Circuit City

Posts: 160
Something big is going on at Circuit City this Wednesday. The stores here are all opening late so that the can have an all store meeting. Anyone hear anything about this? Are they closing?
Pioneer Elite VSX-21TXH
Monolith 7x200 Amplifier
Harmony Hub
Visualapex 106" Electric Screen
Oppo BDP-103
Music Hall MMF 2.1
Polk LSiM 705
Polk LSiM704c
Polk LSiM702F/X
SVS PB-2000
Monolith 7x200 Amplifier
Harmony Hub
Visualapex 106" Electric Screen
Oppo BDP-103
Music Hall MMF 2.1
Polk LSiM 705
Polk LSiM704c
Polk LSiM702F/X
SVS PB-2000
Post edited by RyanC_Masimo on
maybe their gathering money to get new demo rooms?Damn you all, damn you all to hell.......
I promised myself
No more speakers. None. Nada. And then you posted this!!!!
Damn you all! - ATC -
Probably a Quality or Leadership Conference. Ha!
maybe it is a meeting on how to teach their sales people about what they sell so they are dont sound as so stupid to any one with a little brain
Peolpe are worried about their jobs.Pioneer Elite VSX-21TXH
Monolith 7x200 Amplifier
Harmony Hub
Visualapex 106" Electric Screen
Oppo BDP-103
Music Hall MMF 2.1
Polk LSiM 705
Polk LSiM704c
Polk LSiM702F/X
SVS PB-2000 -
I am sure they won't be closing anytime soon, I find Circuit city to be a good provider of what i want and need, The sales staff is touch and go on info, some know stuff some don't.. Like in every store you enter... after all they aren't a Hi-FI store, Best buy is the same type store but no one bashes them. what because they don't carry Polk speakers??
Why people talk trash about CC and still continue to shop there i will never know, if you hate the place go elsewhere, I'm sure walmart would have what you need,MY HT RIG:
Sherwood p-965
Sherwood sd871 dvd
Rotel 1075 amp x5
LSI15 mains
LsiC center
LSIfx surround backs
Lsi7 side surrounds
SVS pb12/plus2
2 Channel Rig:
nad 1020 Pre-amp
Rotel 1080 stereo amp
Polk sda 2B
kenwood grunt Tuner
realistic lab 450 TT
Signal cable IC -
Trust me, people trash Best Buy too!
the thing i dont like about cc is they wont price match stuff i want thet i can get at much cheaper. i can go to abc and they will price match any price i can get. but their ales staf is just as knogable as the cc staff also bb is in the same boat sometimes you get some one who knoes something but most time you dont.
i was going to get a fx 5001 at abc it was at the end of the line and they wernt ordering any more. i got my sales person to get me one from another store. but it was sold out from under him. i went to cc ans the sales person told me to come back when i had a real price he was real rude and so was the maninger. so i will never shop at cc ever agin. -
I bought my DD receiver at CC last year, in May. I'd found some old forum posts about the receiver and the sale prices over Christmas 2001. I called and told the CC manager that I knew they'd had the unit on sale, told him the price, he was gone two minutes and came back with a price less than $5 more than the old sale price. He knocked $60 off the floor price just because I asked. Sometimes, you just have to ask for what you want, the worst that can happen is you're told no. And never 'deal' with salespeople.
I don't know anything about the inner workings of CC, but I worked at a BB in college, and that place .. at least then.. was sleazy. Also, before I worked there, I went in to buy a car stereo and mentioned 'I won't buy it if I don't get 90 days same as cash." A manager - from corporate in MN, no less - lied on the bank application and I got the 90 days. Didn't find out until several months later when I went back for another 90 days deal (different guy did the paperwork), was turned down, asked the bank why this time, and was informed that the other time was 'an error.'
To me, BB is like K-Mart... even if they carry the exact same item, same brand, model number, etc, as their competition, something about their's seems.. inferior... like it is secretly reburbished or something.. I just don't trust them. -
Originally posted by burdette
Sometimes, you just have to ask for what you want, the worst that can happen is you're told no.
I couldn't agree more, it never hurts to ASK.Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service. -
To me, BB is like K-Mart... even if they carry the exact same item, same brand, model number, etc, as their competition, something about their's seems.. inferior... like it is secretly reburbished or something.. I just don't trust them.
