Resistance 2

edossin4 Posts: 105
edited March 2009 in Video Games
What a fantastic game. I have been having a blast on single player. This game really looks and sounds great. I haven't tried the multiplayer yet but everything I've heard sounds good. Anyone else get this yet?
Onkyo Tx sr805
Oppo Dv-981hd
Onkyo Dv cp704
Adcom Gfa 555
Adcom Gfa 545
Polk Audio rti 12
Polk Audio cs400i
Polk Audio fx300i
Panasonic 54" rear projection

Post edited by edossin4 on


  • acsubie
    acsubie Posts: 773
    edited November 2008
    i've had it for 3 days and am embarassed to admit i have yet to open it, played the new 007 for a couple hours and have not touched the PS3 since other than to play a couple movies...plan on spending a good portion of the weekend playing it and will touch base with my thoughts then
    BIZILL Posts: 5,432
    edited November 2008
    it's out already?

    POLK SDA-SRS 1.2TL -- ADCOM GFA-5802
    ONKYO TX-SR805
    SUB: SVS PB12-PLUS/2 (12.3 series)

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    bobman1235 wrote:
    I have no facts to back that up, but I never let facts get in the way of my arguments.
  • acsubie
    acsubie Posts: 773
    edited November 2008
    released this tuesday the 4th
  • Willow
    Willow Posts: 11,084
    edited November 2008
    I bought R1 and played it, yes it was ok is the 2nd one that much better?
  • edossin4
    edossin4 Posts: 105
    edited November 2008
    I haven't played the first one but all the reviews say this one blows the other one out of the water. From what I've seen it really does.
    Onkyo Tx sr805
    Oppo Dv-981hd
    Onkyo Dv cp704
    Adcom Gfa 555
    Adcom Gfa 545
    Polk Audio rti 12
    Polk Audio cs400i
    Polk Audio fx300i
    Panasonic 54" rear projection
    Direct HDTV DVR

  • lanion
    lanion Posts: 843
    edited November 2008
    The multiplayer is excellent -- very streamlined! The objective based team games are a blast, and the upgrades you get as you level up are cool, but not as devastating as in COD4 (like... P90 = win once you hit level 40). -- if anyone wants to play or start a clan or something my PSN is Lanion and I have a headset!

    I have not tried the 8 player co-op but that looks very fun.
    My Iron Man training/charity blog.

    32" Sharp LCD. H/K dpr 1001 to Outlaw Audio 7900 to Polk LSi + Paradigm Studio center. Hsu DualDrive ULS-15. PS3/Wii. Outlaw 7900.
  • lanion
    lanion Posts: 843
    edited November 2008
    edossin4 wrote: »
    I haven't played the first one but all the reviews say this one blows the other one out of the water. From what I've seen it really does.

    The game's story is good, but you don't need to have played the previous one to enjoy this one.

    The story is really simple... one man gets infected with the Chimera virus but fuses with it, or something like that, so there is not a ton of detail. However, the presentation of the story in Resistance 1 was what made it good. Great atmosphere, lots of stuff you learn about the Chimera, etc... but nothing in the way of character development or complex plot like in Halo that will leave you confused.
    My Iron Man training/charity blog.

    32" Sharp LCD. H/K dpr 1001 to Outlaw Audio 7900 to Polk LSi + Paradigm Studio center. Hsu DualDrive ULS-15. PS3/Wii. Outlaw 7900.
  • sdcfan19
    sdcfan19 Posts: 56
    edited December 2008
    Just finished this afternoon. Overall, a good game but not great. Having not played the first one, I was a little lost with the back story, but as mentioned before, it wasn't really a big deal. Good video, but audio was a little off. In the past, I've cranked Halo 3 and COD4 and have enjoyed to audio that goes along with a good gun fight. This title didn't have the punch that is usually brought out with a good system. Not sure what it was, it was just didn't sounds as good.

    Overall I would rate the game a solid 7.5/10
    Graphics would be 8/10
    Audio would be 6.5/10

    An enjoyable time for anyone that will be playing this the morning of the 25th. Enjoy!
    Samsung Plasma (50A530)
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    D-Box Sub
    Harmony 880
    Acoustic Research/Rocketfish cabling
  • Hardtail67
    Hardtail67 Posts: 52
    edited December 2008
    Hmmmm, I thought the audio was really good. Especially the surround..........
  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited March 2009
    Been renting this for the past few days. Decent shooter. I think the whole WWII meets aliens concept is stupid, especially when they throw away everything from that era except for some human cars. Anyways, it fun. Cool weapons, and I really like the outdoor levels. Very pretty graphics. Will try multiplayer later.
  • CaligulaPolk
    CaligulaPolk Posts: 1,650
    edited March 2009
    Anyone playing R2 tonight? Im playing and any polkie wanna join, my PSN is

    I am 100% BORN DEAF and No I am not kidding! :D Why am I here? My wife's hearing! :p

    My Home Theater Rig || Television: 58" Panasonic TH-58PZ800U Viera Plasma || Power Conditioner: Power Monster HTS 3600 MKII || Receiver: Onkyo TX-SR805 || Blu-Ray/Gaming: 60 Gigabytes Playstation 3 || Amplifier: Emotiva XPA-5 || Fronts: Polk Audio RT800i || Center: Polk Audio CS245i || Surrounds: TBA|| Subwoofer: TBA