Future Plans, your input?

Posts: 11
So I have begun to convert my room into a HT/Game room but I need input. The room is 13x10 and square. Doesn't have a door because I took it off since it was a cheap plastic slider that constantly tipped over, and the "seats" are actually my bed. Ive drawn up some floor plans(mind you their just MSPaint that I just drew up). My thoughts are RTi A9 for fronts, CSi A6 center, RTi A3 rears, and a SVS PC12-NSD sub. My question is would a pair of FXi A6 surrounds speakers be a waste in this room?. The bed is up against the wall so I cant use rears as....rears. So fellow Polkies. 7.1 or 5.1?



Post edited by Metal_Sonic on
In a room that size, 7.1 would probably degrade your sound quality rather than improving it really. If you can't place the speakers properly, it's not really worth it. I'd just stick with 5.1. You won't really be missing out on a lot anyway, as there are very few releases that are even in 7.1 currently. I use 7.1 all the time during movies, using my receiver to convert it though, and I don't think I could go back to 5.1 now, I have the room for it though...Like I said, speaker placement is critical. An improperly placed 7.1 setup is going to sound much worse than a properly placed 5.1 setup.
What are you going to be using to power it? Those A9's are fairly power hungry speakers, and depending on what you're going to be powering them with you might want to look into one of the smaller RTi series floorstanders. In a room that size the A9's might almost be overkill...not that they'd sound bad or anything.
That should be a nice sounding system though. I'm looking into getting one of those SVS subs too, except I'm probably going to end up going with the PB10-NSD.
By the way, welcome to Club Polk.:)The nirvana inducer-
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Marantz UD5005 universal player
Parasound Halo P5 preamp
Parasound HCA-1200II power amp
PolkAudio LSi9's/PolkAudio SDA 2A's/PolkAudio Monitor 7A's
Audioquest Speaker Cables and IC's -
Yea I thought 7.1 would be overkill in this room. I have a Onkyo 806 to power everything, I do plan to get an amp but not in the foreseeable future, maybe during the next case of upgraditis. I honestly cannot pick between the RTi A5 and A9. It might have to come down to whatever comes on Polks ebay store first. Thanks, nice place here.
With that room size you might really be better off going with the A5's...those are still some excellent speakers. The A9's might be a little overpowering in that small of a room.
The Onkyo 806 would do a great job powering the A5's as well...the A9's, maybe not quite so well. The A9's take a lot more power to really be driven efficiently. That SVS sub will be taking care of all your low end anyway...so the lack of bass drivers on the A5 wouldn't be to huge of an issue.
You'd be able to save a few bucks going that route to, and maybe be able to save up for that amp a little quicker even. You'll always be able to upgrade to the A9's in the future if you want to.The nirvana inducer-
APC H10 Power Conditioner
Marantz UD5005 universal player
Parasound Halo P5 preamp
Parasound HCA-1200II power amp
PolkAudio LSi9's/PolkAudio SDA 2A's/PolkAudio Monitor 7A's
Audioquest Speaker Cables and IC's