That's how Best Buy got thier start and was able to undercut the others so deeply. They would snap up excess stock from distributors who were making room for new models and also, they would take the factory second hand stuff that didn't quite meet quality standards for retail but was still good.
Consequently, they were always selling stuff that was either last year's model or not quite up to snuff but capable of passing enough standards to warrant selling.
I don't know how it is anywhere else but Best Buy (we call it Breast Buy around here) around here has velvet ropes for it's return line weaving across the front of the store. Those ropes wouldn't be there if they didn't have a crowd control problem at the return desk at one point in time. Necessity is the mother of invention, but that right there, should tell you something. It's like the bars infront of the doors at a Wawa or other convienience store. They wouldn't have to have such bars unless a car had driven through the doors at one point and caused the financial distress in one form or another. Take a look at alot of things out there meant to control things. Would they really be needed if there wasn't a problem there at one point in time?
As far as Circuit City goes, there is nothing wrong with thier products. They are, however, the Home Depot of the electronics industry. Lotsa stuff, dirt cheap but you really have to know what you are looking for when you go in otherwise you are SOL. They weren't like that when they started. They had knowledgable people. In fact, that was a huge selling point for them. They could answer your questions. Anymore now, you either get some punk kid who either can't speak proper english or mumbles at you or you get some old guy who can sell stuff and is pushing a sale in your face. For those of us who know more than any single person should about this subject (I think that includes everyone here) this kind of treatment is painful. My personal experience at all the large both local and national chains has been some salesman telling me that I don't know what I am talking about just to save a sale. I actually had to draw a circuit schematic on a piece of register paper to show the one guy why you couldn't wire amplifiers in series and why you need a seperate harness to wire automotive speakers in a series. As far as I know, he still doesn't believe that all automotive amplifiers will run speakers in parallel even if you think you are wiring them in a series.
Then again, people like us are the exception. With the advent of affordable home theater in a box, anyone can get into it and they no longer have to cater to electronics junkies and thier highly demanding level of knowledge. Consequently the sales staff has been sort of "dumbed down" to the average level of joe average most likely so that buyers are not so intimidated and much more free with thier money. They can get snookered into anything.Expert Moron Extraordinaire
You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you! -
Average Joe is Joe because he cant remember 4 letters....Ive had really bad experiences at CC, I've been told subwoofers do nothing to a speaker, and the service around here blows! I dont go in Best Buy, been in one!Damn you all, damn you all to hell.......
I promised myself
No more speakers. None. Nada. And then you posted this!!!!
Damn you all! - ATC -
I agree with you about knowing what you want/need before you go in. However, I think the people here on this forum are hardly the average when it comes to audio, expectations, research, and buying what THEY want rather than being 'sold' to. I think even that punk kid can throw out a couple of terms and sound like he knows what hes talking about to the average customer.
My father-in-law wanted a system (10 years ago now), and asked me to give him info. I started the research, planning on directing him to Polk and whatever else it was (I don't remember).
On a whim, he walked into a BB, got snagged by a salesman, and walked out with the Bose Acoustimas system, a *demo* Sony receiver (top of the line with 137 functions he doesn't need/use), and Sony cassette and VCR. He paid something like $800 for those speakers (the DPL setup circa 1993, which included **** little surrounds with I bet a single 4" driver). Upon hearing the system AND hearing what he paid for the damn things, I said the only thing I could say and exactly what he wanted to hear.."garsh, that sure does sound nice.. and so TINY." -
You have to know what you want when you go to BB, CC, or even Ultimate Electronics. These stores cater to the masses. But I do know one thing, I am at one or the other at least every other week. Whether buying the latest DVD's, or looking for computer stuff.
Overall both serve their purposes. I also have had better service at CC than BB. CC has price matched anything I have brought them. One time they did not, I found the manager, gave him a good scolding and told him he would never see me there again, nor my family or friends. I told him his store is a lie if they claim price match and then does not honor it. In the end I got what I wanted. And I have returned fact I did today, buying a CPU for my grandfather.
