    Denon: DRA-835R, AVR-888, DCD-660, DRM-700A, DRR-780; Polk: S8, Monitor 5A, 5B, TSi100, RM7, PSW10 (DXi104 upgrade); Pioneer: CT-6R; Onkyo CP-1046F; Ortofon OM5E, Marantz: PM5004, CD5004, CDR-615; Parasound C/PT-600, HCA-800ii, Sony CDP-650ESD, Technics SA 5070, B&W DM601
  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited March 2009
    they asking price for that Yamaha tuner is to high as well. It's an entry level tuner at best.
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • Vette C6.r
    Vette C6.r Posts: 1,560
    edited March 2009
    I just bought them for 100. Kinna wanted some vintage stuff for a while.

    I now know why you guys swear by them.

    Not the best shape but having fun with them.
  • comfortablycurt
    comfortablycurt Posts: 6,745
    edited March 2009
    Vette C6.r wrote: »
    I just bought them for 100. Kinna wanted some vintage stuff for a while.

    I now know why you guys swear by them.

    Not the best shape but having fun with them.

    Very nice! Congrats on the new toy.:) I've got some Peerless 7A's...basically the same speakers. They're some excellent sounding speakers for sure. The Peerless tweets are awesome.

    100 bucks isn't a bad price on them at all. What are you driving them with?
    The nirvana inducer-
    APC H10 Power Conditioner
    Marantz UD5005 universal player
    Parasound Halo P5 preamp
    Parasound HCA-1200II power amp
    PolkAudio LSi9's/PolkAudio SDA 2A's/PolkAudio Monitor 7A's
    Audioquest Speaker Cables and IC's
  • Vette C6.r
    Vette C6.r Posts: 1,560
    edited March 2009
    Right now not much. Just a Yammy HTR. Money is a bit tight.

    I would like to get an older Phase Linear amp ( 400 I believe) and pre.

    I have heard the 7's on them and it was breathtaking.

    Hard to believe what I had gotten use to hearing, before I heard them.
  • gdb
    gdb Posts: 6,012
    edited March 2009
    Vette C6.r wrote: »
    I just bought them for 100. Kinna wanted some vintage stuff for a while.

    I now know why you guys swear by them.

    Not the best shape but having fun with them.

    Vette, where are you located in MD ?? I'd be willing to repair your grille frame in exchange for a chance to examine those stands, if that's something you'd be interested in.:)
  • Vette C6.r
    Vette C6.r Posts: 1,560
    edited March 2009
    Not sure how to IM you gdb. Send me one. I'm in Baltimore.

    Sounds like a plan.
  • gdb
    gdb Posts: 6,012
    edited March 2009
  • Vette C6.r
    Vette C6.r Posts: 1,560
    edited March 2009
    I sent on back gdb. Hopefully you got it. Kinna new to Polk IM.