5.1 Rear speaker direction?

Posts: 88
Here's a question I've been wondering about for a couple weeks now. When I bought some RTI6's for my fronts, I moved my RTiA1's to my rear channel and I built some custom shelves to mount them on my side walls. Putting them on stands wasn't feasable. So I have the A1's now on shelves mounted a couple feet behind my seating position a foot or so higher than my couch. However, the room extends about another 20' behind where my home theater is setup. The entire area is in the shape of a large L. So the question is, should I have the rears pointed perpendicular to the wall so they're pointing towards each other, or how I have them now, which is toed in about 25 degrees pointing the speakers towards my seat? I assume since they are mounted so close to the wall I shouldn't be pointing them parallel to the wall pointing to the TV. I attatched I diagram in case I am not making sense.

Yamaha 6080 Emotiva XPA-5 CSi A6 RTiA-7's RTi A1's Velodyne DLS-4000R
Yamaha 6080 Emotiva XPA-5 CSi A6 RTiA-7's RTi A1's Velodyne DLS-4000R
Post edited by williamgauci on
How's everything sound? As far as I know the A1s are front ported so I think the toe in you are using is probably the best, at least where I would start. Try the other options you have (probably should re-cal, at least if you make it permanent) and go with what you like the best.
I have mine toed in so they're crossing in about the middle of my room. I don't know if that's considered ideal or not, but it sounds good to me.
I've been meaning to play around with placement a little bit though actually. I've been reading that ideally you want them about 2-3 feet behind your listening are, and about 2 feet above ear level, pointing directly at each other. I'm gonna go watch a movie in a little bit, so I'll try repositioning them like that. I'll report back later with my results.:)The nirvana inducer-
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williamgauci wrote: »Here's a question I've been wondering about for a couple weeks now. When I bought some RTI6's for my fronts, I moved my RTiA1's to my rear channel and I built some custom shelves to mount them on my side walls. Putting them on stands wasn't feasable. So I have the A1's now on shelves mounted a couple feet behind my seating position a foot or so higher than my couch. However, the room extends about another 20' behind where my home theater is setup. The entire area is in the shape of a large L. So the question is, should I have the rears pointed perpendicular to the wall so they're pointing towards each other, or how I have them now, which is toed in about 25 degrees pointing the speakers towards my seat? I assume since they are mounted so close to the wall I shouldn't be pointing them parallel to the wall pointing to the TV. I attatched I diagram in case I am not making sense.
I'd move the bar in front of the seats or the seats behind the bar. If you put the bar to good use you shouldn't hear any difference in sound quality.:p
JoeAmplifiers: 1-SAE Mark IV, 4-SAE 2400, 1-SAE 2500, 2-SAE 2600, 1-Buttkicker BKA 1000N w/2-tactile transducers. Sources: Sony BDP CX7000es, Sony CX300/CX400/CX450/CX455, SAE 8000 tuner, Akai 4000D R2R, Technics 1100A TT, Epson 8500UB with Carada 100". Speakers:Polk SDA SRS, 3.1TL, FXi5, FXi3, 2-SVS 20-29, Yamaha, SVS center sub. Power:2-Monster HTS3500, Furman M-8D & RR16 Plus. 2-SAE 4000 X-overs, SAE 5000a noise reduction, MSB Link DAC III, MSB Powerbase, Behringer 2496, Monarchy DIP 24/96.