MX- Average Joe does know more than 4 letters, its just that Joe has not done the research, and his purchases end up biting him in the ****. Thats why CC, and BB succeed. -
there is a side to this discussion that I think everyone is over looking. The prices of electronics have dropped dramatically over the past 10 to 15 years. Look at DVD players for example, 4 years ago a good player was around 4 to 5 hundred bucks. Today you can get a very good player for $100. Cheaper products equal less profit margin. Less profit the lower the wages will ge given to the employees. This would cause most of your good employess to find a new job versus taking a pay cut. If all the knowledgable people leave then your left with the "punk kid" who's working is way through college and like a nice pay check. You cannot raise a family on what these people make.Pioneer Elite VSX-21TXH
Monolith 7x200 Amplifier
Harmony Hub
Visualapex 106" Electric Screen
Oppo BDP-103
Music Hall MMF 2.1
Polk LSiM 705
Polk LSiM704c
Polk LSiM702F/X
SVS PB-2000 -
I can't stand the BS at BB about the "extended" warranty. Every freakin thing you buy they want to sell one of those warranties. I know they make a ton but I'm tired of getting grilled at the checkout. They are shocked when you don't even want to hear about it. I've gotten to the point where I give them my purchase and tell them I don't want a warranty before they can start. I'm suprised they haven't started trying to sell warranties on CDs, DVDs and software. And the other thing...whats the deal about walking 10 feet from the checkout line and you have to wait while they check your package again. I have just about stopped going to BB. I like CC a little better but it's mostly mail order or internet for me."Just because youre offended doesnt mean youre right." - Ricky Gervais
"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." - Stuart Chase
"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." - Bernard Berenson -
Ok, number one, burdette, I agree with you about the level of knowledge here. I don't see why you felt the need to state that when I and everyone else here has written posts that are in concurence. No biggie.
That's about all I goto either store for is to pick up electronics that don't need a whole lot of research, like DVD players or VCR's or TV's. Also, CDs and DVDs and VHS tapes are good there too. Even software. However, I have not and will not purchase computer items from the likes. My personal preference but I deal with the computer stuff for a living. There isn't really anything that a CC or BB salesman can tell me that I don't already know or at least have a clue about.
Profit margins may have driven those with knowledge out but that doesn't mean that CC or BB can't spend some cash on training for thier employees. I know both offer incentives and such for sales leadership but simple training about the very basics would go a long way and probably increase profits. As far as the price goes, that is the main reason Joe Average is able to get into it. Even high end stuff is more accessible than it was 5 or 10 years ago. Technological advances and industry standarization have made all this possible. It happened with computers. Within in the last 3 years, I have met more "computer experts" than I did in the 15 years before that. Cars are the same too. It used to be a treat to see something like a Corvette on the roads. Now I see more and more and every mid-life crisis having owner thinks they are a race car driver. It's just the way things go. I guess this is the "better life" everyone talks about?
Bottom line though, and this goes for EVERYTHING in life, education is the key. Education comes in many forms from both schooling and experience. Education is the imparting of knowledge. Knowledge is all anyone asks for but no one can seem to find. Probably because the knowledgable people are tired of answering the rather pedestrian and amatuer questions. Hence we have the pseudo-knowledgable people answering questions that they really can't and causing threads like this all over the internet about everything from the electronics store salesman to the car parts counter clerk not knowing thier butt from a hole in the ground. I guess it all goes back down to Soccerplyr's profit margin idea. We all demand cheap prices for top shelf items. Maybe that's the real problem, everyone wants it all but no one wants to pay for it?Expert Moron Extraordinaire
You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you! -
CC offers NO monetary incentive for knowledge and or leadership. They do however, offer training, it's just not based on what a knowledgable customer would want to know. Their training is more gear towards the little factiods that will sell a product and make the sale person sound knowledgable then actually giving their people detailed training for the occasional customer that knows what end is up.Pioneer Elite VSX-21TXH
Monolith 7x200 Amplifier
Harmony Hub
Visualapex 106" Electric Screen
Oppo BDP-103
Music Hall MMF 2.1
Polk LSiM 705
Polk LSiM704c
Polk LSiM702F/X
SVS PB-2000 -
And the other thing...whats the deal about walking 10 feet from the checkout line and you have to wait while they check your package again. I have just about stopped going to BB. [/B]
I love this, Best Buy has some of the best security in the business, which means they lose less on stolen goods and can in turn offer you a lower price. If you arent stealing anything, who cares if you have to take 5 seconds to show the guy your receipt, it's all for your benefit.
