I have a couple of questions....

Siddhartha Posts: 7
edited December 2008 in Vintage Speakers
1. After at least 14 years of storage, I powered up my 10As and one of the tweeters did not work. Is it likely that I will have to, or should, replace any other components due to the speaker's age?

2. I heard a pair of SDAs back when they first came out and wanted them bad but I was a poor college student... There are two pair of SDA-1a on ebay right now and I am tempted.

What are the watch outs for these speakers? I read somewhere that they need robust amplification to properly drive them. Any recommendations for amps\receivers for these speakers?

Post edited by Siddhartha on


  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited December 2008
    check to see if your monitor 10's have a fuse on the back of it.. if so.. it may just be a bad fuse. the fuse only protects the tweeter.

    if yours do not have a fuse. then the tweeter may have come unplugged over time.. in which case remove the 4 screws on the tweeter and check the connections. if nothing is wrong.. then remove the tweeter and touch the red and black terminals on the tweeter to a speaker wire at low volume level.
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • MillerLiteScott
    MillerLiteScott Posts: 2,564
    edited December 2008
    Also hold out for the later SDA series. Like the 1C, or 2B over the 1A

    I like speakers that are bigger than a small refrigerator but smaller than a big refrigerator:D
  • gdb
    gdb Posts: 6,012
    edited December 2008
    I've got 1As that sound very good and plan to upgrade them at a later date by going to a single tweeter per cabinet and using the new replacement RDOs. (available from Polk at a discount to forum members) These same tweeters should work in your Monitors. IF you ship/transport SDAs or Monitors, make sure that the 6.5" drivers are removed beforehand and carefully packed/padded/boxed separately to prevent their being destroyed by jarring the magnets loose!! I paid approx. $265 for my 1As and have no regrets although I later found some SRSIIs which I like a lot more.
    Good luck!!:)