Storms in the South

Posts: 3,869
Hoping our Southern Polkies came thru the last round of severe weather ok..looks like it got pretty nasty for so early in the year..saw some of the hail shots from GA...
Post edited by NotaSuv on
I actually had trouble sleeping last night due to the rain. Surprisingly, no power losses in central SC.
But, we did lose 2 people in a boating accident yesterday, off the coast of Georgetown SC.
What they were doing in a boat in THAT weather is ????I refuse to argue with idiots, because people can't tell the DIFFERENCE! -
They were fast moving cells,, I grilled burgers outside during mother natures festivities,,, not much you can do about it,got some nice "baseball" size hail though. I did get tired of the "weather siren" located behind my place,,, enough,enough,, we get it.JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)