It's not like I invented dolby digital or anything, but I do know a decent amount about audio, and yet I got turned down when I applied to work at CC. I filled out this tremendous app. (like 200 questions or something) and then got turned down most likely because im not old (18).
My favorite CC experience was trying to buy an HK receiver for my friend. It was outside the listening room hooked up to some aluminum framed no name speakers, so I asked the guy if there was one in the demo room I could listen to, he said no but that he could move that one, and so I said great, and he starts unplugging the connections, then turns to me and asks "Do you really plan on buying this? It's a lot of work to move it" I said that I definitely didnt plan on buying it without listening to it, and went back to the CD racks, where I didnt need any "customer service"..
In Best Buy's defense, they have great prices on CD's.. -
CC used to. i had a friend who use to get bonuses for sales quotas met and exceeded.Expert Moron Extraordinaire
You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you! -
Originally posted by Ceruleance
I love this, Best Buy has some of the best security in the business, which means they lose less on stolen goods and can in turn offer you a lower price. If you arent stealing anything, who cares if you have to take 5 seconds to show the guy your receipt, it's all for your benefit.
WAL*MART has he same level of security yet it is no where near as intrusive as the Best Buy "security". I've seen Best Buy "security" rifle through womens purses without any probably cause like, get this, the alarm going off.
I have never been stopped in a WAL*MART or even a Target without the alarm going off and then, I am more than happy to stop to get things straightened out. I get stopped in a Best Buy wearing shorts, a T-shirt and socks and shoes with nothing but a bag with 1 CD in it. Has it really come to the point that we are treated like criminals without probable cause? That's one point where I agree. I'm all for security but, I think Hitler and the SS come to mind when I think of Best Buy security. Protect your investment, by all means but, if your main investment isn't your product but rather your customer like what was said earlier, there is some consideration and courtesy that needs to be extended. It's sad that loss has to be expected and it's sad that loss needs to be prevented but simple invasion of privacy is not needed to meet the requirements of loss prevention. There are systems that Best Buy and millions of other stores use to aid in loss prevention. The invasive tactics of Best Buy shouldn't be needed until after the theft prevention system does it's thing.Expert Moron Extraordinaire
You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you! -
I don't have a problem with security but BB goes overboard. The bag checker sits there and watches the clerk put a CD in a bag and hand it to walk a few feet and then he has to search the bag. How much can I steal between the cashier and the door????? I can understand if I'm coming from the store or from the return desk. With all of the surveilance and tagging equipment available they have a pretty good idea of who is stealing and who isn't. To me this is kind of like the dumbing down of everything. Follow a system. Follow a script. Don't make people think. Never use judgement. Be safe. Check everything....Sorry for the rant..... It's their store and they can set any policy they want. I guess I am one of the few who doesn't like it."Just because youre offended doesnt mean youre right." - Ricky Gervais
"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." - Stuart Chase
"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." - Bernard Berenson -
I heard CC is planning a divx relaunch... :eek:
Put option anybody?More later,
Vox Copuli
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. - Old English Proverb
"Death doesn't come with a Uhaul." - Dennis Gardner
"It's easy to get lost in price vs performance vs ego vs illusion." - doro
"There is a certain entertainment value in ripping the occaisonal (sic) buttmunch..." - TroyD -
Originally posted by ATCVenom
Curious - have you recieved my E-mail?
Yes, I did., I'm sorry I didn't respond. It seemed that you did want one in your last email. I'll send something soon. Let me re-read it.Expert Moron Extraordinaire
You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you! -
Originally posted by Jstas
I don't know how it is anywhere else but Best Buy (we call it Breast Buy around here) around here has velvet ropes for it's return line weaving across the front of the store. Those ropes wouldn't be there if they didn't have a crowd control problem at the return desk at one point in time. Necessity is the mother of invention, but that right there, should tell you something. It's like the bars infront of the doors at a Wawa or other convienience store. They wouldn't have to have such bars unless a car had driven through the doors at one point and caused the financial distress in one form or another. Take a look at alot of things out there meant to control things. Would they really be needed if there wasn't a problem there at one point in time?
