impressed with all you all

dave shepard
dave shepard Posts: 1,334
Ever since I bought my first system this past Christmas I can't seem to stop looking and reading these posts. My wife has been getting the bug also with buying DVD's and reading the formats. We plan to buy another house withen the next year and have already started planning the lay-out of a dedecated theater room. I can't but help wondering what the Dr. does for a living cause he sure has some impressive knowledge about what it takes along with scott and others. I sure will look into svs sub's in the new theater and was wondering if they shake the walls as well as produce quality at all levels or do you have to turn them up for different needs (audio vs dvd vs radio). Looking at the past thead on svs sub's has made me very courious about them.
Also scotts center set-up has got me drolling too.


Post edited by dave shepard on


  • scottvamp
    scottvamp Posts: 3,277
    edited January 2003
    Hi Dave, glad to see ya write. SVS makes very good subs. I believe Dr. Spec has a couple. Thanks for the nice words. Congrats on the first system - what a great start. I am happy to hear you and the wife enjoying it. Dedicated Hometheater is very exciting - I really enjoyed planning and building mine. Hope to hear more from ya Dave.

    Take Care, scott
  • joe logston
    joe logston Posts: 882
    edited January 2003
    dave welcome to the forum, i see you got the home theater bug, good to see you and the wife here.
    . rt-7 mains
    rt-20p surounds
    cs-400i front center
    cs-350 ls rear center
    2 energy take 5, efects
    2- psw-650 , subs
    1- 15" audiosource sub

    lets all go to the next ces.
  • Dr. Spec
    Dr. Spec Posts: 3,780
    edited January 2003
    We all learn from each other and from many other great sites and forums. I learned a lot from the senior guys in here. We all have different strengths and collectively I think we have a pretty interesting and varied group of enthusiasts. One thing I know for's never a dull moment. Welcome to the Club.
    "What we do in life echoes in eternity"

    Ed Mullen (
    Director - Technology and Customer Service
  • Ron-P
    Ron-P Posts: 8,520
    edited January 2003
    Welcome Dave!

    Peace Out~:D
    Ron dislikes a film = go out and buy it.
    Ron loves a film = don't even rent.
  • nellis8166
    nellis8166 Posts: 292
    edited January 2003
    Welcom Dave!!! I got into this about a month ago and I spend way to much time here...I love it...wife...not so much.

    SVS PB12-ISD2

    Denon 2106(pre/pro)
    Adcom 5503(200x3)

    Audioquest Diamondback ICS
    Kimber Kable 8tc biwire(mains and center)

    "Don't let your silly dreams fall in between the crack of the bed and the wall."
    -J. James