Fallout 3 - I'm PISSED!!!!

AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
edited 2009 24 in Video Games
I've been fighting with this thing all day long. I've tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling Windows, was about time to do that anyway.

Every time when I get the BB gun, I shoot the targets, then he tells me to shoot the radroach, then the game completely locks up - every goddamn time.

I've tried under Windows Vista and Windows 7, same thing every time. All my other games includijng Crysis run just fine.

I downloaded from Steam, I did get a message on the first launch that I had to turn Microsoft.net on in the control panel, and I did that...

I'm all out of ideas, any thoughts?
Post edited by AsSiMiLaTeD on


  • xand1x
    xand1x Posts: 11
    edited 2009 17
    Is this the only game that locks up on you? You may want to try adjusting some of the video settings in game and out of game (lower them if possible). It could be your video card causing the issue.
  • timmythugs
    timmythugs Posts: 71
    edited 2009 18
    go with console. Never have a problem.
  • Gaara
    Gaara Posts: 2,415
    edited 2009 18
    timmythugs wrote: »
    go with console. Never have a problem.

    Good idea. Definitely buy the inferior version of the product for more money.

    Have you tried playing around with the pagefile? I have had a few games freak out if the pagefile is to small, most notably Command & Conquer 3. It will just randomly lockup and close out.

    I assume you have the latest patch for the game...
  • metal83
    metal83 Posts: 1,219
    edited 2009 18
    timmythugs wrote: »
    go with console. Never have a problem.

    Though i do play Fallout 3 on a console (Xbox 360) and the latest patch fixed my issues, this game has definetly had it's fair share of problems on every platform.
  • MrNightly
    MrNightly Posts: 3,370
    edited 2009 18
    Gaara wrote: »
    Good idea. Definitely buy the inferior version of the product for more money.

    Have you tried playing around with the pagefile? I have had a few games freak out if the pagefile is to small, most notably Command & Conquer 3. It will just randomly lockup and close out.

    I assume you have the latest patch for the game...


    I have been a PC Man my entire life, so I know the ignorance you speak from :) I bought a PS3 in December, and I am not looking back! Sure, some games are better on the PC still (RTS, Strategy) but, FPS and sports just kick **** on the PS3. No comparison.

    Consoles aren't what they used to be.
    Honoured to be, an original SOPA founding member

    RTi12's - front
    CSi5 - center
    FXi3's - surrounds
    RTi4's - surrounds
    SVS PB12-NSD/2 - sub :D:D:D
    Denon 3805
    Rotel RB-985 5-Channel Amplifier

  • Gaara
    Gaara Posts: 2,415
    edited 2009 18
    MrNightly wrote: »

    I have been a PC Man my entire life, so I know the ignorance you speak from :) I bought a PS3 in December, and I am not looking back! Sure, some games are better on the PC still (RTS, Strategy) but, FPS and sports just kick **** on the PS3. No comparison.

    Consoles aren't what they used to be.

    I whole heatedly agree for most games, but Fallout 3 is noticeably improved on the PC. The PC version is graphically superior to the console versions and comes with additional content. timmythugs recommended to buy it on the console, which doesn't help the OP as he already has the best version, and is just having a issue.

    I to am a big console gamer and generally prefer games on console mainly due to the HT. I have a 360 and thoroughly enjoy games like Gears of War, Halo, COD4, etc. Can't wait for Killzone2, should be the game to finally get me to buy a PS3.
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited 2009 18
    Consoles don't compare to the PC in terms of graphics, if your PC has the balls to run the game with everything turned up. I don't believe there's an intelligent person on earth who'd dispute that point. Not that not all games are better on PC, but they have the potential to be.

    You used to be able to say that consoles are less glitchy, but in some cases that's not even true any longer. I've seen Fallout 3 on the 360 and my PC, there really is no comparison the PC is noticeably superior in the graphics department. You can 'argue' that all you want, but any objective test is going to prove that out.

    Back to the topic at hand, I found my issue.

    Apparently the game freaks out in some places when you're using customized controls. I don't play using the typical wasd setup, I always change my controls. Well, there are a couple parts in this game that freak out when you do that. For now, the solution is simple, change controls back to default, get past that part of the game, then change them back the way you want them.

    However, that limitation is unacceptable and needs to be patched, I've already written them about it.

    Thanks for the help everyone.
  • xsmi
    xsmi Posts: 1,798
    edited 2009 18
    2-channelBelles 22A Pre, Emotiva XPA-2 Gen 2, Marantz SA8005, Pro-Ject RPM-10 Turntable, Pro-Ject Phono Box DS3B, Polk Audio Legend L800's, AudioQuest Cable throughout.
  • fatchowmein
    fatchowmein Posts: 2,637
    edited 2009 19
    I'm running .Net 3.5 which should be backward compatible with all previous version on Vista, Q9300, 2GB RAM, and a HD 4850. I am running with an older patch. There is a new update as of 1/13/2009.

    What errors do you see in eventvwr?

    Maybe you should try uninstalling .Net and install 3.5? I would try the patch first though.

    Good luck.
  • Gaara
    Gaara Posts: 2,415
    edited 2009 24
    P.S. Not really a spoiler, but if you have your place in Megaton keep your gear in the fridge. No joke, not sure if it is a glitch or supposed to happen, but one of the Brotherhood of Steel will steal your stuff if it is in the normal cabinets. It is totally random, but I lost my Fatman that way. If you keep it in the fridge or Nuka-Cola machine, they don't seem to touch it.
  • alexbigalex
    alexbigalex Posts: 20
    edited 2009 24
    I have had Call of duty 5 lock up on me before...