I thoroughly believe that the general public is ignorant. I go into BB all the time, and yes, there are ropes, but rarely is there any sort of a line to take issue with. IMO, if the ropes weren't there, the people would all just group up. As for the bars (I think that you're talking about the cement pilons outside the door), if I had one or two million invested in a building and inventory, you can bet your **** that I'd take every precaution necessary to prevent anything from potentially damaging it. The security thing at BB is the same as what they do at Fry's Electronics. True, you can't steal something between the registers and the door, but I've seen stuff in stores where someone blows right through the cashiers only to be caught by the someone at the security desk. If the stores were yours, you'd want to protect them too........comment comment comment comment. bitchy. -
Originally posted by Ceruleance
I love this, Best Buy has some of the best security in the business, which means they lose less on stolen goods and can in turn offer you a lower price. If you arent stealing anything, who cares if you have to take 5 seconds to show the guy your receipt, it's all for your benefit.
Shack, I'm with you bro! I will NOT show my purchase to the guard at Best Buys front door. It is NOT a benefit to do so, it's insulting to me and anyone who shops at their stores. When they ask me to see my receipt, I politely say "NO." Then they usually say, "Excuse me" to which I respond, "You heard me." If they persist at that point, I politely tell them to "**** Off!" I'm waiting for one of them to grap my arm or something because at that point it's assault, but I know they are instructed not to touch you or detain you so, no worries mate. I am amazed that so many people put up with that ****, it's like they are all sheep. Ceruleance I know you're not a sheep, why act like one!?!
BTW, while it may be store policy, it's not legally enforceable...they can't make you do it. People need to get a backbone!!!Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
For me it's BB over CC any day. Help when I need it. Better feel. Brighter, more open and the new generation of stores are even better than the old ones. Akin to the new Super Wal-Marts vs. their old stores.
At BB I've never been hassled by Security, never had a problem returning an item, prices are decent, but as with anything, if Wal-Mart carries it, you'll find it cheaper there.
One thing you do not want to be in this world is a Wal-Mart supplier.... W-M is absolutely merciless...
Now I'd just like to say that I'm pissed that no one has commented on my earlier post mentioning divx.... I thought it was one of best one's to date...More later,
Vox Copuli
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. - Old English Proverb
"Death doesn't come with a Uhaul." - Dennis Gardner
"It's easy to get lost in price vs performance vs ego vs illusion." - doro
"There is a certain entertainment value in ripping the occaisonal (sic) buttmunch..." - TroyD -
I'll comment on this. I see you put the wink face in, thanks, I feel better now.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
Was wonderin' how long would take you to notice... pretty sharp there F1...
FYI... never edited him out, he just didn't copy in. Noted the omission earlier this evening and corrected it...More later,
Vox Copuli
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. - Old English Proverb
"Death doesn't come with a Uhaul." - Dennis Gardner
"It's easy to get lost in price vs performance vs ego vs illusion." - doro
"There is a certain entertainment value in ripping the occaisonal (sic) buttmunch..." - TroyD -
You're a good man, no matter what Micah says!Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
I have never had a problem at BB, or CC really to speak of, I use the following stores as follows, Best buy for my computer parts, cdrw drives, blank cd's, keyboard, or mouse maybe, just parts.. they are cheap and always have rebates which i use succesfully everytime, infact best buy has one of the best rebate programs and support, I like "looking around" for something to do, have never been bugged in years by security ever!!! Get a grip and deal with it its thier policy and if you don't like it shop elsewhere..
Far as Circuit city, I use them for speakers basically only, maybe might get a cd or dvd player and thats about it, I know what i want and listen then buy.. I don't care what they know or don't know i just buy after i research before ever going there.. I have never had a problem returning anything, nor buying or upgrading speakers on their 1 year upgrade deal.. I like both stores and use them accordingly.. Maybe some of you are thinking way to much and are at a higher level then these stores and thus should shop accordingly and elsewhere..
They are business's and sell to people who want what they have weather someone "sells them " on the item or not.. they will get it somewhere.. get your own business and as large as these chains and lets see how you deal with training, security, staff and so on, It's not easy pleaseing everyone i am sureMY HT RIG:
Sherwood p-965
Sherwood sd871 dvd
Rotel 1075 amp x5
LSI15 mains
LsiC center
LSIfx surround backs
Lsi7 side surrounds
SVS pb12/plus2
2 Channel Rig:
nad 1020 Pre-amp
Rotel 1080 stereo amp
Polk sda 2B
kenwood grunt Tuner
realistic lab 450 TT
Signal cable IC