puzzle - 1 receiver + 2 stereo amps + 2 Lsi25's and a sub = how to wire

Posts: 113
I think I have too many parts, and not enought knowhow. But this is a hobby after all and it keeps me out of trouble.:D
the parts are as follows.
1 each - Yamaharxv661
2 each - Lsi25 speakers
2 each - Audiosource amp 300 stereo amps (235 wpc)
currently I have the speakers hooked up from the 661 to a single amp in stereo, and the LFE split to each speaker. The problem with this set up is that I am missing the lower frequencies when listening to SACD and LP's - but I can controll the base via the 661 remote when listening to DTS and DD tracks.
I am thinking that a new sub would solve the problem, but in what configuration.
A:) can I use a single amp for each speaker (the amp is only 8 ohms bridged)? Could I split the right and left chanels and connect the two rights to the L+R in on an amp and connect the L+R out from the amp to the top and bottom speaker line in's of the speaker? - repeat for the left chanel. Would I leave the jumpers on or off? I know that I would then disconnect the LFE in and adjust the crossover with the dial on the back of the speaker.
If the A option were possible - I was thinking about picking up a PSW1000 to add in.
B:) would It be better to just split the L+R rca out from the receiver and put one in to the amp - use only one amp and send the split rca to the line in on the back of the speaker. I now that the receiver would have to be set to SUB=no unless there was an added sub.
If the option B were better - could I power and SVS 16-46 CS or an SVS 20-39 CS with the other amp300?
Thank you in advance for any imput.
the parts are as follows.
1 each - Yamaharxv661
2 each - Lsi25 speakers
2 each - Audiosource amp 300 stereo amps (235 wpc)
currently I have the speakers hooked up from the 661 to a single amp in stereo, and the LFE split to each speaker. The problem with this set up is that I am missing the lower frequencies when listening to SACD and LP's - but I can controll the base via the 661 remote when listening to DTS and DD tracks.
I am thinking that a new sub would solve the problem, but in what configuration.
A:) can I use a single amp for each speaker (the amp is only 8 ohms bridged)? Could I split the right and left chanels and connect the two rights to the L+R in on an amp and connect the L+R out from the amp to the top and bottom speaker line in's of the speaker? - repeat for the left chanel. Would I leave the jumpers on or off? I know that I would then disconnect the LFE in and adjust the crossover with the dial on the back of the speaker.
If the A option were possible - I was thinking about picking up a PSW1000 to add in.
B:) would It be better to just split the L+R rca out from the receiver and put one in to the amp - use only one amp and send the split rca to the line in on the back of the speaker. I now that the receiver would have to be set to SUB=no unless there was an added sub.
If the option B were better - could I power and SVS 16-46 CS or an SVS 20-39 CS with the other amp300?
Thank you in advance for any imput.
media room: Lsi25 mains driven by an audiosource amp300, LSi9's driven by another amp300, LsiC drivin by an audiosourcAmp200, Lsi7 rear channels driven by receiver - Yamaha 863, Panamax 5300, epson 6100 w/ 106" elite cinatension2 screen, HPz555 media center, oppo 980, techniques SLbd3 turntable,xbox and ps3,
living room: VM30 mains driven by a niles 2125, VM20 center and VM10 surrounds, velodyne dsp10, yamaha rxv661, cambridge audio dvd89, panamax5300, philips 42" plasma
media room: Lsi25 mains driven by an audiosource amp300, LSi9's driven by another amp300, LsiC drivin by an audiosourcAmp200, Lsi7 rear channels driven by receiver - Yamaha 863, Panamax 5300, epson 6100 w/ 106" elite cinatension2 screen, HPz555 media center, oppo 980, techniques SLbd3 turntable,xbox and ps3,
living room: VM30 mains driven by a niles 2125, VM20 center and VM10 surrounds, velodyne dsp10, yamaha rxv661, cambridge audio dvd89, panamax5300, philips 42" plasma
Post edited by lumpy on
Using the Yamaha as a pre-amp, use one power amp as a stereo 2-channel amp, or 2 separate amps (one per channel) as monoblocks. you can run your powered sub from the yami 7.1 LFE pre-out portal on the back. If you add surround speakers, center speaker, etc., you can drive those speakers directly from the Yamaha as well. make sure you have good ventilation and cooling for those amps. Depending on your use, SVS, or HSU might be more bang for your buck (and highe quality) on the sub-w. Good luck.[
JMO, but I'd opt for B, and add a sub. That way, your pretty much guaranteed to get the bass, regardless of configuration. If you got the space and $, add a 2nd cd/dvdp source, and assign the inputs for stereo/ HT respectively. That way you don't have to keep reconfiguring between formats. Yeah, I'm lazy.I refuse to argue with idiots, because people can't tell the DIFFERENCE!