Happy Birthday Trey!

F1nut Posts: 51,000
edited February 2024 in Clubhouse Archives
Let's party!
Political Correctness'.........defined

"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

President of Club Polk

Post edited by RyanC_Masimo on


  • madmax
    madmax Posts: 12,434
    edited January 2003
    Happy birthday!
    Let us know what you get!
    Vinyl, the final frontier...

    Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want... :D
  • Frank Z
    Frank Z Posts: 5,860
    edited January 2003
    I'm singin' Happy Birthday to ya...and I sound so good even ATC would like it!!
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
  • nellis8166
    nellis8166 Posts: 292
    edited January 2003
    Happy Birthday Trey...hopefully you get some $ to buy new goodies.

    SVS PB12-ISD2

    Denon 2106(pre/pro)
    Adcom 5503(200x3)

    Audioquest Diamondback ICS
    Kimber Kable 8tc biwire(mains and center)

    "Don't let your silly dreams fall in between the crack of the bed and the wall."
    -J. James
  • MxStYlEpOlKmAn
    MxStYlEpOlKmAn Posts: 2,116
    edited January 2003
    thank ya, thank ya tour2ma for the ecard. that was funny, I get around 300 dollars torwards a new receiver, and i get to go to a hockey game and i get to go skiing! WOO HOO!
    Damn you all, damn you all to hell.......
    I promised myself
    No more speakers. None. Nada. And then you posted this!!!!
    Damn you all! - ATC
  • HBombToo
    HBombToo Posts: 5,256
    edited January 2003
    Happy BDay Bud.

  • Tour2ma
    Tour2ma Posts: 10,177
    edited January 2003
    Where'd Trey come from?

    Hey, glad you had a good one Sid, and enjoyed the card...

    Way to go, I was not seeing thread at first and was concerned nobody remembered our lil' Bud... (and after he'd been dropping hints for about a week, no less).
    Class move... ;)
    More later,
    Vox Copuli
    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. - Old English Proverb

    "Death doesn't come with a Uhaul." - Dennis Gardner

    "It's easy to get lost in price vs performance vs ego vs illusion." - doro
    "There is a certain entertainment value in ripping the occaisonal (sic) buttmunch..." - TroyD
  • MxStYlEpOlKmAn
    MxStYlEpOlKmAn Posts: 2,116
    edited January 2003
    welp, my name is trey - sid is just a nickname troy(?) gave me over a time
    Damn you all, damn you all to hell.......
    I promised myself
    No more speakers. None. Nada. And then you posted this!!!!
    Damn you all! - ATC
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,000
    edited January 2003

    You too, brotha, you too!
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk