Satelite Cable
Posts: 188
Can we do anything with Time Warner satellite cable. I had a dish a few years back. I remember the guy installing it telling me that the cable he was burring in my yard had a habit of disappearing because of its high quality. I had forgotten all about the almost 200 feet of it that is in my yard until I was mowing the other day and saw the tip of it still attached to the post that I have been meaning to rip out. Would it be any good for DIY interconnects? I am sure it would pull up and clean up easily.
And I mean calling all cars, blackhawk down, mushroom cloud, Three Mile Island, lock the door behind you kind of mad.:mad:
Post edited by paymontna on
I'm haven't heard anything about it, but it is probably ok stuff. I can't imaging them giving you anything high quality, but it also has to work well and reliably. If you wanted to make some ICs out of it, I bet it would work fine. There also might be a model number or something printed on the cable that might give you more information about it. I would do it, but I also like projects.
It's probably double shielded RG-6. Good stuff. Can be used for interconnects or anything else that requires coax, or sold on ebay.