Dsw pro 500,600

Toolfan66 Posts: 17,434
edited January 2009 in Speakers
I have not got my 500 yet,and getting a MICROPRO is out of my range right now. i was wondering if anybody here owns one of the two,and how you feel about them.i have been reading other posts,and i get the feeling there are not a alot of fans with polk's sub's.
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  • comfortablycurt
    comfortablycurt Posts: 6,745
    edited January 2009
    Polks subs in the past have usually been fairly subpar in comparison to other subs, but the DSW series is starting to remedy that. I've never heard the DSWPro 500, but I have heard the 600. I was pretty impressed by it. Not as good as the MicroPro's obviously, but the price tag is a little smaller than the Micro's as well...lol

    A lot of people still just assume that the DSW's are the same as Polks past subs...they are leaps and bounds better though. I compared a PSW1000 to a DSW600 a while back at my local A/V shop. They have dedicated listening rooms for demoing speakers and stuff too, so it was a pretty controlled realistic setting. The DSW blew the PSW1000 out of the water in my opinion.

    There are a few people around who own DSWPro's though, I'm sure they'll chip in.

    By the way...TOOL KICKS ****!! I'm listening to Opiate at the moment actually.:)
    The nirvana inducer-
    APC H10 Power Conditioner
    Marantz UD5005 universal player
    Parasound Halo P5 preamp
    Parasound HCA-1200II power amp
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    Audioquest Speaker Cables and IC's
  • timlitton
    timlitton Posts: 289
    edited January 2009
    Tool DOES kick ****. I've seen them 5 times. 4 of them when they REALLY kicked **** before Lateralus came out.

    Sorry, anyway I'm looking to buy a micropro right now. It's hard finding people who have them! But they had a huge price drop at some of the Polk online retailers.
    Slowly emerging from the 90's
    Fronts: Polk LSi15's
    Center: Polk CS350ls
    Pre: Sony STRDA555ES
    Amp: Rotel RMB-1075
    Sub: Velodyne SPL-1000
    TV: 46" Sharp Aquos LCD
    Dust magnet: Sony PS3
  • leroyjr1
    leroyjr1 Posts: 8,785
    edited January 2009
    I owned the dsw 600 for a couple months and it's a good sub. It also depends on how much you pay for it. I think you can do better for the $600 retail price but if you can get a good deal on it then go for it. I've seen some dsw 600's on eBay for $400.
  • comfortablycurt
    comfortablycurt Posts: 6,745
    edited January 2009
    timlitton wrote: »
    Tool DOES kick ****. I've seen them 5 times. 4 of them when they REALLY kicked **** before Lateralus came out.

    Sorry, anyway I'm looking to buy a micropro right now. It's hard finding people who have them! But they had a huge price drop at some of the Polk online retailers.

    Lateralus kicks ****! I don't know what you're talking about...

    I'm gonna post another thread in the Clubhouse to explain part of my reasoning for that...it might change your mind a little bit. Check it out. ;)
    The nirvana inducer-
    APC H10 Power Conditioner
    Marantz UD5005 universal player
    Parasound Halo P5 preamp
    Parasound HCA-1200II power amp
    PolkAudio LSi9's/PolkAudio SDA 2A's/PolkAudio Monitor 7A's
    Audioquest Speaker Cables and IC's
  • Dawgfish
    Dawgfish Posts: 2,554
    edited January 2009
    I've got two 600s in my main system and a 500 in my bedroom. They are both great subs. I have no problem recommending either. Both are great for home theater and music. I would say the 500 is a tad tighter (they both produce nice, tight, clean, bass) and is thus a little better for music, while the 600 goes a little lower and is slightly better for home theater. You'll be more than happy with either one. I love the remote. I am one of those guys who is constantly turning the subs up one or two settings depending on application. The remote makes this a snap.
  • danlarson
    danlarson Posts: 89
    edited January 2009
    I also have the dsw500 and love it. You'llove the remote. Those A9s you have put out plenty too- make sure you run them full range and they'll kick some ****.
  • Toolfan66
    Toolfan66 Posts: 17,434
    edited January 2009
    danlarson wrote: »
    I also have the dsw500 and love it. You'llove the remote. Those A9s you have put out plenty too- make sure you run them full range and they'll kick some ****.

    hey i live in Littleton. like Kipling and Coalmine just saw your from Denver.

    Thanks to everybody for the heads up on the 500 and 600,my 500 should be here this week.