burn to blu-ray question

polktiger Posts: 556
edited September 2008 in Music & Movies
I have been reading over on AVS, and am getting far too much detail. I was hoping someone could tell me the simple feasability of the following -

I was thinking to build a new PC that will also pull duty as a DVR. Now, I also want the DVR element to be HD. I also want to be able to record to disk (blu-ray or DVD) something I record on the PC based DVR. Nothing all that exotic. Basically I haven't had a VCR in 3 years, I don't want to buy a DVR since few have the ability to output to a disk and I am not sure any will output HD to a disk. Since I will be building a new PC soon anyway, I figured I could buy the necessary components and let it be my DVR solution. (Note, it may also end up being by home surveliance system DVR too, which I would also look to burn to disk.)

On AVS, the threads are 100s of pages long and seem to be in several different areas. Before I read all that I wanted to simply find out if what I want to do is possible (makes me wonder since there seems to be no HD DVRs that record to disk). I don't need to know if I can crack rented blu-ray discs and copy them or stuff like that. All I want is a modern VCR substitute. But, I thought I read somewhere that the HD signals include some kind of encryption that prevents you from recording it.:confused: