Matt Lauer claims "rogue bear" in Anchorage: Idiot!

pmckeealaska Posts: 808
edited July 2008 in The Clubhouse
I saw on the today show the other morning that Matt Lauer claims we have a "rogue bear" on the loose here in Anchorage after a woman was mauled during an all night bike race in town. This supports my belief that this man is an idiot. The agency I work for just got through with a study with the state fish and game department to determine the number of grizzly bears using the areas around the city in the summer and we found out that there are a minimum of 36 bears! A huge number to be in a city of 250,000 people. They have more or less tolerated people for years with few problems but the minute someone gets hurt then all of the yahoos in town start calling for blood. I never cease to be amazed by the human capaciity for hyperbole when it comes to bears. Anyway, just needed to vent.
Music and Movie Rig

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LSiFX Surrounds
Rotel RB 1080 2-Channel Amp
NAD T763 Reciever
Denon DVD 2900 Universal Player

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Audioquest CV-8 speaker cables
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Monster AVS 2000 Voltage Stabilizer
Playstation 3 120GB Slim
Post edited by pmckeealaska on


  • strider
    strider Posts: 2,568
    edited July 2008
    I dunno. To me, a rogue bear would mean one that is encroaching on land that people rightfully own and occupy. We explore and improve the land for our use, we shouldn't need to worry about wildlife interfering with us, no matter where we are in the world.
  • strider
    strider Posts: 2,568
    edited July 2008
    Man, I tried to keep it up for as long as I could.

    I'm messing with you. I am absolutely and whole heartedly jealous that you live and work in Alaska. I'm the most content in life when I'm in the middle of honest-to-God wilderness, feeling completely insiginificant in the grand scheme of things. Really makes one humble when you realize that you're not on the top of the food chain any more.

    Matt Lauer is an idiot.
  • pmckeealaska
    pmckeealaska Posts: 808
    edited July 2008
    Oh man I read your first post and thought "this guy has got to be kidding"! Yes, I am very lucky to live and work in Alaska. My job as a biologist has allowed me to go to some of the most beautiful and amazing places I have ever seen anywhere in the world. Alaska truly is the last great wilderness in the U.S. I cant imagine living anywhere else!
    Music and Movie Rig

    Samsung 40" HDTV 1080p
    LSi25 Front Speakers
    LSiC Center Channel
    LSiFX Surrounds
    Rotel RB 1080 2-Channel Amp
    NAD T763 Reciever
    Denon DVD 2900 Universal Player

    Audiosource 10 Band Digital Equalizer
    Audioquest CV-8 speaker cables
    Audioquest Sub-X subwoofer cables
    Audioquest King Cobra Interconnects

    Monster AVS 2000 Voltage Stabilizer
    Playstation 3 120GB Slim
  • shack
    shack Posts: 11,154
    edited July 2008
    Lauer and every one of those fluff talking heads on morning TV are total idiots. All they want to do is to turn EVERY TOPIC into a an issue of world porportions, or catastrophies or tragedy or earth shattering injustice or the **** SKY IS FALLING. My wife turns that crap on every morning and I try to avoid hearing any of it except for the local weather and traffic. What a pile of garbage that stuff is. I wouldn't even purposely turn that show on to see Lauer hump Couric and whoever the current cute airhead is in a three-way.

    End of rant....
    "Just because you’re offended doesn’t mean you’re right." - Ricky Gervais

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    "Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." - Bernard Berenson
  • skipf
    skipf Posts: 694
    edited July 2008
    Never had any problems with the bears in Anchorage. Now the moose are a different story. Dang near got run over by one of those one day on the Seward Hwy in front of the lumber yard. They would get a bit testy when you wanted to play through on the golf course too. I found more rouge humans in Alaska than animals.:D
  • 66chevyIISS
    66chevyIISS Posts: 857
    edited July 2008
    I lost Interest in this after I realized the title was Rogue Bear and not Rogue BEER :D
    My Home Theater (WIP):
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  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited July 2008
    The bears can smell the menstruation...
  • concealer404
    concealer404 Posts: 7,440
    edited July 2008
    Do you require assistance? Bear ****!!!
    I don't read the newsssspaperssss because dey aaaallllllllll...... have ugly print.

    Living Room: B&K Reference 5 S2 / Parasound HCA-1000A / Emotiva XDA-2 / Pioneer BDP-51FD / Paradigm 11se MKiii

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  • obieone
    obieone Posts: 5,077
    edited July 2008
    Calling Lauer an idiot is giving him WAY too much credit.
    I refuse to argue with idiots, because people can't tell the DIFFERENCE!
  • mrbigbluelight
    mrbigbluelight Posts: 9,897
    edited July 2008
    If any of them thar rogue Alaskan bears show up in my back yard, I'll shoot 'em !

    Matt needs to call Katie Couric and tell her he needs his testicles back.
    Sal Palooza
  • zingo
    zingo Posts: 11,258
    edited July 2008
    Did the rogue bear look like this?
