please help new to this

that1guy1120 Posts: 9
edited June 2008 in Speakers
Hey well im going to pick up some subs and i want something that really bumps hard. I found 2 things that im interested in but i dont know which is better.


2 15" audio bahns:

or these

3 10" inch jl audios:


could some one tell me the pros and cons of each please thanks!
Post edited by that1guy1120 on


  • BeRad
    BeRad Posts: 736
    edited June 2008
    Firstly, you are going to get different sound from 2 15's then 3 10's even if they are the identical sub, just different size. You need to specify how you want your bass to sound (you want more SQ or more SPL?),
    *** just re-read, you seem to want more SPL so I'd recommend a ported box with 2 12's or 15's, but if you have the power, you might want to look for a better sub than Audiobahns.****
    It might help to list what the rest of your system is going to be as well.

    Which model of JL's are those. There is a big difference from a 10w0 to a 10w3 v2. :)

    You will get more usefull information if you post in the Car Audio section of the forums.
    (JL has typically been a higher rated sub than audiobahn and has always had a presence among IASCA champions for years.) But that is an opinion on the brand, not the model.

    Hope you can make sense of my half awake, poorly structured, drivel. :)
    Welcome and good luck in your decision.
  • Face
    Face Posts: 14,340
    edited June 2008
    Did Ray Charles drill the mounting holes for the drivers?
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." Friedrich Nietzsche
  • BeRad
    BeRad Posts: 736
    edited June 2008
    LOL I just noticed that. :D

    Be careful who you trust with a home-built enclosure. Overall volume is very specific to each sub and affects the sound. Thing needs to be properly sealed as well :)
  • that1guy1120
    that1guy1120 Posts: 9
    edited June 2008
    what subs u talkin bout whe u say
    Did Ray Charles drill the mounting holes for the drivers?

    and what is you want more SQ or more SPL?),

    i just want best over all sound this is my first step into getting a system and i just want to bump nice

    thank you all for your input.
  • TNRabbit
    TNRabbit Posts: 2,168
    edited June 2008
    "Did Ray Charles drill the mounting holes for the drivers?"

    He was referring to the right sub on the JL Audios. It is CROOKED!!

    JL Audio are MILES ahead of Audiobahn in both SPL and SQ. Go for the JL's.
    NO Polk Audio Equipment :eek:
    Sunfire TG-IV
    Ashly 1001 Active Crossover
    Rane PEQ-15 Parametric Equalizers x 2
    Sunfire Cinema Grand Signature Seven
    Carver AL-III Speakers
    Klipsch RT-12d Subwoofer
  • MillerLiteScott
    MillerLiteScott Posts: 2,564
    edited June 2008
    They look like the 10wO's to me.
    I like speakers that are bigger than a small refrigerator but smaller than a big refrigerator:D
  • BeRad
    BeRad Posts: 736
    edited June 2008
    SPL = Sound pressure level ***I THINK***
    It is basically how loud you want the bass to be

    SQ = Sound Quality, basically self-explanitory
  • that1guy1120
    that1guy1120 Posts: 9
    edited June 2008
    sinnce the right sub is crooked is that gonna effects its sound or performance. Ill probably just end up going with the 3 10"s. Sound good?
  • TNRabbit
    TNRabbit Posts: 2,168
    edited June 2008
    Won't affect the sound; just a sign of crappy workmanship...take a good look at the rest of it, particularly the connections inside.
    NO Polk Audio Equipment :eek:
    Sunfire TG-IV
    Ashly 1001 Active Crossover
    Rane PEQ-15 Parametric Equalizers x 2
    Sunfire Cinema Grand Signature Seven
    Carver AL-III Speakers
    Klipsch RT-12d Subwoofer
  • that1guy1120
    that1guy1120 Posts: 9
    edited June 2008
    will a mono amp work with all 3 of those subs?
  • amulford
    amulford Posts: 5,020
    edited June 2008
    sure, as long as you wire them up correctly
  • TNRabbit
    TNRabbit Posts: 2,168
    edited June 2008
    will a mono amp work with all 3 of those subs?

    That depends on what what resistance the woofers are and what the amp will take. Assuming that these are 8 ohms each (which they SHOULD be for a triple setup), wired in parallel this will net you a resistance of 2.33 ohms (resistance divided by # of speakers).
    NO Polk Audio Equipment :eek:
    Sunfire TG-IV
    Ashly 1001 Active Crossover
    Rane PEQ-15 Parametric Equalizers x 2
    Sunfire Cinema Grand Signature Seven
    Carver AL-III Speakers
    Klipsch RT-12d Subwoofer